Chapter 536 Planetary Engine Goodbye, solar system.

【Screen starts】

【Shenzhou in 1997】

【After extensive research and calculations, an astronomer named Fu Jianming discovered a terrifying future.】

【The Sun will experience a solar helium flash, and as a planet enveloped by the Sun and nurturing life, the Earth will not be able to escape the impact of this disaster and is destined to be destroyed by the solar helium flash!】

【At this point, Fu Jianming began to call on the public to inform them of the horror of solar helium flashes.】

【Over the decades, from newspapers to radio, to social media, to the Internet】

【Fu Jianming has never stopped speaking out, trying to use his own way to warn humans to prepare for the solar helium flash】

【However, Fu Jianming’s words were so outrageous that they were even called nonsense.】

【At the same time, his voice alone is too small to make any waves, let alone attract the attention of the country and the world. Ubuyashiki

Yoya:”Um… what is a solar helium flash?”

Ding Yi:”Solar helium flash is when the hydrogen in the sun is exhausted, shrinking and heating, and then exploding with particle impact, expanding into a red giant. The era above should be ancient, right? In layman’s terms, the sun is going to be destroyed, and the earth can’t escape either.”

Itadori Yuji:”Then why doesn’t anyone pay attention to solar helium flash? Mr. Fu Jianming has tried so hard to appeal.” Bruce Wayne

:”That was 1997, and such words were too shocking at the time. Even if someone appeals now, no one will pay attention, after all, the general public’s three views think that this is impossible to happen.”

Dukao:”Yeah… If a big shot in the national field or some people with absolute authority said such a thing, it might be taken seriously. But it’s very difficult for an astronomer.”

Tomoko:”Scary, fortunately the Earth that was invaded was not the Earth of this world. But is there a Three-Body civilization in the Centaurus constellation of this world?”

Luo Ji:”Even if your Three-Body civilization can’t open it. At least you can barely survive in the Three-Body system, but you really can’t survive a solar helium flash.”


Wandering Earth World


Fu Jianming jumped up and paced in ecstasy

“It’s really our world… It’s really our world! If you make it to the gold list, you’ll be saved!”

Just then there was a knock on the door. Fu Jianming opened the door and saw several men in black standing at the door.

“Hello, Dr. Fu Jianming, we are from the country.”

At the same time, countries around the world have also begun to make advance plans for the solar helium flash, and have begun to concentrate on recording the follow-up content of the Golden List.

Even though most of the worlds on the Golden List have been saved so far, there are still some that have not.

We can’t put all our hopes on the Golden List. Since the title is The Wandering Earth, it means that they have found a solution in the future!


【The scene changes to 2026】

【The coronal storm of the 25th solar cycle erupted and affected the Earth!】

【This corona storm caused more than 50% of the world’s civilian electronic equipment to fail or be destroyed!】

【Because of this sudden disaster, large-scale riots and violence broke out in some free countries.】

【Because of this worldwide impact, the global population dropped by 3% during this turmoil.%!】

【At first, no one paid attention to the disaster.】

【It’s just a forest fire (the picture shows a completely burned forest)】

【A drought (cracked ground appears in the picture))】

【The extinction of a species (a dead fish covered with ants appears on the screen)】

【The disappearance of a city (a city in ruins with no people in it appears on screen))】

【It was not until this disaster affected everyone that countries around the world finally realized that Fu Jianming’s call for half a century was completely correct. 】

Okabe Rintaro:”Coronal storm… Logically, there is only a 50% chance that it will affect the earth. I didn’t expect the earth in this world to be so unlucky.”

Tanjiro Kamado:”What is a corona storm?”

Professor X:”Coronal storm is also a disaster emitted by the sun. It will affect the earth’s magnetic field and melt and burn most electronic equipment.”

Abe Haruaki:”The sun… Logically, Amaterasu should protect the world, why would it bring such a disaster?”

Li Ziyang:”The sun is like this. It can give birth to all things and give people strength. But its power will also affect and destroy things around it.”

Five-star reviewer MacArthur:”When I see riots in some countries that have led to a sharp decline in population, I know that our beacon of freedom has made another effort.”

Bruce Wayne:”That’s right… The damage to a large number of electronic equipment will inevitably lead to a serious decline in social supervision, and the evil of human nature will definitely be fully released during this period.”

Dr. Mei:”It’s ironic and reasonable. When the disaster does not affect oneself, no one will care about the appeals of others, even if they pay a little attention to it.”

