Chapter 621: SCP-231 Incident, The Gate to Another World Moves, The Seven Ancient Spears

【Dr. Robert Montauk, through years of investigation, gradually discovered that the Crimson King is deeply related to the number seven.】

【After returning to the Foundation to search the containment files, Dr. Montauk was surprised to find many containment objects related to Seven, all of which were rule-based or ritual-based.】

【Dr. Montauk and the Global Occult Coalition reached a cooperation agreement and jointly launched a crackdown on the Sons of the Crimson King with the police in the name of cracking down on the cultists.】

【With the help of the police and some of the captured objects, the police and the Foundation finally found a warehouse owned by the Son of the Crimson King.】

【In the warehouse, the Foundation members immediately noticed the mysterious ritual pattern drawn in blood and the seven pregnant girls distributed on the ritual pattern.】

【The police quickly shot and killed the members of the Crimson King’s Son who wanted to attack, and urgently called an ambulance to rescue seven pregnant women and rushed them to the hospital.】

【The seven pregnant women were named SCP-231 by the Foundation.

Charles IX:”It seems that during the years when human society has developed, the Crimson King’s interference in the main dimension has affected all aspects, and even countless containment objects have been born.”

Nick Fury:”If the situation is worse, it is possible that except for the main body of the Crimson King, all other aspects or wills that can enter the main dimension have entered.”

Lan Meng:”Tsk, I am a little confused. Why can’t such a powerful existence enter the main dimension? If he wants, he can destroy the main dimension.”

Vishandi:”You must know that there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside heavens. Although the Crimson King is very strong, this world can be called the main dimension, and there must be many great beings who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Crimson King to check and balance him.”

Bai Wunan:”Huh? The main dimension, since it is the main dimension, it is this infinite multiverse. The will power and the defense line built by countless ancient gods against the Crimson King.”

The Supreme Sorcerer King:”I can’t understand these believers. The world they live in is already very good, but they have to bring in evil gods from outside the world?”

Uncle Nine:”Seven pregnant women… are these seven brides?! Using the seven brides of the original Crimson King as an imitation ritual… I suddenly have a very bad idea.”

Xiaoyu:”I seem to have thought of it… Dr. Montauk has discovered so many containment objects that symbolize seven and are related to the Crimson King… It’s not that as long as one of them can be achieved, the Crimson King will appear in the main dimension!” Dad:

“What Xiaoyu said makes sense, but it should be unlikely. After all, an existence like the Crimson King has been isolated from the main dimension for who knows how many years. It is definitely not something that a group of ordinary people can summon by performing random rituals.”

【The scene changes. Because Dr. Montauk is more and more concerned about the Scarlet King and more and more afraid of him, he also sends a member of the Foundation to guard the ward.】

【He used the instrument to remotely monitor the wards where seven pregnant women were placed.】

【At 24:00 after being rescued, just three minutes later, SCP-231-1 gave birth to the first SCP baby】

【The baby’s cry was so loud that all the birds gathered outside the window and began to sing, as if calling out to someone.】

【Instantly, hundreds of people around were engulfed by negative emotions. Then the screen of the gold list flashed like a black and white TV, and the screen suddenly changed.】

【This accident caused the death of hundreds of people, and the baby was also urgently controlled and contained by the Foundation】

【Meanwhile, in the Foundation, Dr. Montauk received news that the SCP-2317 portal to another world was vibrating, and there were unusual movements around the area, causing a small-scale chaos. 】

(The author cannot write the details of the accident. Check out a series of articles on the casualty report of the 231-Alpha incident. The details of what happened were all erased by black bars.)

Da Vinci:”Well, it’s just seven pregnant women. Isn’t Dr. Montauk a little too cautious?”

Ryuguuin Seiya:”Cautious? It doesn’t matter if you are several times more cautious. The SCP Foundation was originally just an organization to protect the stability of the human world. Who wouldn’t be confused when they found out about an unknown myth that might be an existence in the infinite multiverse while investigating it?”

Little Devil Tokiwa Sougo:”Since they are the sacrifices to summon the Crimson King, just kill them. Keeping them will only cause sudden changes.”

