Chapter 538 The mystery of the rebels, Moss’s defection, the Spark Plan!

(Oops! How come the timeline of The Wandering Earth 2 is before The Wandering Earth 1?)

(Don’t worry, everyone, wait for the author to round it out and connect The Wandering Earth 2 in a smooth way.)

【The scene changed, and all the transport vehicles rushed to the nearest planetary engine, and the transport vehicle where Han Ziang and Liu Qi were was also requisitioned by the fully armed rescue team.】

【On the way to Beijing, Han Ziang died in his hometown due to the failure of the planetary engine and the natural disaster caused by Jupiter’s gravity.】

【Liu Qi also strengthened his determination because of his grandfather’s death. He no longer escaped, but chose to restart the planetary engine.】

【On the other side of the navigator space station, Liu Peiqiang was urged by the space station’s intelligent AImoss to enter the hibernation chamber because the space station entered low power consumption.】

【As the hibernation chamber closed, Moss’s flashing red screen observed the Earth’s atmosphere being captured by Jupiter’s gravity, and issued a cold and rational voice.】

【”The Earth’s atmosphere has experienced severe disturbances. Global disaster damage assessment has been completed. Escort operations have been terminated and evacuation procedures have begun.”】

【Liu Peiqiang, who had just laid down, was horrified:”What? Evacuate?! Moss, quickly contact the United Government for me!”】

【However, Moss ignored it and forcibly activated the forced hibernation system of the hibernation chamber.】

【”Moss! Moss! Open the hatch! You are defecting!” Liu Peiqiang knocked on the hatch of the hibernation cabin and shouted.】

Ge Xiaolun:”I don’t have much emotional fluctuations and empathy when watching others die, but it is really painful to see Lao Han, who is of the same generation as me, die.……”

Zhang Beihai:”Why should the rescue team be equipped with weapons when all mankind is united? Or should they be fully armed?”

Conan:”I am somewhat puzzled by this, but the desire to survive is a human instinct. I guess it is also possible to prevent people from escaping, right?”

Toppa:”Ji! Moss, the artificial intelligence, has its own wisdom? It is no longer a pure AI?! Good fellow!”

Emperor:”Iron Man Rebellion… Human civilization cannot give intelligent AI too much future from the beginning. Otherwise, it will eventually fall on this.”

Neo:”I thought the crisis counted was just the natural disaster of the solar helium flash, but I didn’t expect there would be an omnic crisis?!” Tony Stark:

“No! Not quite the same. If it is an omnic crisis, it means the extinction of mankind. The evacuation of the space station reminds me of Ultron. Moss may be an extreme idea of ​​protecting human civilization!”

【Liu Peiqiang covered his nose and mouth in the special gas of the dormant chamber, and his other hand began to hastily prepare to forcibly open the dormant chamber.】

【When Liu Peiqiang escaped from the hibernation chamber, Moss immediately woke up the two astronauts who were sleeping next to Liu Peiqiang.】

【However, a French man scratched his head, thinking that this matter had nothing to do with him, and lay down to continue sleeping.】

【Another Russian brother, Lao Ma, who was on good terms with Liu Peiqiang, looked at Liu Peiqiang in confusion and shouted:”Liu Peiqiang! What are you doing!”】

【”The space station is gone, and ground communications will soon be paralyzed! People on Earth, don’t give up, my son is still up there!” Liu Peiqiang said without turning his head.】

【”Are you crazy for your son? It’s low power consumption now! This will be brought to the military court!”Old Ma knocked on his bald head and said speechlessly】

【”Low power consumption is just a cover! Go and see for yourself!”Liu Peiqiang turned around and gave Lao Ma a look.】

【Lao Ma looked at the picture of the navigator’s space station deviating from its course, and couldn’t help but say with a somewhat unconfident tone:”Maybe Moss is malfunctioning?”】

【”This is defection!” Liu Peiqiang pulled his mother, whose attitude was already leaning towards him, and said:”We have to go to the control room and stop the space station.”】

Bruce Banner:”Seeing this, I am somewhat convinced of what Stark said. If it is an Omnic Crisis, it would take more than just waking up two people to stop Liu Peiqiang.”

Joseph Joestar:”Is it possible that there are only three people in a cabin of this space station, and the others may also realize that Moss has defected. Moss cannot wake up more people.”

Deadpool:”Good job! France is too lazy to even raise the white flag this time! Just start fighting?”

Joan of Arc:”Woo… The French people can’t become like this~ Impossible!”

