The sea generally gives people a feeling of vastness and boundlessness. Looking out at the distant sea, one can't help but feel refreshed... But if you are exposed to the sun for five consecutive days on the sea, and the scenery you see every day is nothing but blue, you will definitely feel refreshed to the point of wanting to vomit.

The children are in this situation now, so when they heard Taichi say that they would soon reach the land, the other six people and six beasts (except Gomamon) almost cried with joy.

Although the current vehicle, Megacelemon, is indeed large and stable, it is really annoying to drift on the sea like this every day.

What happened in the five days from going to sea to now seems very tortuous and bizarre to everyone, but for Taichi, many of these plots seem inevitable.

They first met Megacelemon on the sea, and then were swallowed by the other party, and then found a black gear that had escaped the net. After getting rid of this gear, Megacelemon, who had regained his consciousness, gave up digesting the children as food.���Then, instead of intending to expel the Digimon from some indescribable part, the children and the boat were blown out of the body with an oversized whale spray.

Naturally, the boat made by Ogamon and other Digimon, plus all the supplies, were wiped out, and the children were all soaked. Fortunately,

Megalomon knew that he had caused trouble, and kindly offered to take the children to the server continent.

What was even more exciting was that this suddenly appearing Megalomon also happened to know where Devilmon hid the evolution key, and was willing to take the children to the bottom of the sea to find it.

After defeating Drillermon, who was also controlled by the black gear, the children successfully obtained everyone's evolution key and enough supplies to last for five days...

Don't ask why there is a convenience store on the bottom of the sea.

This is the Digimon world, and nothing is strange.

Of course, Taichi did not comment on the children's argument that"the black gears of Megalomon and Drillermon are the last two."

In fact, if we follow the logic, the black gears on Megalomon and Drillermon should be the first and second.

The black gear on the body of Megacephalus was stuck on the inner wall of the stomach after passing through the esophagus, so this thing should not have accidentally fallen into the mouth and then passed through the throat and esophagus safely before finally reaching the stomach... Obviously, this was someone who was swallowed by Megacephalus, and before the other party had time to digest himself, he threw a black gear to control Megacephalus in reverse.

So, the reason why Megacephalus knew that Devilmon hid the evolution key in the seabed was because it was the vehicle controlled by Devilmon using the black gear in order to complete the action of"hiding the key in the seabed".

After that, Devilmon was afraid that others would not know that he had hidden the evolution key in the seabed convenience store, and he was particularly considerate to set up a scumbag in front of the convenience store, which was nominally a roadblock but actually a road sign, Drillermon...

Looking at the evolution key hanging around his neck like a pendant, Taiyi smelled a hint of conspiracy.

The Evolution Key and Badge are necessary items for the children to defeat the darkness. These items should have been handed over to the children by the old man Xuannai who claimed to be on the children's side, or someone with him... The most reasonable scenario is that these items should be with the Holy Plan and the Digimon eggs.

But now, these things are found by the children themselves, and they are hidden by the enemy Devimon.

This means that the Evolution Key and Badge, at least the Evolution Key, are definitely taken away by the dark forces.

So the question is... Why didn't Devimon destroy the Evolution Key directly?

According to Xuannai, only by embedding the Badge into the Evolution Key can the children's Digimon partners continue to evolve. If these two props are indispensable, as the dark side, why doesn't Devimon simply destroy the Evolution Key?

The children are the heroes who are going to kill the dragon, and Devimon and the so-called greater dark forces are the dragons that will be conquered by the heroes... Taiyi asked himself, if he was on the side of the dark forces, once he had the chance to get these evolution keys, he would definitely smash them to pieces with a big rock.

Don't talk about whether it can be destroyed or not. Since this thing can be made, it can definitely be destroyed.

Taiyi has studied this thing in the past five days. There is no special power on the evolution key. Its only function may be to help the children guide the location of the badge... In fact, any attack that exceeds the limit of maturity can smash this thing into pieces.

Well, taking a step back, even if this thing really has an invincible golden body that cannot be broken, if Taiyi is Devimon, he will definitely break it into pieces and throw it somewhere in the sea.

By then, even Devimon himself will not be able to find them. It is even more impossible for a group of children who have no underwater diving ability to find seven evolution keys in the vast ocean.

Even if the children have a one in a billion chance of finding all the evolution keys, it would take a staggering amount of time... By that time, the children would either be too old to die, or the dark forces would have taken the opportunity to unify the world.

With the intelligence that Devimon had shown before, Taichi didn't believe that it couldn't think of this, but it didn't do that.

Then, even if Devimon really had a brain attack and thought that it should be done,���Hiding this thing is the safest... As a demon, you should have the awareness of killing people to silence them, right?

Killing the Megalodon controlled by the dark gear can also keep the hiding place of the evolution key a secret forever.

As a result, Devilmon, who was absolutely ruthless in the previous battle with Taiyi and others, actually left Megalodon alive, who knew everything and could accurately find the evolution key, and then cooperated with Drillermon to hand over these high-level props that were absolutely threatening to the dark forces to the children.

It seems that this Devilmon is really unprofessional.

Of course, Megalodon must know nothing about the treacherous behind this, and it is absolutely sincere to help the children. Taiyi just wants to say that Xuannai obviously concealed something about the origin of the evolution key from the children. And the dark side represented by Devilmon must have impure motives for keeping these things.

Haha... Looking at the coastline that was constantly enlarging in front of him, Taiyi's mouth drew a sneer of disdain.

The two groups of light and darkness are using all kinds of conspiracies to plot against the children of my group who are no older than twelve years old. These people hiding behind the scenes are really shameless.

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