Chapter 537: Jupiter’s gravitational pull: saturation rescue, at any cost!

【The scene changes, 17 years later】

【Human life stabilized in the underground city】

【The food they eat is synthetic, and the water they drink is filtered water that is reused. All kinds of human life emerge in the underground city.】

【People call the sunny world before the disaster the Golden Age】

【Students now also use environmental simulation technology to simulate the sunshine and grass outside the classroom.】

【The underground city of the Imperial Capital No. 3 still retains the old customs, such as celebrating the New Year, playing mahjong, and bragging.……】

【At the same time, the scene shifts to the space station】

【Liu Peiqiang completed his military service after 17 years and is about to return to Earth to reunite with his family】

【Liu Peiqiang’s comrades said goodbye to him cordially. In this era, there is almost no racial or national prejudice.

Lucy:”Oh~ It’s the same as in 2077. The food is tasteless.”

Altria Pendragon:”I can’t imagine this hell! If the food has no taste, what’s the point of living!”

Black Tower:”The era before the start of Wandering Earth is called the Golden Age? Pfft… Sorry, I couldn’t help it!”

Hero Malcador:”If it is the Golden Age of mankind, a mere solar helium flash is still a disaster? Solar helium flash is nothing compared to the hard life in the dark technological era.” Maenna Linguang:

“For people of this era, being able to breathe fresh air, see beautiful food and warm sunshine is the Golden Age. Just think about the environment of the underground city.”

Simon:”No matter how advanced the technology is, no matter how realistic the simulated environment is, it is fake. I know too well what it feels like to be in the underground world.”

Miyanaga Saki:”Huh————Fortunately, mahjong has not disappeared in the disaster. I dare not imagine a world without mahjong.”

Qingque:”Indeed, the Emperor Yuan Qiongyu must be appreciated. It must be passed down for at least 2,500 years in the next wandering of mankind!”

【The scene changed, and a boy named Liu Qi brought his sister Han Duoduo out of the classroom.】

【He is Liu Qi. Because he has not seen his father for many years and feels a little estranged and rebellious, he recently plans to sneak to the surface with his sister.】

【Han Duoduo wants to visit the Magic City where her parents died, while Liu Qi wants to escape from Liu Peiqiang who is about to return.】

【He cooperated with his sister, Han Duoduo stole the car card of grandpa Han Ziang, Liu Qi got the protective clothing from the dealer, and the two came to the surface.】

【The ground temperature was minus 84 degrees Celsius at this time, and the capital outside was covered with ice and snow. Trucks were constantly mining and transporting stones.】

【The Golden List scene is the first time that Liu Qi, a human, looks up at the planetary engine from his perspective. The planetary engine, which is more magnificent than any mountain on Earth, spews out a blue beam of light that goes straight into the clouds!】

【The core technology of the planetary engine is silicon re-fusion, burning stones to provide fuel, which is truly inexhaustible! 】

Lan Meng:”Hmm? Is this kid the protagonist, and he was given a close-up? The astronomical phenomenon did not foreshadow it. Could this kid and his father have a great role?”

Bai Junlang:”TMD rebellious boy, does your father’s return home make you so unhappy?”

Mordred:”What a Liu Qi! I like this character!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”The surface temperature is minus 84?! This is almost close to the temperature of the first Lost Zone! Except for Yaga, no life can survive on the surface without protection!”

River God:”My pillar of heaven~ The grandeur of this planetary engine is almost as grand as the Buzhou Mountain in the mouth of Nuwa~”

Nuwa:”It is indeed magnificent. Wait! There is one more thing! Call me Queen.”

Atreus:”The planetary engine is indeed magnificent, which reminds me of the scene when Pallas and I first looked up at Mount Targon. But the difference is that the planetary engine is the great power of mankind.々 .々 ”

Hikaru:”Even we are so small in front of planetary engines. Humans… are really lovable creatures that can create miracles!”

Tony Stark:”Wow ~ Silicon re-fusion?! It’s good enough that the current technology can light up a light bulb, but this world can use silicon re-fusion to propel the earth? Too outrageous!”

Toppa:”The value of this technology is actually not that high. What really makes people sigh is the courage of this civilization. A low-level civilization without extraordinary power can mobilize all its power resources to build 12,000 planetary engines!”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”This is what you extraterrestrials don’t understand. In order to survive, we can do anything!”

