Chapter 607 Gray Gu Storm Human Alliance vs. Fallen Empire!

【After making peace with the Fallen Empire, the Human Federation research ship avoided the star regions of the two Fallen Empires and continued to explore.】

【The vast universe is full of wonders. In the dark and uninhabited star field, the human federation research ship discovered the existence of a star beast.】

【A non-organic behemoth, full of megastructures and incomprehensible technology, showing no desire to attack】

【After sighing, the research ship continued to explore, and the human federation also continued to colonize and develop】

【It was not until a few years later that the Human Federation once again encountered news of alien civilizations in two diplomatic communications.】

【Because of the psychological trauma caused by the two fallen empires, the Human Federation was very cautious and careful in this contact】

【But what surprised the Human Federation was that the two civilizations were very enthusiastic and learned about the news of the two civilizations in the information.】

【The Toks Civilization and the Nariya Community are friendly, equal, and pro-foreign theocratic civilizations.】

【They advocate peace, salvation of the soul and sublimation of life, and promote the building of harmonious communication and connections. 】

Sunday:”What a great Star God Beast, but I wonder if it has the power of a Star God.”

March 7:”It’s decided to be you, Star God Beast! geteDaZe!”

Shi Qiang:”Another third kind of contact, this Human Union buddy might have caused the Fallen Empire to have PTSD.”

Xu Que:”To be honest, the Human Federation is really the innate body of the Fallen Empire! There are two Fallen Empires when they go out, but these two actively communicating should not be.” Karma:

“A civilization that advocates peace and communication between souls… It feels very similar to Ionia. It must be a civilization as beautiful and peaceful as the First Earth, right?”

Snow Queen:”I know that truth, goodness, beauty and harmony”217″ can also gain a foothold in the universe. The universe is not so cold and ruthless.” Pluto:

“There must be something wrong when things are abnormal. Is there really such a warm civilization? Such a civilization cannot gain a foothold in the universe. The early United Nations on Earth was like this.”

Conan:”Although I also think it is unlikely, there must be something wrong. But I was relieved to see that it was a theocracy and a civilization ruled by religion. Such a civilization believes in its own beliefs more than interests.”

【After noticing that the Human Federation was very vigilant, the two civilizations took the lead in expressing their goodwill and sent a research report on their Gray Gu to the Human Federation.】

【According to intelligence, senior members of the Human Federation and scientists discovered that there were traces of Gray Gu in their own star region.】

【Based on observations of a planet and the Gray Goo research report, the Human Federation discovered that the planet was covered with an unknown metal substance.】

【The metal material is made up of billions of tons of nanorobots, each of which is extremely small and has the ability to self-replicate.】

【The Human Federation also learned from the experimental report that these nanorobots were a technology created by a super-advanced civilization in the past.】

【But the Gray Goo got out of control. Countless nanorobots devoured and destroyed their creator civilization, and ran rampant across the galaxy, setting off a disaster called the Gray Goo Storm.】

【Countless planets are covered and devoured by nanorobots, which then transform and replicate into more nanorobots.】

【However, the Gray Goo discovered by the Human Federation during this period has fallen into a deep sleep. 】

Ito Makoto:”Gray Goo Storm? I can tell at a glance that she is a beautiful girl!”

Bruce Banner:”What?! Nanorobots? Damn Tony Stark, what kind of nanotechnology can you use to make it go berserk?” Tony Stark:”Gift Crab! The Ultron incident was just an accident. When else have I failed? Besides, my nanomachines are much worse than this nanorobot called Gray Goo.”

Emperor:”Don’t underestimate it. Even in the golden age of mankind, such nanorobots can bring about a disaster that will destroy the world.”

Olga Izka:”Covering the planet, devouring and transforming, and replicating… Such things seem to be more terrifying than the Zerg!”

Akagi Ritsuko:”The technological level of this world is too high, and those super civilizations always create things that they cannot control. The Rectification Protocol is understandable, but I don’t know how to evaluate Gray Goo.”

Optimus Prime:”It is foreseeable that the Gray Goo Storm is more terrifying than the Zerg. After all, the Zerg is just flesh and blood, but nanorobots will aggregate and reorganize like deformable metals, and are difficult to destroy.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Yes, the function of nanorobots can even simulate theocracy, repair spiritual foundations, etc. I really don’t know what kind of super civilization solved the Gray Goo Storm.”