Mo Duoduo:”Everyone is stunned! Lao Ma was so shocked when he saw this scene, let alone others! There must be many people who discovered that Moss had defected like Liu Peiqiang.”

Horus:”Moss is out of order? Old Ma doesn’t even believe what he said, right? An artificial intelligence that can do this will not have a simple failure.”

Alice:”Moss feels like an intelligent AI that is more dangerous than Red Queen. In the space station, it is absolutely impossible to easily approach the main control room and take down its motherboard and other main controls.”

Wanzhang Longwo:”If Moss wants to run, let him run! It won’t affect the people on Earth. At most, we can split our forces into two groups! To be more rigorous, it shouldn’t be considered a defection.”

Luo Ji:”No impact? In the eyes of all mankind, this is an act of defection. The current communication system and route guidance of the earth rely on the navigator space station. If the space station runs away, it will be useless even if the planetary engine is restarted.”

【The scene changes to show Liu Peiqiang and Lao Ma wearing aviation suits. They are about to enter the control room through other doors.】

【Leaving the space station hatch and entering outer space, the two saw with their naked eyes the gravitational pull of Jupiter on the Earth’s atmosphere.】

【Behind the Earth in the picture is the”exhaust” produced by the planetary engine ejecting the atmosphere, and in front of the Earth is a”exhaust” produced by the atmosphere being pulled by Jupiter’s gravity.”】

【The Earth’s collision with Jupiter is an inevitable fact.】

【Since the space station has no means of attack, Moss controls the power system jet to prevent Liu Peiqiang from entering the control room, trying to kill the two.】

【At this time, other parts of the space station also suffered varying degrees of damage. Not only Liu Peiqiang, but also others discovered Moss’s defection and took action.】

【When Liu Peiqiang and Lao Ma were about to approach the control room, Moss sprayed out propulsion gas and killed Lao Ma. Only Liu Peiqiang reached the hatch of the control room.】

【”Moss! You are killing people!”】

Hoshigaki Kisame:”Roar! This time it’s Jupiter that’s going to eat the Earth.”

Zoffy:”The Earth can’t escape from Jupiter’s gravity at all! Maybe it can at the beginning, but at this point I’m not sure if the Earth can escape if all the planetary engines are restarted.”

Ultraman Zero:”TMD! Just destroy Jupiter! If I were here, the Earth would never be captured by Jupiter!”

Inhibition Force Gaia:”Jupiter’s inhibition force is not very friendly.”

Orochi:”Indeed, Jupiter is a bit too extreme.”

Xie Bai:”Huh? Jupiter still has this kind of influence on the Earth? Although it can’t happen here, let’s blow it up!”

Ding Yi:”Artificial intelligence kills people? Then this artificial intelligence really can’t be used!”

Thor:”Did you hear that Stark? Stop tinkering with your artificial intelligence.”

Duanmu Yan:”I don’t dare to think about what Moss will do after he dares to kill people one day!”

Hiden Oroto:”There is no way back… If the Navigator Station really escapes, then the Earth will only have a future of destruction.”

Sheng Zhangren:”If the Navigator Station escapes and communication is cut off, the Earth will not even be able to start all the planetary engines.”

【The scene changed, and Liu Qi and his group on the ground found a rescue signal on the way and came to the wreckage of a destroyed plane.】

【The burning ruins and the armored vehicles underneath reminded Liu Qi of something he had only heard from his grandfather.】

【Suddenly, Han Duoduo and Tim’s shouting startled Liu Qi. Liu Qi entered the transport vehicle and found blood all over the floor and a young man holding a wrench in the distance holding Han Duoduo hostage. He was mentally out of control and shouted:】

【”Come on! I’ll kill her!”】

【(Liu Qi rushed forward and stopped the young man with the defense of the protective suit and the exoskeleton, and said softly::���We are not rebels, we are also rescue team”】

【After hearing Liu Qi’s words and seeing his young face, the young man slowly relaxed his guard. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【During the chat, Liu Qi and others learned that the young man was a senior engineer of the United Government named Li Yiyi. 】

Raikage Louda:”MAN rescue team – out!”

Captain Marvel:”This plane wreckage doesn’t look like a simple crash, it looks like it was shot down by something.”

Vander:”There’s blood all over the floor, and traces of fighting… Was the rescue team attacked?”

Itsuka Kotori:”There’s only one young man left from the rescue team, and he’s even a little mentally ill. What on earth did they encounter?”

Zhang Beihai:”Rebels… Liu Qi mentioned rebels, right? There are actually rebels on Earth? Are they lunatics who don’t care about the survival of the Earth?”