Deadpool:”You are right, but the ultimate insult is to burn the galaxy. This is human! Do you understand the value of the protagonist’s race? You can definitely survive!”

【The scene changes, Liu Qi and Han Duoduo’s car was checked, and because it did not meet the regulations, they were detained in the detention center, and met the young man next door named Tim.】

【Grandpa Han Ziang rushed to the police station. When he saw his grandchildren, he panicked for a moment, then calmly pursed his lips, walked to the guard and took out a gift box.】

【”Hey! Borrowing a car card without permission is illegal, don’t try that!”The guard refused righteously.】

【Seeing that the gift didn’t work, Han Ziang’s eyes flashed with a trace of heartache and reluctance, and he took out another iron box with VR glasses and slowly opened it.】

【”Oh, this is a good thing, the girl I have been saving for fifty years”】

【Inside is a VR glasses covered with beautiful girl stickers】

【The guard glanced at him and said calmly,”Okay, you’re still using this trick? You come in too.””】

【Han Ziang was then locked up in the same detention room as Liu Qi, while the guard happily put on the VR headset.

Steve:”My ears aren’t very good, I almost heard tim as him.”

Kujo Xu Lun:”These two little guys are a little ignorant, they know the law but break it and wait for grandpa to come to their rescue, and they have to trouble him.” Ge Xiaolun:”I suddenly remembered that Han Ziang was born in the 95s, so there’s no difference between him and those born in the 00s! Isn’t this my generation!”

Zhang Chulan:”Puff! Good, good, good! VR girl, right? Is it the island country data or the special VR version of Qianlian Wanhua?”

Cong Yu:”It feels weird.”

Ito Makoto:”In the past 50 years, Han Ziang must have been tinkering with his craft a lot. Alive?”

Wang Fugui:”What a subtle sense of déjà vu, I’ve become an old man too. I mean, can I still play so well when I’m old?”

Gojo Satoru:”A man stays young until he dies!”

Lu Mingfei:”What a seduction, but it’s a pity that Han Ziang can’t judge people well. This guard is not a pervert at all.”

Chen Huijie:”Punishment! Real punishment! Bribery is fine, but bribe with this kind of thing? Go in!”

Cao Yanbing:”Eh! No! This guy is having it both ways! Put Han Ziang in jail and enjoy the girls all by himself, right?”

Liu Chuang:”If he were here, he would be put in a sack and beaten every time he goes out.”

【The scene changed, and a family of three started arguing in the cell. There was silence for a while, and Han Duoduo’s crying sounded.】

【Tim was still talking to Liu Qi and adding fuel to the fire. Liu Qi, who was already impatient, punched the wall and said,”What does it have to do with you?”】

【”Hey, stop hammering the wall. Come at me if you dare.……”】


【Before Tim finished speaking, the wall began to break and crack, starting from Liu Qi’s fist, and then the entire dungeon began to shake violently!】

【Han Ziang’s eyes showed a look of fear:”There’s an earthquake!”】

【In the residential area of ​​the underground city, a man just got a winning number when a huge rock smashed him into a pulp in an instant!】

【Then the whole underground city began to shake and break, the ground cracked, and rubble kept falling!

Professor X:”Huh? I thought it was an ordinary technological world, but I didn’t expect there are superpowers?”

Senju Tsunade:”He can smash an underground city that is comparable to a city with one punch. This kid’s strength has surpassed me who has opened the Hundred Heroes Seal!”

Bai Ci Nan:”Huh? Magnetic field power? Although he awakened a little late, he has this much power right after awakening. He is a genius!”

Bai Junlang:”Liu Qi’s magnetic field rotates, and Haihu explodes his fists and teeth!”

Frieza:”Interesting? Could it be that the ending is that Liu Qi becomes the strongest and kills the sun with one punch? That’s a bit boring.”

Giant Shark King:”Quack! Liu Qi insults the sun with his own strength! Insulting the solar system is also…——!”

Black Tower:”You guys are so dramatic. If there is a problem with the dungeon, it means that there is a problem with the planetary engine. Liu Qi’s punch just happened to coincide with the time when the planetary engine had a problem.”

