Chapter 620 The Supreme Divinity – The Crimson King Dust and Blood!

【The screen changed, and a line of words appeared on the gold list screen:】

【SCP Supreme God – Crimson King】

【Then, a strange, humanoid demon with antlers on its head, a strange and terrifying appearance, and eyes all over its chest appeared.】

【As He appeared, the music began to flow:”Seven seals, seven rings, seven brides, for the Crimson King.””】

【Then, a piercing howl with endless negative, barbaric, primitive, cold, crazy, angry, nihilistic… and other emotions poured out, blocked by the golden list.】

【Then the screen changed to archive records, and several archives appeared in the eyes of the audience.】

【scp—231, scp—001, scp—2317, scp—3150, scp—3838……】

Hayakawa Akira:”Huh? The devil of the future?”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”A bit like the Demon King Goetia, with deer horns and eyes on his chest.”

Constantine:”This is the traditional image of the devil. The Crimson King may look like this, or he may not. It is also possible that this appearance is just one of His images.”

Alice Margatroid:”Supreme divinity… Generally speaking, the Supreme God has different aspects, and will be affected differently by people’s understanding.”

Otto Apocalis:”It should be said… the image of a true god is what you think it is in your subjective consciousness. There is no fixed image. In other words, the image of a true god cannot be looked at directly by mortals.”

Navilette:”The meaning of seven is not ordinary. The destined number of this Crimson King is also seven, which shows that he is a very powerful god.”

Ichi Ye Zhi Qiu:”I have already felt the will of seven. There is clearly seven in it!”

Uzumaki Kushina:”Hiss” Four seven seven”——! Such a strong negative emotion! The negative emotions of the Nine-Tailed Fox are nothing compared to this!”

Sugaru Geto:”Such a strong negative emotion in my world would probably give birth to a cursed spirit that would destroy the world.……”

Huang Quan:”I even feel the meaning of nihilism… This Crimson King seems to be the opposite of existence, just like Azathoth.”

Coulson:”These files mean the files of the SCP Foundation’s containment? Don’t tell me… This Supreme God is the SCP Foundation’s containment?!”

Frieza:”Are you kidding me? Even if humans, an organization composed of ants, are brave enough to contain an existence like the Crimson King? Stop kidding me.”

【The scene changed, the screen of the Golden List went black, and then an ancient and distant era appeared.】

【This is the origin of the concept of the world, the tree of knowledge was planted, and everything was defined.】

【The sky and the earth gradually appeared, and light and darkness also began to appear. The multiverse was born under the order of the tree, and with it came countless primitive lives that depended on the tree, also known as the ancient gods.】

【Khahrahk is an ancient god, a unique ancient god, a very small ancient god】

【His birth was not great, but it was different from the haziness of his other brothers and sisters. He was surprisingly clear-headed because he was blessed by consciousness.】

【Crawling in the dark abyss, feeling pain and loneliness because of being awake, the blessing becomes a curse】

【Khahrahk looked at the tree, the light of thought and the shadow of the tree symbolized existence and was also the source of his pain.】

【Existence is painful, so He should be doomed forever, and it might be better for Him to disappear without a trace. Khahrahk thought so.

Bruce Wayne:”This is a bit like the origin of the multiverse in the Black Tower. The birth of an object gave birth to the multiverse.”

Odin Odinson:”This tree is more magnificent than the World Tree. The World Tree is only the Nine Realms, but the branches and leaves of this tree actually extend out of the multiverse?!”

Thor:”I’m afraid that only the World Tree created by the true god Loki on the Throne of Time can have such power!”

Black Tower:”The tree that created everything from nothingness brings the meaning of existence. Could this tree be the tree of existence of this world?!”

Ornn:”Ancient God? It’s appropriate. After all, it is the original creature that accompanies the Tree of Knowledge that created the multiverse.”

Diablo:”Hiss! In advance Being awake means eternal loneliness! A newly born god would definitely go crazy in this situation!”

Loki, the God of Stories:”If it were an older god, he would probably be able to endure loneliness. But he is just a newly born god. He has seen existence and light, but he is crawling in darkness.” Koro-sensei

:”It feels like this Khahrahk has a serious tendency towards self-destruction, and is not even limited to self-destruction, but rather… anger towards the future? If this is allowed to continue, he will become twisted.”

Tree of Knowledge:”Da Silly Haru! What are you doing!”