Kyubey:”Killing is the last resort. No one knows what will happen if they are killed. What, it’s mainly to conduct observations, watch for anomalies, and find ways to use containment objects to counterbalance them.”

Fragrant White Lotus Su Huanzhen:”Poor child… The child is innocent, but unfortunately he has to bear the cause and effect of the arrival of the evil god from outer space. Whether the Lord of Crimson will come or not, he bears a share of original sin.”

Duanmu Yan:”He is no longer a baby since he killed hundreds of people! What’s more, it is related to the Crimson King? No matter how special the earth is, I don’t believe that the earth can survive the arrival of the Crimson King.”

Mu:”Here we go, SCP2317’s gate to the other world is also related to the Crimson King. I guess… it might be the gate for the arrival of the Crimson King? At the very least, it is closely related to the Crimson King, a kind of interference in the main dimension.”

【Right after the first SCP baby was born, SCP-231-2-6 began giving birth.】

【SCP-231-2 died due to an abnormal event caused by moving the baby, which resulted in the deaths of several people】

【SCP231-3: Because Dr. Montauk wanted to prevent childbirth, he activated the Montauk procedure to prevent it, causing great pain to her.】

【After calling for help in vain, SCP231-3 took a scalpel and committed suicide. The baby in her belly rioted, causing anomalies and causing a large number of casualties.】

【After the SCP231-3 incident, SCP231-4 was able to prevent childbirth, but it was difficult to deliver the baby.】

【SCP Foundation members used SCP-500, a panacea that can cure all diseases, to cure her and successfully give birth.】

【However, after childbirth, in order to eliminate the clean residue, SCP-231-4 was killed and a mass casualty incident occurred, resulting in countless deaths.】

【SCP-231-5 was killed after giving birth because of improper operation of the restarted Montauk procedure. This led to the strict use of the subsequent Montauk procedure. 】

Tendo Souji:”It’s hard to watch… I can’t say anything to stop it. It’s death anyway, so let’s just give it a quick death.”

Mebius:”It seems that death cannot be stopped. The baby is the key to the ritual.”

Kiana Kaslana:”I don’t understand the great principles of saving the world, but Dr. Montauk’s behavior is too inhumane!”

Emiya Kiritsugu:”Inhumane? Compared with the world and even the infinite multiverse of the main dimension, the death of a few people can be said to be no loss, not to mention humanity.”

Tiexin Emiya:”Yes, these babies are the sacrifices that bear the original sin. No matter what they pay, they will be killed. What, as long as we can stop the Crimson King from coming, we can save countless worlds.”

Snape:”Huh? A panacea that can cure all diseases?! This thing is neither magic nor science! How is it made?!”

Yayi Yonglin:”I just noticed this panacea. Medicines that can cure 99% of diseases can be made, but medicines that can cure 100% of diseases are impossible!”

Danshu:”Panacea? I don’t know if congenital disabilities can be cured. But unconditionally curing all diseases, I’m afraid that the King of Medicine’s kindness can’t do this.……”

Homelander:”An uncontrollable baby? He might even kill his mother… If possible, I hope he can survive and become a god who is not controlled by any person or organization!”

【Because the pregnant woman was innocent, and SCP231-3 and SCP231-5 were too pitiful and miserable, a Foundation agent took pity on them.】

【He stole an unknown SCP Foundation containment object, and used it to break through the siege and rescue SCP231-6-7】

【However, due to excessive contact with SCP-231, the agent developed high-pressure emotions and was subsequently surrounded by Foundation agents.】

【The agent was killed in the crossfire. SCP231-6 was killed after being hit by a stray bullet, and the baby also caused abnormal events in the belly.】

【After this incident, the containment of SCP-231-7 was changed to monitoring in shifts, regular injections of tranquilizers, etc.……】

【At the same time, agents with sympathy will be screened out, and agents with weak wills will also be screened out.】

【What followed was long-term surveillance, and she was given drugs to prevent labor, and was regularly given Class A amnestics to keep her mind pure.】

【Because Dr. Montauk found that SCP231-7 didn’t seem to want to give birth to a child. As long as her mind was not tainted, she would be the strongest thing that could endure.

Nick Fury:”Compassion? Who recruited this agent, Damn Fuck? He is unqualified!”