Blue Bird:”Oh! How tragic! It’s too horrible to die at the time of Hu Shisanyao! Don’t let this happen!”

Jiguo Yuanyi:”There is an earthquake in the dungeon and you can’t escape. How many people will die this time?……”

【The scene changes, and the navigator space station issues a warning】

【Warning! Planetary engine failure】

【Number, 121… Data revised, 1,112… Data revised, 3,319……】

【Affected by Jupiter’s gravity, the propulsion power is halved and the traction power is completely ineffective. The Earth will hit Jupiter in 37 hours, 4 minutes and 12 seconds.】

【All I saw on the screen was that the planetary engines were shut down, and the steering engines around the equator were affected as a result, and all power was lost!】

【The Earth, which was supposed to be on the horizontal line above Jupiter, was forced to be pulled to a parallel line and began to move towards Jupiter.】

【Han Ziang escaped from prison with his grandchildren and Tim, drove a transporter to avoid the collapsed rocks, and watched the gradually dissipating blue light column and the flameout of the planetary engine on the plain. 】

Peter Parker:”¨「 ¨「 What happened? Why…why did so many planetary engines shut down?”

Ding Yi:”It’s the influence of Jupiter’s gravity…Jupiter was missed. Maybe the existence of Jupiter was ignored when the Wandering Earth plan was calculated at the beginning.”

Hikaru:”Jupiter’s gravity…Jupiter is much greater than the Earth. If it really hits the Earth, the biggest possibility is that Jupiter will be fine, but the Earth will be destroyed!”

Misaka Mikoto:”Is the influence of Jupiter’s gravity really that serious?”

Victor:”Absolutely! The most important planetary engine is the two thousand steering engines on the equator. The Earth is forced to deviate from its course, and the steering engines are under the greatest pressure!”

Heimerdinger:”Yes, the steering engine is very important. If a few dozen or a hundred of them shut down, it will basically be impossible to steer.”

Captain Marvel:”But fortunately, the planetary engine just shut down, not destroyed. Shutdown means it can be started again.”

【At this moment, Han Ziang’s car broadcast a message. At the same time, all transport vehicles around the world, underground cities, relevant departments, and engineering departments all received the message.】

【”The United Government has mobilized to the highest level and notified the global combat readiness forces!”】

【”Affected by the gravitational pull of Jupiter, a total of 4,771 planetary engines around the world malfunctioned and stopped operating. To avoid a collision with Jupiter, all departments set off at full speed in accordance with Emergency Plan No. 3!”】(Nono Zhao) (Nono Zhao)

【”All planetary engines must be restarted within thirty-six hours!”】

【”This rescue operation concerns the life and death of 3.5 billion people around the world. The priority of this goal is above all else, regardless of the cost!!!”】

【Following the announcement on the radio, Plan No. 3 transported the planetary engine starter”Flint” to the planetary engine for a strong plan to be implemented.】

【The Navigator Space Station enters low-consumption mode, and all resources and computing power begin to support the Earth’s ground forces】

【All the combat readiness forces on Earth have begun to carry out saturation rescue at all costs. Countless transport vehicles carrying”Firestone” from all over the world are rushing to the planetary engine. This mission has priority over everything else! 】

Manji:”I don’t understand. It feels so serious.……”

Theresa Apokalis:”The situation is extremely serious. Even the priority of Plan No. 3 has surpassed everything to the point of saturation rescue!”

Sengoku:”Don’t you know what saturation rescue is?”

Gokawa Kotori:”The so-called saturation rescue means that the task that can be completed by one team requires several or even more than a dozen teams to carry out rescue in the case of complete overflow, to ensure that there will be no accidents.” Dr.

Mei:”This mobilization power… I envy it… Just a crisis notice, all forces in the world can start to operate.”

Rimuru:”But in this kind of chaotic emergency, there won’t be people with ulterior motives secretly making trouble to seek benefits or something, right?”

Wei Qing:”Do you understand what priority is above all else, regardless of the cost? This is the way of acting first and reporting later in their world and era, and the imperial power has specially allowed it!”

Walter Yang:”That’s right, in the face of the rescue torrent mobilized by all mankind, nothing can stop it.”


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