【According to the United Nations government’s prediction, a solar helium flash will occur around 2100, when the Earth will be destroyed, and three hundred years later, the solar system will cease to exist.】

【All of humanity has shown unprecedented solidarity and harmony in the face of this disaster that affects everyone.】

【In the face of this catastrophe that the Earth itself cannot escape, the United Government decided to push the Earth away from the solar system and head to the Centaur Galaxy 4.2 light years away.】

【All the scientists and elite geniuses from all over the world gathered together to invent a miracle called the planetary engine!】

【The scene changes, and the whole world begins to gather resources and build planetary engines that can cover cities like a mountain to the sky!】

【Each planetary engine is built on the scale of a city and is up to 11,000 meters high!】

【And humans need to build 12,000 such huge structures!】

【Ten thousand planetary engines were built in the northern hemisphere to provide 150 trillion tons of propulsion.】

【Two thousand planetary engines are built around the equator to provide the Earth with steering power.】

【The United Government named this plan – The Wandering Earth Plan! 】

Uchiha Sasuke:”This is really a very reasonable and universal law in any world. When there is an enemy or threat in the world, they will unite.”

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao:”Eh… that… the place where the Earth is going looks familiar, is it a little wrong?”

Tomoko:”Silly bugs, run!”

Fulu Xiaojin Gang:”Byd, you laughed at me, what do you mean by two-way running in misplaced time and space? I couldn’t hold back when Tomoko said that.”

Lu Mingfei:”Fast forward to the Three Body Civilization in this world and rush to the solar system: Earth civilization, you are not in the solar system at all, where have you been hiding?”

Liang Bing:”Fuck… planetary engine? This is pure technology and hard work! Can it be played like this?!”

Shajin:”The unity of the people in this world and the courage to leave with the mother planet is the greatest interpretation of preservation. I can only say that thinking about taking the planet away is not an ordinary decision.……”

Thanos:”The greatest decision comes from the strongest will. Although humans are small, there are really few races that can match the will of the race.”……”

Kenneth:”The highest mountain in the world is only 8,848 meters, and a planetary engine is more than 10,000 meters. We have to build 12,000 of them?! Has the development of the world been so outrageous?!”

Baobao:”How big is the thrust of 150 trillion tons? I can’t imagine it anymore… But can this thrust move a planet? Absolutely, it can easily!”

Kiryu Battle Rabbit:”This huge thrust can definitely move the earth, but how long will it take to build 12,000 planetary engines? And when they are pushing, humans will definitely not be able to survive on the surface.”

Ge Xiaolun:”It’s so shocking… These 12,000 planetary engines, even if the Xiongxin is fully operational and I crash, I can’t build one! Unless the big sister provides me with energy.”

Walter Joyce:”The Wandering Earth Project… Haha! I know that human will and civilization can be fearless of all disasters!”

【In order to maintain the normal orbit of the earth and other emergencies, the United Government spent thirty years to build the Navigator International Space Station】

【Space talents, engineers, scientists and other talents are selected from various countries to join the Navigator to escort the operation of the Wandering Earth Project】

【The International Space Station Navigator will be 100,000 kilometers from Earth, simultaneously observing Earth’s communications, navigation, and danger warnings.】

【As the planetary engine was completed, the Earth gradually stopped rotating as planned over the next thirty years.】

【Natural disasters such as tsunamis and storms also began to wreak havoc due to the corona storm and the Earth’s rotation stop.】

【In order to ensure the realization of the 2500-year plan, the United Government built an underground city under each planetary engine for human habitation.】

【The underground city cannot accommodate all human beings, and only a lottery can decide life and death.】

【Those who are selected can live in the underground city, while those who are not selected can stay on the surface and live on their own.��】

Esta:”It seems that the Navigator Space Station is a navigator dedicated to exploring routes and calculating other problems for the Earth.”

Dr. Mei:”Even if that’s the case, most of the elite talents should not be put on the space station. I feel that the Navigator is not that simple, but… there are some traces of the Spark Plan.”

Misaka Mikoto:”Twelve thousand planetary engines were built in thirty years? What a high efficiency! All mankind is indeed doing its best!”

Magneto:”Will the Earth’s stopping bring such serious consequences and impacts! That time in the past, my power was enough to stop the Earth, fortunately I didn’t do this……”

Zhang Beihai:”2500 years, dozens of generations… With such a long time span, can humans still maintain their original intentions?”

