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When Arthur recovered his power, Alice was already wearing the ingenious Academy uniform, and Xin stood behind him, seeming to have given up resistance.

“Everything is about to end. Certainly a bad woman like me will definitely not like it?”

Alice said to herself that the object of the conversation was not Arthur, but her automatic puppet.

“The deacon of the Rutherford family is very good. If you have to pick something wrong, it is to tell the truth a little bit. The Young Lady is indeed a bad character, bad interest, but smart.”

Xin stood like a benchmark, reaching out and pushing his glasses seriously.

“Don’t interfere, Xin, this is my retribution.”

Alice seemed to think that she was going to end, even Arthur couldn’t bear that kind of thing?

“The deacon of the Rutherford family is very good. If you have to pick something wrong, it is a little dull. Without a clear order, I will not protect you, Young Lady.”

Xin right hand stroked his chest showing loyalty.


Arthur put on his clothes, and then released the blushing substance of the murderous aura, which filled the space.

In a flash, the five senses of Yuzaoqian, Natya and Irori returned, but they still didn’t feel anything happened.

“What’s the matter, just now that we are working with Fujun to make a villain, don’t break the imagination of others !!”

Yuzao’s disgruntled mouth.

“Well, it’s strange … the clothes are still there?”

Irori is also blushing, Arthur and Alice faced her just now …

“You … this guy, give me chastity!”

Natya raised Trident and waved at Arthur.

“Don’t mess with you, hit the enemy Genjutsu, well, let’s go back, the matter here has been dealt with …”

Arthur clenched Natya ’s Trident tightly, preventing her attack. “Everything that happened just now is false. You are caught in a world of 5 senses. What you dream about is what your heart is Middle-Stage. “

“I didn’t expect anything !!! Aaah, I want to go back!”

Natya fled out angrily.

“I’m going to chase Natya …”

Irori glanced at the room, seeming to notice something unusual, and then chased towards Natya.

“Let’s go back to sleep and meow my unimagined dreams!”

Yuzao was preparing to go back and dream again with a hazy feeling, and she would never give up meow without overthrowing Arthur!


Arthur was about to leave.

“Kill me, don’t make me look down on you, come as a man, won’t you be an M?”

Alice clenched her right hand and said sadly, “Do you have pity on me? No, I don’t need anyone to be pitiful, I am such a bad girl!”

“Sorry, I don’t like being ordered, and you want to end yourself like this? I will not obey your wishes, you just played very cool? Very comfortable? Experience the joy of being a human woman?

Alice, you ’re not so stupid that you ca n’t resist just now?

I am pitying you, yes, pity, poor fellow, it doesn’t matter if I give you a little favor! “

Arthur’s licked his lips and looked at Alice playfully—

“Your taste is not bad, how does it feel to be fooled? Do you think that I will be a show of innocence? Do you like me a little bit in your heart, after all, it is your first intimate man, unable Forget it? Then want me to kill you, so that you will feel dead in the hands of your lover and be free as a human?

I’m so sorry, but me … deliberately, Haha! To say bad, my darkness is unmatched by anyone! Because my light is beyond anyone ’s reach, and what stands before you now is—

Devil! ! “

“… You bastard, return my innocence !!!”

Gradually, Alice ’s dilated pupils, her inner anger was ignited, her innocent chastity even gave that kind of Arthur, his shy expression was deceptive, her most and most innocent one was played By the way, she didn’t realize the taste of human at all! ! !

“Haha … is it painful? That’s it, this is a crueler method than killing you, Aah, let me think, just now, how cute and pure the happy expression is, every movement is full of gentleness , Looking at my “shy” teenager’s expression, I feel that I have experienced the wonderful encounter of the human girl …

However, this is false. What you experience is completely different from Irori and Yaya. I am a gentle boy who caress with them, but you are a devil! ! ! “

Arthur looked down at the collapsed Alice, sneering inwardly, plot against him for so long, and even let him almost die in the hands of Shaka, this is just a little punishment!

“Why … I’m impossible, I absolutely don’t embrace the devil, I embrace the gentle boy, I offer my purest feelings as a girl, you bastard, and my pure love!

Alice groaned, not as good as life, but she was not at all treated as Irori or Yaya, she did not enjoy Arthur’s innocence, she still did not realize the kind of happiness as human, why …

Maybe she used the wrong way to approach Arthur at first …

Is it self-eating?

“Want to commit suicide? I advise you to be more sensible, don’t be ignored by me … Now, Alice, I will give you a chance. If you want to experience the human combination, come to me, but you have to do well Awareness, I will transform you into something that belongs to me, don’t you want to be a man?

Exactly, there are already the Hungry Ghost World and Ah Shura World in my Ten Fa Realm [Rose Cross Group], the human world is still vacant, I will turn you into a real person!

The girl who is helpless in the dark, follow me, look up to me, and then give me everything, the soul and even the soul, one day, you will understand, what is human. “

Arthur leaned down gently, squeezed Alice’s soft and delicate chin with her fingers, and pressed gently on her forehead—

“Become my possession. As a human, you still have a long way to go. Actually, Alice, I hate this kind of self and I like this kind of self. It is you who guide me like this. Come out, so you have to be responsible, even if I am a demon, then you have opened the Gate of Hell and let me out like this, you have to be responsible for me like this, goblin, at this moment incarnation belongs exclusively to me Demoness! This is a curse! “

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