Chapter 606: Stagnation of Holy Power and Fallen Empire!

【The scene changes. During the exploration of the surrounding star fields, the Human Federation discovered the remains of an ancient civilization.】

【Based on the excavation of the ruins, the Human Federation learned that this was a civilization called Guras seven million years ago.】

【Even seven million years have not erased the information in this relic, allowing the Human Federation to gain countless groundbreaking scientific and technological data, as well as the star gate in the relic.】

【The exploration ship entered the star gate. The moment it arrived at the star gate, the image sent made the human federation~stunned】

【It was a black hole surrounded by stars, and a black hole giant was built outside the black hole and had been orbiting for seven million years!】

【Because of the existence of the megastructure, the gravity of the black hole does not leak out, but is quietly gathered in the megastructure.】

【This is a miracle that has overturned the human federation’s understanding of science and technology! It has completely broadened the horizons of the human federation!】

【The black hole is controlled. This is a miracle that the scientists of the Human Federation have never thought of even in their imagination!

Spider-Girl:”Why is it the same as the scenario of the United Nations on Earth? (annoyed) There is a treasure chest in the Novice Village at the beginning, right?”

Rimuru:”It’s still different. In addition to the treasure chest, the Novice Village of the United Nations on Earth also has the small boss Des Purification Kingdom. The Human Federation is much luckier.”

Ainz Ooal Gown:”This is not a treasure chest in the Novice Village… It’s the remains of a civilization from seven million years ago. This is the 512 krypton gold gift pack!”

Tiangong Wang Huaye:”What is this?! The black hole is controlled?! The last thing I saw was the ether phase engine. This thing is even more outrageous than that Burning Heaven Divine Weapon!”

Kiryu Battle Rabbit:”Hiss——! My blood is boiling! The giant structure that can control the black hole has even remained in operation for seven million years. This is the pinnacle of physics!”

E:”Kiryuu Sento! What are you doing!”

Walter Yang:”It’s not a simulated black hole, but a real black hole! Too outrageous… The last step of the Earth United Nations to the natural disaster ascension involves the black hole megastructure!”

Hikari:”It’s too big a step, will it affect the cognition of the Human Federation? Finding the legacy of the ultimate civilization in the embryonic stage of civilization… The future of the Human Federation is limitless!”

【The human federation research ship slowly approached the black hole structure, marveling at this miracle that subverted cognition】

【Inside the black hole megastructure, scientists learned that this megastructure is called Guixu, which is used to control black holes and collect dark matter and black hole matter.】

【At the same time, the black hole megastructure also retains a large amount of research data on black holes, the construction technology of Guixu, and most of the technological crystallization of Guras civilization.】

【The overjoyed human federation scientists collected all the information and brought it back to the federation planet.】

【Although their technology is temporarily unable to decipher the information of Guras civilization, nor can they understand and reproduce those technologies】

【But the legacy of this ancient civilization has allowed the Human Federation to be ahead of most civilizations from the starting point!】

【The Human Federation began to increase its efforts to develop science and technology, gradually starting from the basic science and technology of Guras civilization, overcoming the technological bottleneck of civilization, and the speed of scientific research was once comparable to the technological explosion.】

【At the same time, due to rapid development, resources could not keep up, so the Human Federation began to expand outward, wanting to colonize more planets. 】

Death Karl:”Collecting black hole matter and dark matter… Suddenly I feel that the ether phase engine is not so good, and Guixu is more useful to me.”

Torrekia:”This is simply a treasure! The dark matter and black hole matter that have been stored for seven million years are all in it! Although humans cannot use dark matter and black hole matter now, they will not have to worry about resources in this area in the future!”

Tony Stark:”I feel jealous now, the Earth United Nations is the same, right? They all started in the novice village, and the Human Federation directly picked up a super treasure!”

Kiritani Kazuto:”Indeed, if the Earth United Nations is Normally, the novice village starts by getting a treasure chest and fighting a small boss, but the Human Federation has a great start!”

Ding Yi:”Yeah, I’m jealous when I see it. There is no need to even develop scientific research. Just copy the homework of this civilization and climb the technology tree.”

Guan Yifan:”Without a technological explosion, the speed of technological development will catch up with the technological explosion. If there is a technological explosion in the Human Federation, I dare not imagine the development speed.”

Xiaoyan:”In the novel, the Human Federation is a pure Long Aotian template. In the later stage, it has resources and skills. Even because of the technological route it takes, there is no bottleneck at all!”