Conan:”It’s bad! This dungeon… From the way he selected, I knew there would be trouble. Although the gold list was not broadcast, I concluded that there would be riots!”

Shajin:”After all, half of the people will be eliminated, and those who are eliminated will definitely be dissatisfied. But life and death are determined by fate, and wealth and honor are determined by God. Since we have to gamble, we can only accept it.”

Thanos:”The way of drawing lots is fair, but the balance that must be maintained for the continuation of civilization”

【The scene changed, and a man named Liu Peiqiang handed a nameplate to his father, then looked at his son with red eyes and said goodbye softly.】

【He was one of the best astronauts selected to land on the Navigator.】

【In the dungeon plan, minors have a guardian qualification. He arranges for his father to enter the dungeon without drawing lots, and his son can also enter the dungeon. This is a chance for both of them to survive.】

【As Liu Peiqiang and his crew landed on the space station, the Earth officially stopped rotating.】

【Planetary engines started up one after another, and violent fire trees shot straight into the sky! Dense blue light spots bloomed in the northern part of the entire earth!】

【The entire earth’s equator is lit up with a blue light band, symbolizing that the steering engine is started and ready.】

【Various disasters began to erupt on the surface of the earth. Except for the facilities of the Wandering Earth Project and giant buildings such as the planetary engines, almost no life could escape!】

【Those who did not win the lottery to enter the dungeon and were struggling to survive in the ultra-low temperature died in the sudden change of the earth as the earth began to move.】

【And this tiny race of humans began a 2,500-year-long wandering journey.

Spider-Girl:”Hey hey hey! Is this Liu Peiqiang’s operation considered a secret operation? Isn’t it unfair?” Tushan

Rongrong:”It’s not unfair. The gold list describes that minors with dungeon qualifications have a guardian quota. This is just a transfer of qualifications. Although there are violations, it’s not a big problem and it won’t take up more places.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”After all, elites who are dedicated to the future of mankind must have privileges.”

Hikari:”Although the technical content is not very high, it’s really shocking to see this scene… 710 relies on its own will to find hope with the mother planet.”

Tony 710 Stark:”What is the core technology of the planetary engine? The gold list didn’t fully show that the earth has so much fuel to power the planetary engine?”

Otsutsuki Hagoromo:”Pushing the earth out of the solar system… I have never seen such a spectacular sight in my life! Could it be that Orochimaru is the hope for the future of the ninja world?” Rikka Takanashi

:”Earth! Forward Four!”

Cheng Xin:”But are those people just abandoned like this? The dungeon can still accommodate them if they squeeze in, right?……”

Gellert Grindelwald:”This is a necessary sacrifice, and everything is for the greatest good.”

Bronya Zajcek:”From a big picture perspective, the continuation of civilization always takes precedence over partial losses.”

Zhang Beihai:”A fish that has reached shore is no longer a fish. After 2,500 years of wandering, will the human beings of this world survive until the day when the plan is completed? I hope so.”

【The scene changed, and in the dark and deep universe, a blue planet shifted and slowly passed by the sun.】

【The southern hemisphere was darkened by the steering engine, while the blue northern hemisphere had 10,000 planetary engines running at full power, leaving a trail of light.】

【In the background, words of reluctance and attachment sounded】

【”Goodbye, Solar System”】

【”goodbye,solar system.”】

【”Adiule system solvent.”】




【Born on Earth, people from different countries, cultures, positions and societies put aside their past entanglements and bid farewell to the world that gave birth to them.】

【Humans will take their homeland with them into the universe. 】

Kamiyama Touma:”It feels so epic! This is the first time I’ve seen a world that left with its mother planet!”

Suppression Gaia:”The humans in this world are really… I’m crying.……”

Duanmu Yan:”I feel that Mother Earth on my side is expressing joy.”

Ge Xiaolun:”Finally I can see the whole picture! It’s so… so awesome that the Earth is moving forward with exhaust!”

Deadpool:”Trisolarans, huh? I’m here!”

Aha:”It’s so exciting to find three suns in the Centauri constellation!”

Koro-sensei:”I’m in tears seeing this, people from all nations are saying goodbye to the solar system… The Earth is our home, and so is the solar system.”

Walter Young:”This is just a temporary farewell. I believe that when humans are able to solve the problem of stars, they will come back here again.”

Jing Yuan:”It’s really touching… Maybe the original Xianzhou people had the same feeling? I hope their self-reliance will stop them from drifting helplessly in the sea of ​​stars.”


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