Luo Ji:”I hope the Human Federation will not get in touch with it. It is already suppressed by the Fallen Empire, and then the Gray Goo Storm will be awakened.……”

【After careful consideration, due to the current situation of the Human Federation, the Human Federation had no choice but to choose to ally with the two civilizations.】

【After the alliance, the human federation fell into a dead end again, that is, the exploration ended.】

【The Human Federation star zone is sandwiched between two fallen empires. There are star zones of other civilizations on the periphery, but the new civilization of the Human Federation is sandwiched in the middle.】

【It can be expected that the future of the human federation has been locked up without the ability to explore star regions and colonize stars and obtain more resources.】

【At this time, the two allied civilizations decided to help the Human Federation and reached an alliance agreement and a non-aggression treaty with the Human Federation.】

【They also agreed that if there was an invasion by a foreign enemy, the three civilizations would work together to resolve it, open borders and trade with each other, etc.……】

【The behavior of the Tox Civilization greatly moved the residents of the Human Federation, and a group of friendly groups emerged.】

【The top leaders of the Human Federation can only decide to join the alliance and sign the treaty. Although this is beneficial to mankind, it also cuts off the possibility of the Human Federation declaring war on these two civilizations. 】

Kamijo Touma:”Why do I suddenly feel that this three-civilization alliance is the same small fish as the Black Arm Three Civilization Alliance?”

Sambo:”Poke, as long as the three civilizations of the Human Federation do not provoke powerful civilizations, they will not be the same small fish as the Black Arm Civilization Alliance!”

Chang Weisi:”This situation… The situation of the Human Federation is completely different from that of the United Nations on Earth. There is no room for development to grow. The Fallen Empire cannot be provoked, and other civilizations cannot be defeated because they cannot develop.……”

Mebius:”Unless a very friendly civilization lends a helping hand, but this universe… not all civilizations are friendly, and these two theocratic civilizations should not be much different from the Human Federation.” Senju

Tobirama:”These two civilizations are quite good, and they will help the Human Federation through the window period.”

Guyue Fangyuan:”This also cuts off the Human Federation’s way to stab these two civilizations in the back and step on them to become stronger. The alliance is only a temporary benefit, and in the long run…tsk tsk tsk, there is no benefit.”

Star-Lord:”Gift Crab! We humans are not an ungrateful race, especially for the great favors of civilization to civilization. I believe that the Human Federation will never attack the benefactor civilization no matter what…right?”

【The scene changes. After the stable period comes, through the exchange of intelligence, the Human Federation realizes some terrifying things for the first time.】

【The Human Federation learned that countless years ago, a super civilization called Rolanda civilization controlled most of the galaxy.】

【The Rolanda civilization is gentle and tolerant, supporting indigenous civilizations and protecting them from being disturbed, allowing them to develop with peace of mind.】

【Under the leadership of Rolanda civilization, the Milky Way is thriving. Although there are minor frictions, there will be no war.】

【Just as this beautiful picture was about to appear, a natural disaster called the Rectification Agreement awakened.】

【The Rolanda civilization itself has a promising future and a long potential for development. The most important thing is that the Rolanda civilization meets the requirements of the 25th level singularity civilization in the cosmic civilization level.】

【The emergence of the Rectification Protocol ignited the flames of war across the galaxy. All civilizations united to confront the Rectification Protocol.】

【The final result was that the galactic civilization was almost completely destroyed, and some super civilizations were crippled and stagnated in development, becoming fallen empires and escaping the disaster.】

【The Rolanda civilization was destroyed, leaving only the tombstone of the civilization and the last Rolanda civilization gravekeeper.】

Asuna:”Wow… What an Asian civilization, it is countless times more gentle than the United Nations on Earth before the natural disaster.”

Seele:”Isn’t this great civilization hundreds or thousands of times better than the Interstellar Peace Company? This is the way to lead peace!” Cheng

Xin:”She is the sun, shining the sun into the dark forest, making the universe no longer cold.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ultraman Zero:”Level 25 Singularity Civilization?! Damn it… The Rectification Agreement is correct, but at this time, it is still difficult to make a rational decision!”

Ultraman Justice:”The Rolanda civilization perfectly conforms to the justice of the universe. Feel Sexually, such a civilization should continue, but rationally… it must be destroyed.”

Yuta Otsutsukoshi:”No wonder the Rectification Protocol is the strongest natural disaster after the Fourth Disaster. The entire galaxy cannot defeat it. I’m afraid that only the Fourth Disaster after the natural disasters ascended can defeat the Rectification Protocol!”

Huang Quan:”The shadow of nothingness shrouds this universe. No matter whether it is a kind civilization or an extreme civilization, as long as it is still moving forward, there is only one result, turning into nothingness.”

