At some point, a virtual world different from the real world appeared in the depths of the network created by humans. This world also has continents and oceans like the earth in the human world, but everything in it exists in computer space. Therefore, this world is called the digital world.

The creatures living in the digital world call themselves Digimon. They are a group of information creatures composed of data, or they can be considered as walking data.

This virtual world is currently managed by the Expected Stabilizer named Constancy. In order to better maintain the stability of the Digimon world, Constancy created a group of creatures called"agents" and gave them human appearance and almost eternal life, so that they can help themselves manage the entire Digimon world, and also cooperate with some Digimon who are inclined to light to fight against the possible return of darkness.

The following are some words written by some agents in their spare time.

Digital calendar 31XXX year, weather: bright

After the digital world experienced 20,000 years of disorder and 10,000 years of high-pressure rule, the mainframe that had become an empty shell was finally abandoned and closed. Although everything is in ruins, under the guidance of the constancy of tolerance, this digital world will surely become brighter and more stable... as long as we can defeat the darkness that may come back at any time.

By the way, I learned from humans to use a diary to record the important experiences in my life, which may add some different surprises to our long but boring life.

——Excerpt from a certain agent's initial memory.

Digital calendar year 34XXX, weather: light turns dark.

Darkness has finally returned. Those damn evil Digimon that escaped from the dark area, I will definitely destroy you all!

Humph, do you really think the Nightmare Army can be invincible? We are all Vaccine and Holy Digimon, which will definitely help us to be invincible! Even if it is the Clown King, I am not afraid of him!

However, the recent actions of the Iron Empire are really strange. They recalled a large number of Transformed Dragon Digimon. What exactly are they going to do?

——The owner of the diary died in the war with the Joker King, so there is no follow-up.

Digital calendar 37X01, weather: lost

The companion in charge of managing the Digi-eggs reported that a Digi-egg had fallen into the real world through the gate of the cyber world. In order to prevent this Digi-egg from breaking the balance between the real world and the digital world, Constancy urgently ordered all agents to search for the location of the egg on the Internet.

Digital calendar 37X05, weather: found

Since the last Digi-egg was lost, the agent has searched for 3 years, 11 months, 15 days, 2 hours, 18 minutes and 45 seconds, and finally confirmed that its location is near the light hill in the real world. After learning the whole story, Constancy decided to send the perfect Parrotmon to the real world immediately to bring it back.

At first, we were very puzzled by Constancy's decision.

As a powerful fighting force carrying a sacred ring, not letting it go to the front battlefield to fight against the dark forces, but instead taking an egg home... Is this decision a bit too much of a waste of talent?

It was not until later that the companion in charge of managing the network signal told me the details that I realized how stupid my idea was.

That egg actually evolved into Agumon.

Four years... No, if it is calculated according to the time in the real world, the time it took for this egg to hatch and evolve into Agumon was only... 24 hours!

Oh my god, this evolution speed is too scary!

Digital calendar 37X06, weather: bright

Parrotmon successfully brought the egg back on the 300th day after leaving, and the egg had degenerated into Rollermon again.

Constancy believes that Rollermon seems to have a special light in its body, so it wants us to study it.

By the way, I also saw Parrotmon, who was seriously injured. Both of its wings were broken, one of its sacred rings was broken, and the lower part of its beak was completely shattered, bleeding profusely.

It is said that it was not Agumon who beat it like this, but... a mature Tyrannosaurus! After spending more than five hours in the real world, did it evolve again? At this moment, I seem to know why Constancy wants to study this Rollermon... No, it should be Tyrannosaurus.

Digital calendar year 37X08, weather: light

Two years have passed since the research on Rollermon, and we have gained a lot.

The power of the human child's heart has finally been confirmed. Combined with the"Sacred Plan" proposed by Constancy, I think we finally have hope to fight against the darkness.

The power of the human child's heart, a partner Digimon with matching attributes, the Sacred Plan, and the badge and evolution key for amplifying the heart pattern... As long as we can make these things, we will definitely be able to defeat the darkness!

By the way, the twin Digimon that was lost from another gate to the real world last time was finally found, and it has evolved from an egg to Chugumon in a very short time.

When it came back, it kept crying and wanted to find Gummymon and another human. In order to stop it from doing this, Constancy gave it the same order as Rollermon before: deep hypnosis and then observation and research.

Digital calendar year 37X18, weather: light turns dark

We have been studying Rollermon and Chugumon for ten years.

During these ten years, in order to facilitate research, they were awake very few times.

Surprisingly, even with so little data to grow, they both managed to evolve.

Chugumon evolved into BlackTitsmon, and Rollermon evolved into... an Agumon with slightly large nostrils.

We once asked Constancy if these two Digimon could be our hope against the darkness, but we didn't get a response.

Digital Year 37X9X, Weather: Riot

That guy... has been pretending for decades!

Just now, it suddenly burst out with all its strength, evolving from Agumon into an unknown subspecies of Tyrannosaurus, and destroyed the entire laboratory.

Its spikes and teeth are much sharper than those of ordinary Tyrannosaurus, and its combat power is extremely terrifying, even comparable to that of the Perfect Form! It was not until it completed its evolution and cruelly tore off BlackTitsmon's two ears that we realized that it had already awakened and even had the ability to evolve again.

The reason why it waited until now was just to wait for us to relax our guard, and at the same time... wait for BlackTitsmon to reach the edge of evolution.

At the moment of evolution, Digimon must mobilize the power in the digital core to merge with external data. The ferocious Tyrannosaurus seized the opportunity at that moment, tore off the two ears of BigEarsMon, and successfully took away the genetic data in its body!

Then, BigEarsMon, who woke up because of the pain, evolved into the terrifying-looking Yundimon driven by anger and hatred, and began to destroy the entire laboratory together with the previous Tyrannosaurus, causing us heavy losses. The culprit of all this, Tyrannosaurus, took advantage of the special space opened by Yundimon's inadvertent use of the other-dimensional travel to leave the laboratory and escaped!

It is really too cunning... Is the orange dragon skin wrapped in an evil human soul?

Oh, right... I may have to stop here. My hiding place has been discovered by the violent Yundimon. If someone can pick up this diary…

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