"Going out to sea? Are you going to the server continent?" Ogremon was shocked."It's quite far there. Hmm... It seems that we need to build a sturdy boat. Okay, don't worry, I will go and catch... uh, find helpers, and I promise to help you as soon as possible!"

"Thank you very much." Taiyi smiled and nodded,"Also, if you want to go to the server continent, you can find a way yourself. You just fought with us, and it would be a bit inappropriate to cross the sea with us right away."

"Don't worry about that. It's just a ship. There's no difference between building one and building two!"Ogamon roared confidently, and then he swung his bone club to chop down the tree.

"Oh my... this guy is unexpectedly a man of action." Taichi couldn't help but nod his head in approval of Ogremon's performance, although his brain was indeed a little hard to talk about. Taichi later looked through Ogremon's information. This Digimon clan did have the setting of"high IQ", but unfortunately the one he met was an exception.

However, Ogremon was also thick-skinned and strong. Not only was he strong and able to do heavy work, but most importantly, he could take a beating, so he was considered a pretty good laborer... uh, Taichi meant a barely qualified companion.

"Is this really okay?" Leomon on the side hesitated for a moment, and finally asked,"It was your enemy just now, and it's a virus-type Digimon. Can you trust it without reservation?"

"Ogremon and you are an old enemy, I think you should understand its nature." Taichi's tone was very calm and very firm,"I believe that as long as I live up to it, it will never betray me! As for attributes, that kind of thing has never been in my consideration."

"So, you just took it in right in front of me, without worrying that I would tell the other kids around you?"

"The mouth is on your body, it is your freedom to speak or not"

"I understand..." Leomon sighed inwardly,"Taichi, to me, justice is justice, and evil is always evil. These two things have been clearly distinguished since ancient times, and they must not be confused. I have different ideas from you, and I cannot obey your orders like Ogremon. Therefore, I will not be so shameless to ask you for evolution in the future. I will help you build a ship for the sea with Ogremon, and after that... I wish you a safe journey."

"Leomon..." Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Taichi suddenly called it from behind,"Before we leave, I will let you get in touch with Akong and Koshiro's sacred plan... How far you can go after this depends on your own efforts."

"Why are you helping me?" Leomon stopped abruptly."I clearly didn't agree to your request."

"You said you would help me build a ship, and before that you helped me and my companions fight against Devil Beast, and you also helped my companions build a shelter and protected them... Yesterday, you also stayed up all night for us."Taiyi said very seriously,"These are the reasons."

"I'm going to build a ship..."

Its body trembled slightly, but it did not look back, but followed Ogamon's footsteps and left.

"Taichi, will Ogamon be our companion in the future?"After the two beasts left, Agumon asked curiously

"It can be considered a subordinate who will obey orders, but it's okay if you want to get along with it as a companion in the future." Taichi explained with a smile, then rubbed Agumon's head,"Why, do you hate this guy?"

"I'm fine, as long as Taichi thinks it's okay, then it must be okay!" Agumon said confidently.

"OK~ Then don't tell anyone else about this, lest someone have second thoughts."

"I'll keep it a secret!"

"Hey, Agumon…" Seeing Agumon swearing and swearing, Taichi couldn’t help but smile,"It’s really great to meet you.""

"Hehe~" Agumon wiped his nose embarrassedly. Although he didn't know why Taichi said that, he felt the same way.

It was really great to meet Taichi.

After a while, Akong and others finally came back after chatting with the old man Xuannai.

"Taiyi, the old man Xuannei said…"

"He said we should go out to sea because there are new enemies over there that need to be defeated, right?" Taiyi shook his head and smiled, interrupting Guang Shilang's words and continuing,"Tell me directly, in addition to the Holy Plan, what new auxiliary props has he prepared for us, and how can we get these things?"

"We have to find the evolution key and the badge ourselves..." Koushiro subconsciously picked out the key points that old man Xuannai said and told Taiyi, and secretly thought that Taiyi's guess was really accurate. In the second act of defeating the darkness and saving the world, go to the server continent on the other side of the sea to continue upgrading and fighting monsters, preparing to fight the new boss whose identity is completely unknown... or new bosses.

As for the children's concerns about when they can finish the battle and go home, the other party did not say anything.

Fortunately, Taiyi had already revealed to everyone that Devilmon was just a novice village, so the children also knew that what was coming would always come, and there was no disagreement at all about whether to go to the server continent.

Just like Taiyi said before, the reason for everyone to fight is just to go home alive.

There is no way home on the file island, so they can only go to the server continent to look for it.

As for what old man Xuannai said about defeating the darkness and saving the world, this kind of thing is just for listening.

"So the question now is, how can we get to the server continent on the other side of the sea."Akong said in difficulty,"The map that Elder Xuan Nei sent to Guang Zilang's computer shows that the location of the server continent is very far away, and our Pokémon definitely don't have the endurance to fly across the ocean."

"Don't worry about that. Leomon and Ogamon said they will find someone to build a boat for us. During this time, in addition to collecting food and fresh water for the sea crossing, we will take a good rest and set off when the boat is built. Taichi said with a smile.

"Great!"*N was just frowning when they suddenly learned that someone would help them. The emotions of the team members were immediately filled with joy. They even forgot to ask Taichi why Ogamon would also provide help.

Over the next two days, after Taichi and his companions had collected enough food and water, and most importantly, a wooden boat that looked fairly reliable was finally built, the children were finally able to set off.

Of course, it wasn't just Ogamon's credit that the boat was built so quickly. Almost all the Digimon that Taichi and his companions had dealt with on the island before helped out, with Andromon being the absolute main force. From the overall shape to the detailed measurements, the controls were quite strict.

The five other chosen Digimon, except Mysticmon, watched Agumon and Andromon chatting carefreely there. Everyone was a little terrified. They still couldn't believe that Andromon was really a kind Digimon.

Well, anyway, as long as Taichi and Agumon knew certain details themselves, it didn't matter what others thought.

"Taichi, and all the children and Digimon, I wish you a safe journey!"The last person chosen to send off the representative was the one who had secretly accepted the"Holy Light Illumination" service from Akong and Koshiro.���Leomon, and the ship's supervisor and Taichi's true subordinate Ogamon did not appear in the farewell team... This guy is working hard to make the second ship.

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