Chapter 619 Top5 SCP Foundation – Supreme Divinity Series

(The author’s description of the plot of the gold list rewards is really meaningless. Besides, there is no plot in Stellaris, and it is all made up by the players themselves, so I won’t write about the gold list rewards of Stellaris.)

Not long after the end of the gold list Top 6, the gold list Top 5 soon followed and appeared on the Dimension Gold List.

【Dimension Gold List】

【A review of the fifteen major natural disasters in the universe】

【Ranking in no particular order】

【Top5SCP Foundation——Supreme Divinity Series】

【Transcendence, ultimate, pataphysics, traditional ancient gods, unnameable gods… Behind the prosperity of the ordinary world of mankind are countless unspeakable”disasters””!】

【We secure, we contain, we protect. We are the Foundation!】


(The author defines the Supreme Godhead as a disaster in the inventory. After all, some Supreme Godheads are themselves very chaotic, and the Supreme Godhead is a disaster for humans.)

With the appearance of the Top 5, the term Supreme Godhead caused an uproar in the universe.

Marvel Universe

Above the universe, outside the universe, and in the transcendent realm.

Countless gods who represent certain rules and incarnations in various fields began to discuss the Supreme Godhead with great interest.

They may be the existence of the Supreme God in their own universe, but in the heavens and worlds outside the infinite multiverse, I don’t know what level they are.

The so-called Supreme Godhead that can be counted in the Dimension Gold List immediately attracted the attention of great gods such as Eternity, Death, and Infinity.


Cthulhu Universe

Randolph Carter didn’t care about the Supreme God. His natural curiosity made him very interested in the SCP Foundation. The

Supreme God is prefixed with the SCP Foundation, and it is hard for Randolph Carter not to associate it with the sentence in the introduction.

“Could it be that this so-called supreme deity series has been contained by this SCP Foundation?”

Seeing that there is even an unnameable god in the introduction, Randolph Carter’s thoughts were vague. Could those old outer gods also be contained by the P Foundation?


Marvel Cinematic Universe

: Nick Fury of S.W.O.R.D. slammed the table when he saw the SCP Foundation!

“We control, we contain, we protect… Oh my god! This is exactly me!”

When Nick Fury saw other reviews, he only felt absurd and amazed, or he made some complaints.

But after seeing the review of this suspected”colleague” in front of him, Nick Fury felt very familiar and looked forward to it.


In No Game No Life

, Hubie tugged at Riku’s sleeve:”Rick, the Supreme God is an Old God, right? A very large Old God. Why is it called a disaster?”

Riku looked at the revived Disboard:”Because the gods are very powerful… Every move of the gods has a great impact on the world, and it is a natural disaster for humans.”

“Before the gold list appeared, the war among the gods’ followers had already left us with no living space, let alone the supreme gods who could be on the gold list?”

Thinking of the ancient gods in the world of Cthulhu, Rick was reluctant to recall that terrifying existence.

“Some gods exist only in the world of the weak, or even in the vision of the weak, which is a great disaster. The weak will be wiped out if they exist without any process.”


Sephiroth:”The Supreme Divinity is… the God among Gods, the Divinity among Divinities, the Ruler among Gods, the Ruler among Divinities, the Lord of Gods, the King, the Master, the Overwhelming Divinity, the Peak……?”

Black Tower:”I’m quite curious about the SCP Foundation. The word containment… Could it be that the Supreme Godhead is also a kind of wonder? And the SCP Foundation contains all the wonders?”

Albus Dumbledore:”I think the SCP Foundation is like the Ministry of Magic, keeping the Muggle world normal so that no supernatural things happen.”

Bartmelo Lorelei:”Indeed, the front and back of the world need to be maintained. I guess the SCP Foundation is there to maintain the balance between the front and back worlds.”

Rocket Raccoon:”Wu~ Then I guess there must be a lot of treasures in this SCP Foundation! After all, they should contain Aren’t all of them dangerous? There must be treasures!”

Haidong Dashu:”The treasures that can be housed in the same foundation as the Supreme Divinity of the disaster level must be rare treasures in the world!”

Randolph Carter:”The real world behind the ordinary world is indeed unacceptable to humans. If the gods themselves do not restrain themselves, then an organization is needed to cover up the real world.”

