"Is it so hard to accept calling you a little white mouse?" Taiyi shrugged helplessly,"Then, how about changing the name?"For example... little cat?"

"Damn it!" Tailmon bared all four of its fangs, held its sharp claws in front of it, and took an attacking stance towards Taichi with its fur flaring.

""Guest, it seems you've had a lot of trouble today! Can you explain to me why all the gold bars you gave me disappeared?" Behind Taichi and the others, Eggmon and Snotmon, who had chased out the door, were glaring at the small group.

""Aaaaaa..." Taichi shrugged helplessly, then said leisurely,"Ogremon, you've seen it this time. Things made with free data fragments are so easy to disappear."

Taichi certainly couldn't give Eggmon real gold bars. Those things were just fakes made with random data combinations. At most, they could only delay time. It wouldn't be a big deal if they were discovered. Anyway,

Gomamon and Snotmon had been sent out by Snotmon, and Asuke and Takeru had already eaten and drunk their fill. Taichi had already locked on the badge to Tailmon...

All the preparations before the war had been made, and now there was nothing to worry about if a conflict broke out. The only problem with the opponent was Eggmon's perfect form. Of course, it was just a little troublesome.

"Taiyi, those gold bars you gave it, were they fake? Why?" Asuke seemed a little bit unacceptable to Taiyi's behavior,"Using this kind of thing to deceive people, lying and so on... It must be a bad behavior, right?"

"Do you think so, Senior Shiroto?"Taiyi's expression was noncommittal,"Before you blame me, why don't you think about why you and Takeshi haven't paid off your debts for so long? The things you told me, the overturned plates, the ingredients that were ruined...

Senior Shiroto, we all depended on each other on the File Island.

At that time, what we had to do was much more difficult than helping in the kitchen.

And I never thought that you and Takeshi were so useless that you couldn't even be a waiter!


"That's right! Brother Azhu, I also felt something was wrong early on!" Awu also showed an angry expression,"I said it early on, we don't owe them that much money at all! And those accidents must have been deliberately caused by them to frame us!"

"Taichi, Takeru..." After listening to what the two said, Asuke couldn't help but start to reflect.

At the beginning, he was indeed a little flustered, but gradually he became familiar with the work, and it didn't make sense for so many mistakes to occur.

Especially after Takeru came, with his help, he was even more adept. Although Takeru is young, he works very hard at everything, and he did want to pay off his debts at one point.

However, suddenly from one day, accidents began to occur frequently in their work, and the working hours were increased again and again.

Takeru once complained to him, saying that it must be the other party who was secretly doing it. But at that time, Gomamon and Devilmon had been locked up by the other party, and he also felt that this might just be Takeru's childish temper, complaining because he was annoyed with the work, and he didn't take this kind of thing to heart.

Now it seems…

"Senior Shiroto, I don't deny that honesty is a good quality.

Honoring promises, not lying, and being ashamed of breaking promises and breaking trust are all accepted by everyone.

However, honesty also depends on who you are with.

"Taiyi comforted him softly,"When the other party is obviously a despicable person, the more honest you are, the more this sharp and inflexible honesty will hurt yourself and your friends.

Because those shameless people will not be moved by your honesty, they will only think that you are weak and easy to bully and make things worse!


"It's useless for you to say anything now! Because you have completely pissed me off, nightmare syndrome!" When Dandanmon saw Taichi openly mocking him, he immediately released a terrifying black nightmare from his eyes, grabbing at Asuke with his fangs and claws.

"Asuke!"As his partner, Gomamon was shocked when he saw this, and quickly evolved into Sea Lionmon to help Asuke block the attack, but he himself was sucked into the nightmare and suffered serious injuries.

""Hmm? Ogremon, go help!" Taichi frowned in confusion, and then quickly asked the big guy Ogremon to replace Seamon.

He was a little surprised, because Seamon's movements did not seem to be hungry. After being hit by the Perfect Form, it still had the energy to stand up! The same goes for the familiar beasts on the side. They didn't seem to be hungry at all. The ones who were starving were the two humans who were watched by Snotmon and Eggmon around the clock.

"Taiyi, me too…"

"You continue to attack the mouse and take back the badge!" Taichi rejected Agumon's proposal to join the battle and asked him to continue to stare at Tailmon. The current battle situation seems to be at a disadvantage for the children, but in fact, everything is under Taichi's control. Eggmon, the black-hearted store owner, is not a complete enemy, so even though it is a perfect form, it only needs to be delayed. The one who should really be concerned is Tailmon.

"Since it's an egg, why don't you just stay there and wait for it to hatch? Why do you have to come out and cause trouble for others? Watch out!" Ogamon received the order and rushed towards Eggmon waving his bone stick, smashing the opponent's eggshell with it.

"Ogremon?"Dandanmon's tone was filled with disdain,"You want to fight me at your level... you are too naive!"


Just a collision, Ogremon rolled his eyes in pain.

The opponent just shook his body slightly, causing his bone stick to lose its aim, and then hit his abdomen with his head, almost knocking out the overnight meal.

"Damn it! Hundred Fists!"

A series of crazy punches swept towards Eggmon, but the opponent shook his body like a tumbler, completely avoiding Ogamon's attack, and then kicked Ogamon over again.

"Damn it, Overlord Fist!!!"

"Nightmare Syndrome!"

Dandanmon's first counterattack successfully broke Ogamon's punch with the power of nightmare, causing it to follow in the footsteps of Sea Lionmon.

"No... Impossible!" Ogremon covered his chest in disbelief,"You actually saw through my attack route completely?"

"So, as an Ogremon, you are still too young!"Dandanmon said sarcastically.

"Why..." Ogremon's eyes were dull. He was fighting Leomon on File Island and didn't care about other opponents except Devilmon. But he didn't expect to lose so badly in his first battle against the Perfect Beast in the Server Continent.

"Complete form, very powerful?" Looking at the arrogant Dandanmon, Taiyi's eyes flashed with a gleam of light,"Agumon…"

"I won't let you succeed! Cat Punch!"Just when Taichi wanted Agumon to join the battle, Tailmon suddenly abandoned Agumon, who had been unable to break through, and turned around to stab Taichi's back with his sharp claws.

"By the way, I'm waiting for you." Taichi waved his hand behind him, and an invisible shield composed purely of data suddenly appeared. Tailmon, who was caught off guard, ran into it head-on, making a dull sound.

"It hurts..." Tailmon couldn't help but groan in pain, and then he found himself being grabbed by the back of the neck.

"I have always been very good at dealing with cats. Although you are essentially a guinea pig, you have been imitating everything cats do, so this trick also applies to you."

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