Lei Yingying:”This time, I really saw a civilization running at full speed lose everything in front of the Rectification Protocol… Perhaps the Holy Right of Stagnation is correct in this universe. Eternity will not be destroyed”

【The Human Federation showed amazing wisdom and wanted to invite grave keepers to come to the Human Federation to enjoy the good life, and then they would help guard the graves.】

【On the other hand, the research and development of ancient super civilization technology is also continuing. The Human Federation has discovered a technology that can transform a planet into a habitable planet in other ruins…

【But the address of the ruins is in the star zone of the Sket Record Society. Because of the fear of the Fallen Empire, the development of the Human Federation has come to a standstill.】

【The Human Federation held a meeting, gathering all the high-ranking and powerful figures of the entire civilization for a heated discussion.】

【There is a proposal to tear up the alliance treaty, declare war on the Nariya civilization, and show humanity’s manifest destiny.】

【There are proposals to limit population development to achieve technological explosion and accelerate military technology】

【There is a proposal to gamble that the Sket Record will decide to go to war because it is stagnant and does not have a strong military force, and may even be unable to understand existing technology.】

【In the end, the Human Federation decided to go to war with the Fallen Empire of Sket Records, and because of the alliance treaty, the Nalia civilization and the Tox civilization would also be dragged into it.】

【Most importantly, due to information asymmetry, the Nalia civilization and the Toks civilization did not know that the Sket records would be the Fallen Empire. 】

Wang Kaixuan:”Brother BYD wants to rob tombs, right? You haven’t digested the legacy of the last super civilization yet and you’re already thinking about another one?” Zhang Chulan:”When it comes to caring for empty-nest elderly people, our Earthlings have maxed out their humanistic care!”

Kusaba Hirota:”Planetary transformation technology… The Human Federation star region is limited. If we have this technology, we can break through the shackles of development. But… can the Human Federation really make a choice in the face of the Fallen Empire?”

Star Lord:”Fuck! Human Federation brothers, don’t really backstab your allies! Isn’t this a slap in my face!”

Shajin:”The last suggestion is good. After years of stagnant development under the Holy Power, it is really possible that they can’t understand their own technology. Go gamble, all in is a kind of wisdom.”

Wanzhang Longwo:”It’s bad! The theocratic civilization has been fooled! This wave was forcibly tied up by one to two to fight the Fallen Empire!”

Kusakabe Atsuya:”Huh? The three civilizations fight the Fallen Empire? Is it true? Will they win?”

Gojo Satoru:”The knowledge managers of the Skate Records Society should not have such strong combat effectiveness. They will win!”

Fireworks:”《”The Three of Us” Hahahahaha! So funny~ Now the Human Federation is really going to become a small fry~ What a miserable two civilizations, they were dragged into declaring war on the Fallen Empire without knowing anything~ Hahaha!””

Time Chicken”:”Several years later, the Toks and Nalia people, who may have become space refugees, will recall the past and the thing they regret most is forming an alliance with the Human Federation.””

Olga Izka:”Quack! They are the evil spirits, the death-teller Human Federation! Retreat quickly!”

【The scene changed, and the three major civilizations had been preparing for more than twenty years, connected an extremely powerful fleet, and declared war on the Sket Records Society!】

【However, the result was completely different from what the Human Federation had expected. The FTL engine route did not find any trace of the Sket Record Society fleet.】

【Just when the allied fleet was puzzled, a fleet twice as large as the fleets of the three civilizations suddenly appeared! Dense lasers covered the fleet!】

【The 5.5 shield of the Human Federation battleship failed in less than two seconds, and the fleet was slaughtered one-sidedly!】

【The alliance fleet evacuated urgently and returned to the galaxy base station to build a defense line and firepower network to fight a positional war.】[]

【However, what teleported this time was not a fleet, but several Domination-class space fortresses!】

【Without the slightest resistance, the main fleets of the Human Federation, Toks Civilization, and Nalia Civilization were all wiped out!】

【Even because the Human Federation is a new civilization, the main fleet has invested all the resources of the Human Federation!】

【This defeat is not just a military defeat, even the human federation civilization is on the verge of collapse! 】

Kamiyama Hiyujin:”It’s broken! The Human Federation got the script of the Black Arm Civilization!”

Hikaru:”The superluminal engine versus the warp engine, the basic fleet quality is doomed to fail!”

Shajin:”The all-in failed, the wrong decision… This time the Human Federation is really going to lose everything.”

Simon:”This is no longer a war, it’s a massacre! The Three Civilizations Alliance doesn’t even have a warp engine, let alone fighting against the Overmind!”

Liang Bing:”Fuck… This fight was too tragic, it hurts me to watch it! I lost a lot of money fighting Kaisha several times, but the Human Federation lost more in one time!” Bai Ci Nan:

“I don’t know what it means, this Manifest Destiny is really disappointing!” Gabriel:

“The Toks Civilization and the Nariya Civilization are done, I thought it would be easy to bring my little brother to fry a fish, but I didn’t expect that three fish eggs would enter a big fish game.” Topa:

“From the details of the short picture of the gold list, it can be seen that the Human Federation has invested all in this battle. If it is defeated in an instant, it will probably set off a financial crisis that affects the entire civilization.”


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