Dr. Mei:”Yeah… As long as we work hard to develop basic physics, we don’t need to explore and research technology ourselves. Everything will come naturally.”

Walter Yang:”An Otto with knowledge that is 50,000 years ahead can thrive. The Human Federation has knowledge that is 7 million years ahead. I dare not even think about it.”

【The scene changed, and the exploration ship of the Human Federation began to fly outside the Federation star field, exploring the unknown star field outside.】

【During this period, the Human Federation also discovered some strange creatures, such as demons, creatures that feed on gaseous planets, etc.……】

【Just as the exploration ship was going deep into a star field, a communication from an unknown civilization was directly deciphered and sent a message to the Human Federation in human language.】

【We are the Skate Records Society, and you are the Human Federation. Hello, nice to meet you.】

【Don’t get close to our star zone, or you will die. If you have nothing else to do, please leave quickly.】

【This message shows the attitude of the SKET Records Society and also contains other information.】

【The Human Federation felt extremely humiliated and angry when faced with the Sket Records Association’s arrogant attitude of using courtesy before force.】

【The Human Federation responded: We will be waiting for you on the battlefield】

【The Skate Records Association did not respond. To them, the provocation of a small civilization that had just entered the interstellar was somewhat funny and boring.

Spider-Girl:”Okay, the Human Federation has also encountered the boss of the Novice Village, but it feels a bit strong to directly decipher human voices.”

Sheng Zhangren:”The Human Federation of this period is not as strong as the Earth United Nations of the same period. It is normal to be deciphered, right?”

Joseph Joestar:”Okay, first courtesy and then force, right? It is polite, but this arrogant attitude… I think of an old friend.”

Thor:”Don’t think about it, it has been reserved, another Des Purification Kingdom. But this time the Human Federation has great potential, that civilization is Get ready to die!”

Lex Luthor:”Great job, Human Federation! That’s how it should be! Don’t be scared, just declare war!”

Gojo Satoru:”Yeah! The Human Federation has fought its way out of the universe, we mustn’t lose face!” Geto Suguru

:”Right! Be alert!”

Duanmu Yan:”Humph! Are you scared in the face of the Human Federation’s declaration of war? Or are you extremely arrogant? It’s time to let this civilization know what humility is!”

Kirisame Marisa:”That’s right! I hope it can maintain this unruly attitude when it is blown up by the Human Federation.”

【After the first contact with extraterrestrial civilization, the Human Federation found relevant information through the database of Guras civilization.】

【According to intelligence, the Human Federation discovered that the Sket Record Society was an ancient civilization knowledge manager, whose ideology was the Holy Right of Stasis, and was called the Fallen Empire.】

【The database contains detailed information about the Fallen Empire.】

【The Fallen Empire possesses cutting-edge technology and fleets, and its overall civilization is extremely advanced and almost invincible!】

【However, for a long time, the civilization stagnated its technological development and expansion into the star zone, closed the star zone borders, and all its members played rotten.】

【Unless it is a hostile act or an invasion, this civilization will not have any diplomatic relations, and such a civilization is called a Fallen Empire.】

【After learning about the Fallen Empire, the Human Federation began to doubt itself. Will it win?】

【It is obvious that the Human Federation will lose badly, but at the same time, the Human Federation also regards the Sket Records Society as an imaginary enemy. 】

Holy Kesha:”Fallen Empire? Fallen? (Keyword alert)”

Liang Bing:”Damn! There are colleagues of this queen in other universes! This Fallen Empire is more domineering than the demon civilization… Oh, no! This fall is a bit wrong!”

Spider-Girl:”This, this, this… isn’t it right? Fallen Empire, the Holy Right of Stagnation, the Knowledge Manager… You call this a small boss in the Novice Village?”

Ainz Ooal Gown:”I really like what Rimuru said. The Human Federation is much luckier.”

Lu Mingfei:”I thought I caught a petty thief, but I didn’t expect to poke the old nest. Kind!”

Qingque:”I think this Fallen Empire is interesting. It’s far away from the involution of civilization. All members just lie down and start!”

Aihara Ryu:”This… There is almost no rival in the Fallen Empire universe. The Human Federation declared war on this behemoth right away?” Faded

:”How can this be a Novice Village boss? This is the ultimate boss who has come to the Novice Village!”

0Please give me flowers

Atsuya Kusakabe:”Ah? The Human Federation is fighting the Fallen Empire? Is that true?”