Huang Quan:”Existence has meaning, but he can’t find the meaning of his own existence. Instead, he suffers because of his existence. Destroying everything and returning to nothingness is his way to liberation.”

【Because of this obsession, Khahrahk devoured the essence of his brothers and sisters to grow, committing the original sin.】

【This growth made Him suffer, He became blind because of the pain, and gave birth to deep hatred and pure hatred.】

【In the eternal darkness, He climbed onto the throne made of the bones of His compatriots. Countless primordial gods died in His hands.】

【Of the surviving gods, some chose to leave and go to the world of branches and leaves to work for creation. Some were enslaved forever by Khahrahk.】

【Then He created His kingdom and brought pain and despair to all the worlds and creations.】

【Countless souls poured into his kingdom and were enslaved. Khahrahk was about to share his suffering with all beings.】

【War broke out! A war between all the branches and leaves of Khahrahk’s kingdom, the multiverse, broke out! It will not end until the end of the multiverse. 】

Bai Fengfeng:”Gua! It’s the soul-sucking music that Baimao Dadou usually uses! What a devilish demon god!”

Duan Yu:”This method is countless times more evil than Ren Woxing’s Star-sucking Art! There is nothing left after sucking it!”

Gu Yue Fangyuan:”Good method, all kinds of great power to achieve oneself. It is worthy of a refining demon god. Grab other ancient gods and refine them in an instant!”

Xu Que:”Good guy, this Khahrahk is really crazy! Is he going to deal with the Human Emperor Banner and the Human Mountain and Sea Pavilion next?”

Han Tianzun:”Daoyou, this Human Emperor Banner is probably emitting black smoke, right? (annoyed)”

Xu Que:”There are Daoyou smoking inside.”

Yatoke S:”The courage to trample all the gods under his feet is simply a deicide! Damn, who in the whole world can stop him? Who else can?”

Observer:”Hou Lixie! A madman who is as unreasonable as Ultron! Just because of his own selfish opinions, he wants to destroy all the universes?”

LeBlanc:”This world is in trouble. He will be more ambitious than Mordekaiser, and his nature will be more chaotic and crazy… God!”

Frieza:”Too strong… Declare war on the multiverse alone?! Is there no limit to the growth potential of the ancient gods!” Darkseid:

“In the hands of a truly strong person, the multiverse is nothing more than a plaything.”

【Khahrahk, among the conquering gods, paid attention to the most beautiful sanna】

【He brutalized Sanna for seven days, then rose from her blood and became the Crimson King.】

【The seven daughters born to Sanna were given seven seals by the Crimson King because of Sanna, so that they would not die when Sanna lost them.】

【The Scarlet King did something secret to his seven daughters, so he had seven more brides.】

【The seven brides’ children each inherited a side symbol and wisdom of the Crimson King. The capable ones were either used by the Crimson King or crippled so that they could not resist Him.】

【Only the weakest Seventh Bride, out of fear, taught her children to become hunters and heroes to resist the Crimson King.】

【This act caused the seven brides to be sealed forever, and their children were used as tools to become capable generals in waging war against the multiverse. 】

Chuangmeng Beast Group:”War! Adultery!”

Mebius:”Are there no reproductive isolation among the ancient gods?”

Doctor Strange:”This is the Crimson King… This is no longer an ordinary disaster, it is a disaster for the entire multiverse.”

Observer:”No, the Tree of Knowledge was planted, and the Crimson King can wage war against his creator, which is at least a disaster for the infinite multiverse.”

Ito Makoto:”Quack! Chusheng! Those seven women are his daughters! And one of them is a tank, how can he do that?!”

Matou Shinji:”He is really… No problem. He is worthy of being the Crimson King! He easily did what we couldn’t do! It really makes people excited!”

Giant Shark King:”He attacked his own children, and he doesn’t even cherish his grandson? How could this unknown guy be afraid that his own children would rebel against him?”

Zhu Di:”This old seven is a character. He is talented enough to teach heroes and hunters. It’s a pity that the nine tribes have become a little lively.”

Belia:”He is so ruthless… Even a tiger won’t eat its own cubs. Even I spared Geed in the end. It seems that He has no feelings for him at all.”