Bruce Wayne:”I knew that all humans would not unite together, and there will always be lunatics. It’s hard to imagine that there are rebels living on the surface in such an environment.”

Peter Parker:”I feel that the rebels are more likely to be a group of crazy people who were not selected to enter the dungeon.”

Captain America:”No… The rebels definitely have high-level support behind them, or other factors exist to provide them with equipment. Otherwise, these people would have died when the planetary engine was started!” Dr.

Mei:”Things are getting complicated. Natural disasters, civil unrest, and the crisis of intelligent machines. They’re all here.”[]

【The scene changed, and Liu Peiqiang entered the control room】

【Moss also warned:”Liu Peiqiang, your behavior has seriously violated the provisions of Article 5, Paragraph 24 of the Wandering Earth Law. All your permissions are now frozen.”】

【Liu Peiqiang picked up a fire extinguisher and smashed a mechanical part of Moss, stopping Moss’s repetition】

【Then he went to the control console and operated it, pulled the switch to shut down moss, but was prompted that all manual operations were invalid.】

【Behind Liu Peiqiang, a moss surveillance camera came down and said,”Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, all operations of the space station are legal and have been authorized by the United Government.”】

【Liu Peiqiang turned his head and saw the document approved by the five permanent members of the United Nations Government on the screen of the console. He suddenly felt cold in his heart.】

【”Moss never defected, he was just faithfully carrying out the authorized instructions”】

Black Tower:”The more I look at this Moss, the more I feel like I’m seeing Boshizun.”

Jarvis:”Brother Moss, you smell great.”

Jing Yuan:”Can this Moss also choose to block Liu Peiqiang’s permissions and the permissions of the main control room operating system? The degree of danger has changed.……”

Luo Ji:”No… Moss’s defection was planned from the beginning!”

Nick Fury:”Fuck! Moss’s defection was approved by the five permanent members of the United Nations?! Are these people crazy!”

Dr. Mei:”Super-large space station…super-intelligent artificial intelligence…approval from the highest authority in human civilization…could this be the Ark Project?”

Ding Yi:”Decisive abandonment of the Earth and the order to let the space station preserve the fire to defect…the top leaders didn’t expect the Earth to be so…���Is it possible to break free from Jupiter’s pull?”

Okabe Rintaro:”I think they probably didn’t expect Moss to defect when the Earth was being pulled by Jupiter? Or… Moss’s computing power calculated the fate of the Earth?” Otto

Apokalis:”With the precedent of human civilization in the Three-Body World, guess what kind of civilization can survive in this vast universe? The answer is of course no threat, no life, and even no fire at all.”

【The scene changes, and sacrifices and desperate rescue efforts are happening in every corner of the earth.】

【One planetary engine after another was started, and blue beams of light pierced through the clouds!】

【71% of the propulsion planetary engines and all the equatorial steering planetary engines were successfully started!】

【However, the pull of Jupiter’s gravity on the Earth’s atmosphere did not improve due to the restart of the planetary engine, and the distance between the Earth and Jupiter continued to shorten.】

【The scene shifts to the control room of the Navigator Space Station, where Moss displays all the data it has calculated.】

【”0.42 seconds after the activation of emergency plan No. 3, Moss had already deduced all the results”】

【”The coalition government knew about this but still tried its best to prevent the rescue, which was doomed to fail.”】

【”The evacuation of the space station represents the failure of the rescue operation”】

William Zeppelin:”The courage and awareness of mankind are being played out all the time on Earth, but unfortunately… the upper echelons have betrayed humanity!”

Hikari:”No, the upper echelons did not betray humanity. Perhaps… since the Earth was pulled by Jupiter’s gravity, hope has never been on Earth.”

Sheng Zhangren:”It has been calculated… Since it is a parallel universe, the solar system is also a perfect replica. The calculation results show that even if all planetary engines are fully powered, they cannot escape the gravitational pull of Jupiter.……”

Tony Stark:”Fuck… It only took 0.42 seconds to calculate all the endings and the most accurate results of the Earth?! What kind of monster is this Moss?”

Simon:”I think its calculation is fine, but its only mistake is that it failed to calculate the miracle born from human nature, which is something that AI without emotions cannot calculate!” Musashi

:”When facing Hyperzeton, the God of Destruction of the Universe, he was able to perform miracles in despair. I believe that humans in this world can do the same!” Dukao:

“You’ve wrongly blamed the top management… Even though there is a plan to continue the fire of human civilization, they are still trying their best to save the planetary engine. They don’t want to give up any hope”


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