Thanos:”The Supreme Divinity, metaphysical, indescribable… It seems that it is not a physical God, but a kind that is more inclined to change God.”

Mo Duoduo:”Let’s get started! I can’t help but see the real world behind the ordinary world!”


【Screen starts】

【A voice sounded:”Humanity has been developing for 25,000 years, but only the last 4,000 years are meaningful.”】

【”So, what have we been doing for nearly 25,000 years?”】

【”We hid in caves around little fires, fearing things we couldn’t understand”】

【Along with the sound, a group of ancient humans wearing animal skins sat in a cave, and the faint light of the campfire dispelled some fear.】

【They are curious about the sun that illuminates the world and sets and rises in cycles.】

【The living stones and the strange birds with human heads are frightening because of their physical differences and their rejection of deformed creatures.】

【The fear of death makes them call these incomprehensible things gods, or the opposite of demons. Pray that these beings will not hurt them.

Nick Fury:”25,000 years of human beings, nearly 4,000 years of history… Damn it! Is this the history of the Earth? The Earth again?!”

Dio Brando:”Of course it is to seek a sense of security. Whether it is the development of civilization or the establishment of a dynasty, it is all for a sense of security!”

Chiron:”I have a deep feeling about this scene. In this era comparable to the Age of Gods, humans whose wisdom has not yet been fully enlightened can only feel fear in mystery.”

Sheng Zhangren:”Living stones are not necessarily mysterious, right? It is very likely a prehistoric creature. I think it looks like a creature with a stone surface.”

Uncle Nine:”What about the human-headed bird? There is no doubt that this is a monster or something weird. The water in this world is very deep.……”

Aozaki Touko:”This is the mystery… but it’s more bizarre than mysterious. Not to mention the humans of this period, people in the 21st century would be terrified if they saw it.”

Gellert Grindelwald:”This is the original god of faith, a god or demon born out of faith in an even more ancient era. I believe that if there is mystery in this world, then faith will definitely create gods.”

Gilgamesh:”When human wisdom is enlightened and the world is divided into inside and outside, these bizarre things should almost disappear. But the real mystery never goes away.……”

【”As time goes by, their numbers decrease, and our numbers increase. As we have fewer and fewer things to fear, we begin to see the world more rationally.”】

【”However, the inexplicable things did not disappear, as if the universe deliberately wanted to show absurdity and incredibleness.”】

【As the sound progressed, the ancient humans in the picture gradually developed from cave dwellings to group dwellings, and then to tribes. They began to skillfully make tools and build houses.……】

【Some creatures that were once incomprehensible and terrifying were hunted and turned into food, and fire was used skillfully.】

【Gradually, tribes became towns and countries. Humans’ understanding of the world became more and more mature, and their fears gradually decreased with development.】

【However, some things have not disappeared with the development of the times. Instead, the enlightenment of human wisdom has made humans more afraid of these unknown things!】

【That is the irrationality that exists in the world after the deconstruction of human beings, the most primitive fear that is neither human nor inhuman, buried in the essence of life.

Emperor:”I have lived from the Stone Age to the Interstellar Age, and everything I have witnessed can only be summed up in four words. Believe in science.”

Romani Achiman:”Yes, the early evolution of this world is very similar to mine. With the awakening of human wisdom and the emergence of science, the understanding and analysis of the world have made those mysteries no longer mysterious.”

Kevin Kaslana:”Like the fire thief in mythology, the use of fire is a big step in the progress of civilization. The analysis of the world by civilization is the general trend.” Jotaro

Kujo:”Dio is right about this. The emergence of city-states has brought a sense of security, and a deep understanding of the unknown has also made people no longer afraid. The filling of a sense of security is fading people’s fear of the unknown. ‘s fear.”

Heimerdinger:”But have you ever thought that after knowing science and the world, those weird things that cannot be understood from a scientific perspective are the real fear?”

Chu Xuan:”I agree with you. When science is not enough to understand those horrible and weird things, the clear thinking brought by science will brew a deeper fear.” Aozaki Orange

:”There is also the lack of firepower. Who wouldn’t be afraid of something that cannot be understood, analyzed, or even killed?”

Dad:”I understand this as well… People are still afraid of ghosts because they don’t understand them and can’t check and balance them, not to mention the weird rules that are even weirder than ghosts?”

