The sky was filled with smoke and fire, and the children, who were already exhausted from fighting with the gorilla beast's men, were now in a state of disarray. They looked at the center of the explosion in horror, and for a moment they didn't know what to do.

"Sorry, sorry, I missed. Buzz."A teasing voice came into their ears. After the smoke and dust from the explosion cleared, the children saw a group of unexpected figures in the far sand dunes!

The one showing off his might was undoubtedly the Waspmon that had"sneak attacked" Beetlemon and Psychedelicmon before. It was rumored that the opponent's ultimate move, Sha Po Xiong, had the power to knock down a large perfect form in one blow. Now, judging from the momentum of the explosion just now and the sand that became red hot and melted into glass after the explosion, the power of this blow was obviously not exaggerated!

Fortunately, it missed... This is the only thing the children are thankful for now.

Otherwise, let alone the confrontation after being surrounded, the attack just now might have caused heavy casualties to the small group! However, although the children luckily escaped the attack of Waspmon, the current situation is definitely not optimistic.

In addition to Waspmon, there are at least a dozen mature forms coming to besiege the children, and there are even two perfect forms.

Moreover, those two perfect forms are the ones the children knew before.

"Volcanomon? Why... isn't it on good terms with Taichi? Why is it attacking us?"Looking at the tall and perfect form that suddenly appeared, Asuke was full of disbelief.

Volcanomon and Deathflamemon, who had helped them before, were actually mixed up with Waspmon, who had attacked Koshiro.

"The Fallen Alliance, and the Volcanomon and the Deathflamemon from the Volcano Mine? Why are they together?"At this time, the Moleculemon who was temporarily acting with the children was also full of confusion. He didn't understand why the two neutral organizations that had always been indifferent to worldly affairs on the server continent would suddenly join forces and even attack these children!

"You said they are the Fallen Alliance?" Akong was shocked when he heard this,"Could it be that the volcano beasts have already…"

"I probably had no choice but to be taken in by the Fallen Alliance.

" Moleculemon pointed to the opposite hill and explained,"Although I lost some of my memory due to Gorillamon's attack, some basic fragments are still there.

See the Digimon on the opposite hill that looks very similar to Gururumon? That's the second leader of the Fallen Alliance, Gray Wolf Garurumon!

Don't underestimate it because it's only a mature stage.

Where it appears, even a perfect form like Volcanomon cannot disobey its orders.


"Anyway, this is what happened. Although I got along well with that boy, I have to obey Garurumon's orders now. All the abducted children, I can only say sorry to you first!"

Molecularmon always speaks directly and does not know how to whisper, so its words were heard by the other side.

Hearing Molecularmon's comments, Volcanomon couldn't help scratching his head in embarrassment, and there was a hint of apology in his words.

"No need to waste time talking to them, attack on all fronts!"Garurumon gave an order, and after throwing a fake demon fox flame at the closest Barumon, he ran wildly in the sand on all four legs, rushing straight towards Psychedelicmon!

Following his order, Waspmon, Volcanomon, Deathflamemon and a large number of Flamemon beside him also launched a fierce attack on the children at the same time. For a moment, the whole desert was once again filled with a deafening roar!

"Ha, are you targeting me?" After barely dodging Garurumon's attack, the anger in Mistymon's eyes flashed, and he immediately asked Ah He to evolve into Gururumon to prepare for the enemy.

""Garurumon, my subspecies? No wonder I feel uncomfortable when I see you~" Garurumon squinted his eyes and looked at the fellow player opposite him who looked much more ferocious than himself. A hint of teasing suddenly appeared on his wolf face,"Bighorn, come out!"

"Armored Vehicle Fist!"The sand beside the two beasts suddenly collapsed, and a large horned beast with a green body and tangled muscles suddenly rushed out from the ground, raised its hand and punched Gao Shiwu behind Gululumon!

""Oh no! Takeru, I'll protect you... Um, why?" Digomon stepped forward and wanted to say that he wanted to protect Takeru, but he just felt the power of Takeru's sacred plan, and suddenly his whole body hurt, and he couldn't find the feeling of evolution at all.


At the critical moment, it was still Gururumon who stepped forward and blocked the fierce punch of the Great Horned Beast with his body, saving Gao Shiwu and Digomon who were almost killed by the opponent's punch.

However, it was also in danger from the joint attack of Garurumon and Great Horned Beast.

"Damn it! Devimon, you bastard, you're still causing trouble for me even though you're already dead!" Gururumon was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Digomon failed to evolve at such a dangerous moment. It was obvious that Devimon had done something before his death!

He thought that as long as Digomon evolved into Patamon again, and there was no threat from Devimon and Gorillamon anymore, he would not have to continue to be a babysitter beside it. At that time, he could trick his partner into leaving his burdensome brother, and go hunt the children who were being looked for alone while Taichi was away, and complete a series of subsequent plans.

As a result... Devimon actually left him such a trick!

And his useless partner couldn't even make the broken badge glow!

"Ah He, we have to disperse and retreat!"After looking around the battlefield and finding that all the children had been beaten to the point of being unable to resist, Gurulumon knew that this battle could not be fought anymore.

The opponent had two perfect forms whose strength was basically not much worse than that of Gorillamon, and there were also three mature forms with super combat power and a large group of Flamemon who did not hesitate at all when they started fighting. Fighting the opponent to the death in the open desert area was simply too much to live!

At this time on the battlefield, Photon and Beetlemon had been bombarded by Waspmon's turbo stingers and were at a loss; and although Badoramon's attack was very effective against Flamemon, a hero could not stand up to a pack of wolves, not to mention that there was a perfect form like Death Flamemon among them.

As for Mimi and Asuke, they were surrounded and beaten by Volcanomon and a group of Flamemon. If the opponent had not killed them, there might have been two more Digimon eggs on the battlefield.

As for Moleculemon... this ungrateful guy has been missing since the beginning.

"We can't go on like this! Gulumon, take Takeru with you, we'll go first!" In He's opinion, if they continue to fight like this, even if they send out a few more super-evolved perfect forms like Taichi Yagami, they won't be able to win. As a brother-con, the best decision he could make would be to leave the others behind and take Takeru to a safe place!

"Gururumon attacks fiercely!"After hearing Ah He's command, Gururumon fiercely kicked Garurumon and Giant Horned Beast who were besieging him twice, then carried Ah He on his back, took Takeru who was holding Digomon in his mouth, and jumped out of the encirclement, rushing towards the distance filled with yellow sand.

"Ah He...did he really leave with Ah Wu?"

"Beetlemon, we can't continue fighting!"

"Hate it~ Cactusmon, take me away now!"

Seeing that Ah He ran away first without loyalty, Akong, Koshiro and Mimi also hurriedly used the power of Digimon to escape from the encirclement, leaving only the poor Azhu and the slow Sea Lionmon behind.…

"Oh, they all ran away?" Seeing this, Volcanomon, who was besieging Asuke, suddenly rolled his eyes and said,"Boy, it's about time for you to stop here! Big bang to block it!"


A huge column of sand suddenly sprang up from the ground, blasting Asuke and Sea Lionmon into the air and sending them flying far away.



In mid-air, the miserable howls of Azhu and Gomamon faded away

"Oops… I think I used too much force just now, how come I got knocked flying~" The Volcano Beast was slightly"stupefied" when he saw this, and then he returned to his usual nonchalant attitude,"Forget it, since he has flown so far, I can’t catch up with him, so let’s pack up.""

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