Gojo Satoru:”Will the Human Federation win?”

Deadpool:”Guaranteed to die~”

【The scene changed, because the news of the Skate Record Society caused panic and unrest among the people of the Human Federation】

【It was not until the Human Federation spread the word that the so-called Fallen Empire was nothing more than a stagnant civilization that did not have any aggression that it calmed people’s hearts.】

【At this time, another exploration ship also encountered the corrupted empire of the imperial civilization called Kamla Empire.】

【Similar to the attitude of the Sket Record Society, they did not launch an attack, but directly threatened the Human Federation to leave the current star zone.】

【But the difference is that the star zone that the exploration ship entered this time was a nominal military buffer zone, not a star zone controlled by the Kamla Empire.】

【The Human Federation was already furious about the threat from the Sket Record Society, and now it was slapped in the face by another fallen empire.】

【The entire civilization of the Human Federation was furious and called for a lesson to be taught to them!】

【The Human Federation itself has no military conflict with the Kamla Empire, and there is no military buffer zone. They ignored the warning and entered the star zone. 】

Yagami Light:”Indeed! The Fallen Empire has stagnated without making progress, and the Human Federation has the legacy of ancient civilization, so it will definitely surpass the Fallen Empire!”

Xiaoyan:”Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, don’t bully the young and poor!”…..0 0

Zhong Hui:”Again, avoid the sharp edge, be tolerant for the time being! Keep a low profile and seize the opportunity!”

Gabriel:”What the above people said is really no problem! When the Human Federation surpasses the Fallen Empire, we will directly blast its gold teeth!” Kusakabe

Atsuya:”Ah? Another Fallen Empire? The Human Federation is caught in the middle? The Human Federation fights two Fallen Empires, is it true?”

Zenin Maki:”It’s a complete guarantee.……”

Olga Marie:”But that’s too frustrating! Always being slapped in the face, being stepped on in the face and humiliated! We must show them some strength!”

Wang Xiaoer:”Yes! Be more alert! We humans have been the fourth natural disaster! We can’t embarrass humanity!”

Zhang Chulan:”Just add fuel to the fire, BYDs! Don’t let Brother Lian kill you!”

【The scene changed. As the human federation exploration ship entered the star zone, the Kamla civilization did not communicate again, nor did it mobilize a large number of fleets.】

【Under the intense observation of the Human Federation, a colossus battleship that was very familiar to the audience in the world, the Earth-shattering Star, arrived at a desolate planet in the star region surrounding the Human Federation. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Under the suspicious observation of the Human Federation, the Earth-shattering Star emitted a stream of particles that exploded instantly and shattered the planet’s crust.】

【Then a beam of light pierced the core of the star, causing a small shock wave, and then the entire planet shattered!】

【The entire Human Federation was stunned and instantly terrified! They had never seen such a terrifying world-destroying weapon!】

【Currently, the entire assets of the Human Federation are only the Federation Star and two colonized stars, and the star-destroying weapon in front of them only needs three shots to destroy the Human Federation!】

【The Human Federation slid to its knees at lightning speed, declared to the outside world that it respected the wishes of the Kalam Empire, established a military buffer zone between the two sides, and evacuated the star zone and would not enter it rashly. 】

Deadpool:”Oh no! Such a familiar scene! I feel… as if I have seen it somewhere? Isn’t it Chibaku Tensei?!”

Tokiwa Sougo:”Puchi… Sorry, I couldn’t help laughing. How did the boomerang that the Earth United Nations used to feed others neutron annihilation hit the Human Federation?”

Hanabi:”Someone come! Feed the Human Federation Chibaku Tensei!”

Ultraman Zeta:”It’s the opposite of Tiangang! Isn’t this the Earth United Nations’ means of deterring that civilization?!”

Sakata Gintoki:”It’s already unimaginably strong for the Human Federation, but for the Earth United Nations: Ha! Another Tasharus civilization!”

Musashi II:”《Give him some color》Is this Manifest Destiny? What a clown!”

March Seven:”What’s wrong with sliding to your knees at the speed of light! It’s just to save your life, it’s not shameful… Hee! Hee hee hee! No… You can’t laugh! No!”

Senju Tobirama:”The Fallen Empire’s attack on the Human Federation is a dimensionality reduction attack, and there is no need for a fleet. In the current situation, we can only admit defeat.”

Misaka Mikoto:”Yes, the Human Federation will eventually surpass the Fallen Empire. There is no need to ruin the future because of a momentary anger.”


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