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When he came out of the abandoned research institute, Loki walked out with the help of Frey. Charlotte was also covered in dirt. Although he was very embarrassed, he finally solved various opponents.

However, at this moment Academy, it should be said that the ingenious city at this moment is not what it was supposed to be.

Huge black shadows are suspended in the sky in the ingenious city, hovering above the sky like a dark cloud!

“That is……”

Charlotte couldn’t help but reveal a surprised expression.

“It’s not an ordinary thing in any way, it looks similar to battleship, but it can float up, maybe it’s a sea and air 2 type …”

Arthur frowned and said that a huge monster like this suddenly appeared at this time, but it was not a good omen, and the Academy also revealed a gloomy atmosphere. The huge battle fluctuations caused by the three of Rocky, Frey, and Charlotte. not at all attracted the attention of Academy, can only say that Academy’s power has been drawn to other aspects …

“Towards this side …”

Charlotte climbed into the sky while sitting on the huge Sigmund.

The dark battleship, gradually moved towards the direction of the ingenious Academy, has been able to see the steel body reflecting the metallic luster, and the huge barrel on the battleship is aimed at the Academy, no, it should be aligned. The ingenious city where the Academy is located, inexplicable singing echoes in the sky, spreading to the entire ingenious city.

“This voice is trying to manipulate the automata …”

Frey got a response from her dog.

“Let’s go to Academy first, really …”

Arthur made a cut, did he really want to start?

“I took Rocky to the medical department …”

Fleet said.

“Where to go to the medical department, the entire Academy should not be safe now, it’s better to be together …”

Rocky shook his head.


When Arthur reached the main avenue in front of the central lecture hall, they saw a girl who was not affiliated with the Academy appear in the center. The powerful Magic Power and evil breath spread out throughout the Academy!

“The young birds of the Valpures Royal Academy, I ’m Astrid. Next, I will take over this Academy and go back to where you should have stayed. Then … Frozen Prince, out Column! “

A golden haired girl tells everyone with a voice full of Magic Power, the ponytail hair tied to her left and right sides dances with the wind, rather than dancing because of the wind, it is better to say that because of her Magic Power wind, it is frantic, from The age outside should not be 2 years old, but it is very exposed, wearing high-exposed clothes, and the thighs, chest, and navel are all shown …

The golden pupil with the same hair has a coercive pressure that cannot be refused, has a strong penetrating power, and almost no one dares to stare at her.

At the same time, the automatic doll on her side also has a strong imposing manner. There are 2 automatic dolls in total, one is a lion-shaped automatic doll with a body like a black bear, covered with strong armor, and the other It is an eagle-type automatic figure with a female upper body in the abdomen position. These two figures should be taboo figures.

“Monster !!!”

Charlotte, Rocky, and Frey are tightly feeling that the girl ’s Magic Power is already timid, and the absolutely powerful force impacts their reason and forces them to give up resistance …

“The roll call me over …”

Arthur squeezed his nose and just scared away Shaka. So the tiger came again with a hungry wolf?

“I can’t pass … you are all over as soon as you pass.”

Rocky stopped Arthur.

“If I don’t pass, everyone will suffer calamity, anyway, the real battle has begun …”

Arthur put aside the Rocky 3 and moved towards the center.

So the students gave up their positions.

“I am the heart of freezing, who is who, and taking over the Academy also needs at least Edward Rutherford Academy’s long-term approval?”

Arthur looked at the golden haired girl fearlessly. Although his appearance was very childish, he should actually be quite young …

“Edward you said is already powerless to defend himself. I accept the order of the Prince of the British Empire successor Edmond Prince to take over the Wang Liji Academy at this moment, and then the autonomy of the Academy will be under my rule!”

Astrid sneered, then gently waved a hand, and under her action, a group of embroidered clothes in a black jacket and thorns appeared suddenly behind her. The most conspicuous thing is the large blooming on the dark fabric Rose.

There are about 20 or more people in this group, all of them are equipped with black panther-type automatic figures, and their actions are unified like a machine, guarding Astrid like a soldier.

As if to show their strength, these rose-dressed people manipulated the automatic puppet Black Panther to attack, uniformly opening the dark beast mouth, releasing the plasma of purple.

It was just the work of split second, which was burst by a certain school building hit by the plasma. The wall surface of the magnificent Gothic building first became crimson, then expanded, and the whole building became a ruin.

The students huddled together in horror.

At the same time, there are a variety of people who appear in the Academy. They basically control the professors of the Academy. They control the Academy in just one dusk. It can be seen that Astrid and her lead The strength of his subordinates.

“Oh, then the new Academy has grown … What purpose does Academy have for me?”

Arthur raised an eyebrow and asked.

“Received the information, you are studying taboo puppets, so you are simply quarantined for interrogation! How about such an excuse, of course, if you are looking forward to the real answer, it is–“

“No, the Academy’s long order is where I have any doubts, but the taboo is really wrong, but I am harmless to humans and animals …”

Astrid was half interrupted by Arthur.

“So, everyone else will go back to rest, starting tomorrow, and continue the night party ceremony …”

Astrid motioned for someone other than Arthur to leave.

“Arthur …”

Fleet looked at this side, not at all left.

“Can we be witnesses?”

Charlotte said.

“How can the suddenly changed Academy long have the information of the students, which makes people unconvinced Ah …”

Rocky frowned.


The black clothed person dressed in Rose surrounded 3 people.

“Go back, I believe the new Academy Chief It shouldn’t be how to take me, I believe loli!”

Arthur cracking a joke said.

“What you believe is weird !!”

Charlotte lightly snorted, sighing a fool …

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