【As the war progressed, countless universes that resisted the dark gods collapsed and were destroyed, and the roots of the tree began to rot.】

【The kingdom of the Crimson King continues to expand with death, and even the souls of those he conquers cannot rest in peace. Even death is fighting…..】

【The knowledge of the tree was ripped out from within by trickery, accelerating the tree’s demise.】

【Heroes appeared in countless worlds that resisted the dark gods, holding high countless banners and representing one universe after another to resist the invasion from the kingdom.】

【However, all was in vain. The Crimson King was too powerful. The heroic epics created by those mortal heroes became history and turned into dust and blood.】

【The branches and leaves withered and broke, and the Crimson King and His servants came to the main root of the tree and poured out all their anger, despair, and pain on the tree!】

【The gods were shattered, the world fell into decay and destruction, and the children of the Seventh Bride were slaughtered!】

【And when the Crimson King is completely successful, the tree and all creation will be destroyed, and everything will return to nothingness. 】

Ereshkigal:”Evil! Since life has died, it should rest in peace, but they even pull out the souls of the dead to continue fighting! Unforgivable!”

Shiki Eiji:”Death penalty, death penalty! Even the soul is used, this guy is completely crazy!”


Wonder Woman:”I thought of the epic battle of various races in ancient times to resist Apokolips. Unfortunately, the enemy they have to fight is not Darkseid, but the Crimson King.”

Tree of Imaginary Numbers:”Scared.jpg”

Black Supreme Strange:”He is such a crazy god. If he destroys the Tree of Knowledge and finds that there are infinite multiverses… I’m afraid his thoughts will change.”

Khorne:”The Crimson King is a bit too extreme.”

Melina:”The tree will die, and the world and the laws will be shattered. It’s a pity that no king appears to stop this.”

Uchiha Sasuke (Eagle Team):”Huh! A mere Crimson King? As long as I feel like it, the Crimson King will kneel down and beg me not to die.”

【The scene changes, and in the wireless multiverse outside the tree, the supreme deity named Brother of Death quietly witnesses all this.】

【They know the outcome of the war, for they are the end of it all, and they keep silent】

【However, for some unknown reason, the Crimson King was isolated in countless parallel dimensions and could not enter the main dimension timeline.】

【The main body cannot enter the main dimension space, so the Crimson King began to interfere with the main dimension space, using rituals to allow himself to enter the main timeline.】

【The scene changes to the SCP Foundation on Earth. Dr. Robert Montauk notices some anomalies by chance and various factors, and begins to trace the origin of the Crimson King.】

【The legend of the Crimson King has always been circulating in this world, representing negative emotions and hatred towards the modern world.】

【As the SCP Foundation and the Global Supernatural Organization investigated, they discovered that the legend of the Crimson King was not an ancient legend made up by humans.】

【There are even fanatic organizations about the Crimson King who are using the weirdness to do something. 】

Observer:”I know that this world is a vast infinite multiverse. 0.1″

Gellert Grindelwald:”The end of everything… Could this Brother of Death be the supreme deity representing death and the end?”

Death:”Brother of Death is not death, but it seems to include the end of death. The concept is broader than mine.”

Ryze:”The Crimson King cannot enter the main dimension, but can interfere… This action is the same as the void! It is also the same as the end of reincarnation!”

Shi Tianwu:”The Crimson King cannot be allowed to enter the main dimension. I think the SCP Foundation is here to fight against the influence of the Crimson King and prevent Him from entering the main dimension. The last line of defense.”

Ancient One:”I don’t know what happened, but I guess there should be a great power in the main universe, or some mechanism, or something happened in the middle, isolating the Crimson King. Just like Dormammu cannot enter the earth without the help of believers to open the ceremony.”

Maori Kogoro:”Wait! In this case… aren’t those fanatic organizations being affected to open the ceremony!”


Don’t worry, there are still a few chapters to come. I will stay up all night to code.

The main reason is that SCP codes too slowly, more than three hours for one chapter, and it takes about two hours to check the settings. I have to check and code at the same time, and I have to change the new settings I find… If I want to match the setting of the Crimson King, I have to find the settings of the Crimson King in other SCP containment objects.

I don’t know why I can’t find the URL of the SCP Foundation official website, so I can only search on Baidu and Tieba.

And now the author’s brain is a bit confused. Dust and Blood seems to be the origin of the Crimson King, but there is also a version of the Crimson Demon that seems to be it, and there are other versions with complete settings that I can’t find.

I don’t know which one to write, and I’m afraid that the settings of several different versions will be mixed up. You can correct me in the comment section..

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