【”Humanity can no longer live in fear”】

【”Nothing can protect us, we have to protect ourselves”】

【”While others live in the light, we must fight them in the darkness and keep them out of the public eye.”】

Request flowers

【”So that everyone else can live in a safe, sane, normal world”】

【In the picture, a group of people with a world in their hearts, strong will, and who have faced fear but have not been overwhelmed gathered together.】

【They use the thinking of the rational world to explore the real world behind, to grope, to search and to record】

【They explored the real world, gathered the power they could use in the real world, and used the unknown to fight the unknown.】

【Gradually, as they explore the real world, they are more and more afraid of the real world, and more worried about the weirdness hidden in the ordinary world. 】

Walter Yang:”It’s on fire! As I said before, humans can only rely on themselves, and use their own hands to explore the unknown! This is the meaning of exploration.”

Ancient One:”Interesting people, worthy of respect. They are just like the Supreme Sorcerer Agamotto, who protected the stability of the inner world when the human world was still weak.”

Unlicensed Knight:”Protecting the world in secret, even making ordinary people unable to detect those unknown dangers. They are the real heroes!”

Homelander:”There is no such thing as a peaceful life, but someone is carrying the burden for us. We are not heroes, but you, my friends, you are the real heroes!”

Peter Parker:”Salute to them! It is said that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, but they still stand up with the same ability as ordinary people… This is a heroic act!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”It is hard to imagine what kind of determination they had to stand up at the beginning. Carrying the real world on their shoulders to protect the ordinary world. Their names must be engraved in human principles!”


Ryze:”Disasters are always one step behind them. It’s great that only these weird things remain in the world. If it weren’t for them, the world wouldn’t be so peaceful.”

【As the times progress and evolve, they explore, control and utilize unknown forces in the real world.】

【They look for things in the world of the general public that affect human psychology, common sense, beliefs, and interfere with their lives.】

【Harness the power of the unknown and control it using methods discovered in the real world】

【Containment is carried out by various methods, such as relocation, imprisonment, demolition, prohibition of dissemination, etc.】

【In order to protect humans from being affected, they protect the anomalous objects until they can be fully understood with the progress of the times, or their unknowns are covered by scientific theories.

【For anomalies that are too dangerous to be understood, they record their characteristics and use them to combat other anomalies, with destruction being the last resort.】

【The screen went dark, and then a circle with three arrows appeared on the screen.】

【”We secure, we contain, we protect. We are the Foundation”】

Hong Meiling:”Use their spear to hit their shield! What a good strategy! They are indeed a group of people who can fight in the real world!” Nobita

Nobi:”Hey! It feels like a lot of weird things are modern! And although I can’t understand them, I can use them if I find a way! Just like Doraemon’s props!”

Daddy:”Everything has two sides. Some of these weird things don’t even have consciousness. If we find a good way to use them, we can curb other weird things.”

Black Swan:”I’m interested in this world. It’s interesting to see these weird things have buildings, events, animals, rule triggers, and even mold pollution…

Dr. Mei:”Times and technology are advancing. It seems that the reason why some weird things have not disappeared is that the scientific and technological theories of this era cannot interpret and analyze them.”

Bruce Wayne:”This is a good start. The more objects we contain, the more confident we will be to fight against more terrifying monsters.”

Mo Duoduo:”What great people… What a wonderful adventure… I want to be a member of the SCP Foundation when I grow up!”

Ron Weasley:”This is so cool! With so many adventures and objects, we Gryffindors are born to be suitable for the SCP Foundation!”


(The author is just talking about SCP, not even SCP, so

I am writing and setting up things on the spot. Please point out if there is anything wrong.) (The brother in the book review section said that it was my fault that I didn’t write enough about the Outer Gods in the inventory of Randolph Carter. Sorry, I was afraid of being accused of bragging at the time , so I didn’t dare to let myself go.) (SCP and Cthulhu are more or less related. Look at what the brother in Wangba said, it’s quite powerful. This time the author let himself go.)

(The inventory probably writes about the Crimson King, Yaldabaoth, Pattern Screamers, I am among all things, etc.)

(Also… don’t abandon the book! It won’t be finished or enter the palace! If everyone abandons it, Watasi… don’t do this! (Crying).

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