Cheng Xin:”You can’t blame him… After all, no one would be indifferent to seeing a few mothers and children being persecuted. Humans are emotional.”

Dimension:”Cheng Xin, don’t scream, Cheng Xin, shut up. Emotional? If the threat of the Crimson King is in front of you, you can still save the pregnant woman, then you are the real destroyer.” Gagra:

“Stupid… You think you are doing the right thing, but you don’t know that you have become an accomplice of the destruction of the world.”

Silver Wolf:”Alas, who can I blame? I can only say that the Crimson King is so strong that people have no possibility of resistance, and they don’t even have the idea. They can only use escape and cover-up to prevent Him from appearing.” ( To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network! )

Cha Hyun-soo:”Why doesn’t the seventh pregnant woman want to give birth? She has been treated like this by the SCP Foundation and has no intention of giving birth?”

Tohsaka Tokiomi:”This makes sense, doesn’t it? The seventh wife of the Crimson King fears and rebels against Him, and secretly cultivates heroes and hunters. The seventh pregnant woman in this ritual is naturally the last line of defense.” Nezha

:”But the child will be born one day, right? She can’t carry me for several years like my mother did.”

Alice Margatroid:”Seven seals, seven rings, seven brides, dedicated to the Crimson King. From this ballad, we can see that the baby is not the main body, the important thing is the bride. As long as the seventh bride is taken in by the Foundation, there will be no problem.”

【The scene changes, SCP-231 is named as Special Personal Needs and is sealed in the archives】

【Soon after, the three parties jointly continued to track down the son of the Crimson King and seized six ancient spears.】

【According to the information in the Crimson King’s Son’s base, this set of ancient spears has seven pieces, with a very large lethality of 630 and the ability to control human minds.】

【Because the various legends of the Crimson King have been confirmed to be indeed abnormal risks, and the SCP-231 incident has confirmed the intentions of the Crimson King’s Sons organization.】

【The Global Occult Alliance has enough evidence to speculate that when the seven ancient spears come together, it is possible that they will bring the Crimson King to Earth!】

【In order to solve the problem once and for all, the Global Occult Alliance tried every possible means to destroy the Ancient Spear for five and a half months, but to no avail.】

【In desperation, the Global Occult Alliance handed over the six ancient spears to the SCP Foundation for containment, and worked together to track down the seventh ancient spear. 】

Namikaze Minato:”Special personal needs? What a strange name. The SCP Foundation’s naming taste is really bad.”

Remlia Scarlet:”Six ancient spears, it seems that there must be a seventh one. Don’t tell me that just gathering them together can make the Crimson King descend?”

Professor X:”One ancient spear can have a very destructive power and the power to control humans… If it is obtained by someone with bad intentions, it will definitely cause chaos.”

Misaka Mikoto:”Oh, I really admire the SCP Foundation… I don’t know how many such containments there are. I don’t know how much effort and blood they have secretly paid to make the human world so stable.”[]

Kiryu Battle Rabbit:”The Ancient Spear cannot be destroyed, why not try using other potentially destructible objects in the Foundation?”

Arasaka Saburo:”The risk is too great. You don’t know what will happen if you put the Ancient Spear together with other objects, and interfering with the objects without authorization may also destroy their stability.”

Dad:”That’s true. The SCP Foundation is a very powerful organization. It’s a good idea to keep the seven Ancient Spears in the SCP Foundation so that they can never be assembled.”


The author is confused, the casualty report of the 231-Alpha incident of SCP-231. It took the author half an hour to find this one!

When I first saw the incident, a bunch of black bars were erased. The author thought it was deliberately done by the poster of the post, and asked me to read the original text or the official one.

After searching for several times, I found that the specific crisis events in the original text of the casualty report of the 231-Alpha incident of the SCP Foundation were erased. The author is fighting wits and courage with the air


There are many versions of SCP, and it is difficult to satisfy everyone. The author probably just lists the most common one I can find, the Crimson King, which is the concept of modern something. The

Crimson Demon is on par with the Void Emperor. I am really powerless. The setting is too difficult to find, and I can’t write it well if I can’t find it completely.


It’s so painful to write scp.

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