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With the completion of Arthur’s Reality Marble * Projection Magic, he became a ponytail girl——

The upright posture exudes sacred rays of light. Mercury-like sacred armor envelops the exquisite body. The pupils are as flawless as the sky, holding a sacred flag in his hand. The flag is painted with irises and angels. The pattern, the mercury broker on the forehead, golden long hair bundled into a big ponytail, dressed in the sea blue Holy Cross jersey, a pair of slender blue over-knee socks wrapped slender legs, even if the flag is close Its height is twice, but it is still easily held in his hand!

He became legendary Saintess Jeanne * Dark.

“This is … what Magic Technique?”

Sisma frowned at Arthur, speaking of Jeanne, the entire world known to everyone. As the most famous Saintess, Jeanne, who was recorded in the annals of history, was not only a symbol of holiness but also a symbol of power.

The Gunes irradiated by it, Magic Power is actually weakening!

“The technique of destroying evil! Evil Dao is not tolerated by holy will, and I will destroy Ru with some body!”

Jeanne’s body separated from Arthur, but only illusory shadow.

“When my caster prays, you will stop her, Lord Holy Son!”

Jeanne said.

“No problem, let me use my body as much as possible, as your Jeanne’s parasitic place is very precious to me. This time it is merged together, but unfortunately now your ray of will will not be passed on to your future. In the body.

But this is enough. “

Arthur smiled before reaching Sisma.

“what do you want to do……”

Sisma is a little uncomfortable, and the guy who makes Astrid afraid must have some strength, isn’t it, but it can only attack?


With the call of Sisma, a black snake was drilled from the ground moved towards Arthur, but the bite was only the void.

“Useless, now I’m just a phantom …”

Arthur looked at Sisma, and then said sarcastically, “Sisma, you said that Soneczka was a puppet that you created. I can’t think of this as not hearing it. For the soul’s accomplishment, I I think there is no one out of the right, and do you think it is possible for people like you to divide or create souls?

Even God is very difficult to do.

If you and Sonicka are the same person, then you are not fighting for control of your body. No, you should say that you are not using your body to control Sonicka. You are obviously 2 people.

Having the same memory does not mean that it is the same person, you just use Magic to let Soneczka see what you want her to see. “

“What are you talking about, Soneczka is my doll! The Item I created, all of her life was arranged by me.”

Sisma’s eyes shook a little.

“Then it’s very simple, Sonneczka, don’t you aim at the empress? Then it doesn’t matter what your past looks like, what matters is what you want to do now?

In fact, I have to say that it was created, and I am right. This story is a bit long. I do n’t know if you want to hear it. If you want to listen, you will struggle a little. Even if it is illusory shadow, I will be consumed by Soul Power. …


I am also a teenager with the king as the goal. I simply want to save what I think I should save. Gradually, I began to understand that I have a past, I am a reincarnation of someone, and my present is arranged of……

However, gradually I realized that I am me. I have not changed my original intention from beginning to end. The character and so on can be changed. The only thing that cannot be changed is the soul.

I accepted the past, but I still live as the present, because in the past I wanted me to live like this, and now I also want me to live like this. The fluctuation of a soul is always the same. I’m walking my own way.

This is not the arrangement, but the way I hope. If you want to be an empress, then your past must also think so. If any intelligent species cannot be loyal to itself, then it is accompanied by self-destruction. Since Sisma Say you are a person, so why do you hate her, it stands to reason that you are her, then why do you hate yourself?

I still do n’t know whether I am Arthur or Fuxi or (), but I know that I am me. I have n’t changed, but in different times, I have made different stressful responses to the environment.

I do n’t regret the past, I do n’t regret the present, and I do n’t regret the future. How about you, if you ca n’t do this, you might as well die.

Now you have 2 ways to make yourself [happy], one is to fight with Sisma, even if she is your past, then you must be sure of your present, 2 is suicide, if you are not satisfied with yourself, then it ends Right?


Arthur is sometimes unwilling to face everything, but he is confident that he will never regret the past and the present, because this is the way he is walking, a soul is impossible, 2 consciousness, so at first thinking is himself, Not the angle of Arthur or Fuxi or Feng Yuchen.

3 in one, no matter how it changes, he is always him, so he is both Fuxi, Feng Yuchen and Arthur, just changed his name in three different times …

Soneczka didn’t know what Arthur was talking about, there was no logic at all, it was completely ‘nonsense’, but she was also thinking, if she had a past, then why did the past make the present painful? And if it is a person who has two thinking, Sisma and her thinking are completely different. If it is the same person, they will definitely understand each other and have a unified answer, right?

“It’s a ridiculous idea, so that we can be separated from us? Soneczka, you are the gray rose Sisma, you are the Item I created to complete my ambition …”

Sisma felt that the Magic Power, which was gradually fluctuating, was somewhat strong in appearance but weak in reality, and Arthur’s eyes saw through her.

“Okay …”

Jeanne’s ceremony can begin.

“Then let ’s start, Soneczka, believe me a little bit, and believe you a little bit, or maybe it ’s better to have a big gamble with me, and then Jeanne will emit a holy flame with Sword of Saint Catherine, this flame It will only cause damage to the target that she believes must be defeated, that is, it cannot be used for simple strong enemies or driven by feelings such as hatred.

This flame is to relieve the flame of something, and Jeanne punishes Gunes to rescue the Academy, so if you and Sisma are not the same person, then she will die in flames, and you will survive …

If you are the same person, you will all survive.

You have no losses, just wait. “

Arthur reached out and snapped his fingers …

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