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As Arthur’s procrastinated, Jeanne adjusted the energy of Stigma to a state where she could use it, and began praying with both hands holding the holy flag of the iris flower–

“The heavens are the glory of the Lord, the sky is the great cause of God’s hand!”

The clear and bright voice is conveyed to the entire Wang Li Jiqiao Academy, and even the entire Jiqiao City Liverpool can hear this voice. No, this can no longer be called the appearance of sound, but the appearance of the Holy Oracle!

Throughout the planet, all the churches convey this voice, like the whispers of angels, and the precepts of God, howling and angry like wind and thunder, and melodious like a stream!

Jeanne, as the great Saintess that runs through the world, her will has been equivalent to human prayers. As a body of hope for peace, she gathers human wishes and conveys them to the sky.

It was just that surging and sacred Magic Power that caused Gunesh’s body to collapse.

From the flag of the iris to the sky is the sacred ladder of light!

“Something … Get away !!!”

Grey rose Sisma gradually collapsed and manipulated the black serpent moved towards Jeanne attack, but unfortunately there was no use, the wall of light bounced off the serpent’s attack, and Gunesh’s attack was useless.

“You seem to have killed many people, right? You seem to have brought many people to despair, right? However, you haven’t tasted this kind of pain, so now as your ‘like-minded’ companion, I want to give you the last one Lesson, only by personally showing the arrival of despair can you realize what despair and terror are. Killing is only a means, but you are deeply poisoned and lost. “

Arthur looked at Sisma coldly. Grey Rose said that her past had killed 1000 to 10000 people. Was it a cruel and tyrannical Demoness? A mountain of dead bones? Will you be excited when you bring the enemy pain? It is just that there is no way to truly become a powerhouse.

The strength of a person who has not experienced despair can only be said to be weak.

“… to convey language in the day and knowledge at night

He can neither talk nor speak, nor can he hear his voice.

The warm light spreads all over the earth and extends to the end of the world.

Ascend from the end of the sky and go all the way to the end of the sky.

My end point is here, my life is here, my life is here. “

Jeanne’s voice grew louder, her banner fluttered with excitement, and a scorching glow came out of her.

“What do you know, boy … Let me go, you are blaspheming my success, I will soon become the most powerful existence, Divinity clever!”

Sisma’s voice gradually collapsed.

“Astrid ’s consciousness is not bad. To be honest, what is evil? I do n’t know how to define it, but it does n’t mean I hate or like evil. I treat everything equally, so good and evil are not measured in my heart. The scale is a balance without tilt.

But you are wrong at first, the power of foreign things will only make people lose their minds, your evil is unclean, you desecrate this noble feeling, the killing is only because it cannot be avoided, not because of that Pleasure, the same, you are lost in power and unable to master it, this is the original sin! “

Arthur looked at Grey Rose contemptuously.

“My life is the same as nothing, as the shadow is scattered in four places.

My bow cannot be relied on, nor can my sword save me.

With the only thing left, I wish to guard his footsteps …

… Lord, I entrust this body to you–

Hope will come after despair! ! ! “

Under Jeanne’s prayer, the iris holy flag became a dazzling Holy Sword!

Accompanied by Guren (crimson) ‘s flaming fire–

“Saintess (LaPucelle) of Guren (crimson) !!!”

Holding the sword in both hands, Jeanne moved towards and slashed in front of him—


Like the Flame Dragon advanced by leaps and bounds, Guren’s dark strangling ran forward, the earth cracked, the sky echoed some kind of melody, the flame that reached Gunes rose to the sky, and then it was like the execution, The flame of the construction of Saint spear penetrates the body of the heald, but this spectacular scenery does not cause any operation on the earth. The fanatic flame of the flat direction gradually reaches the body of Sisma …

In that split second, it was captured that Sisma and Soneczka, which had broken down from within the body, had been disciplined by Gunes. The two men ’s clothing styles after the separation were exactly the same, but Sisma was too mature. Charming, it doesn’t look like a girl, it’s 2 different people!

At this moment, the gray rose Sisma, who had lifted the Magic Technique, had to escape from flustered and exasperated. However, before they had Yaya, Irori, Natya, and Yuzao, they 4 guarded the Great Barrier, and there was no way back. .

When the flame entangled with her, Soneczka thought she was going to end, but she didn’t think she had nothing.

Sisma, who had no retreat behind her, was a different scene.

“Don’t …!”

Crimson flame instantly burned the clothes on her body, followed by …


Under Guren’s sentence, the gray rose wailed unwillingly. This time she was finally comprehended what fear was.

“It seems that you have not passed Guren’s test …”

Arthur shook his head, and looked towards Sonečica, “Hand over the void stone, in your within the body, or Guren (crimson) will burn to the end, but I’m going to end …”

Arthur looks at Gunesh, which is gradually collapsing. If he obtains the Void Stone, it can cause Gunesh to collapse on his own initiative. In that case, Guren’s Judgement will end in advance. He will only consume energy, and the fleshy body will not be destroyed. Guren (crimson) Crystallization absorbs energy.

The Red Lotus Fire at the cost of life is not a general attack, but crystallizes its own mental image landscape. After using the power, Jeanne’s body will collapse, and Jeanne uses Arthur’s body, so …

“Although it was saved by coincidence, isn’t it better to deal with you in this training? Although the gray rose is dead, but the void stone is still in my body. Thanks to her, he wants to merge with me not only because of me. After the fusion, it can bear all the power of Gunes, but because the Void Stone is in my within the body, yes, the Void Stone is not in Sisma’s body.

After the church separated the Eastern and Western Schools, the Void Stone was also separated into Eastern and Western pieces, and the western one was on me. It could only enter the body of the chaste girl. If you want it, take it below … “

Soneczka was just out of luck.

“Jeanne, please …”

Arthur sweated coldly on his forehead, and the Void Stone was actually placed there. Yaya They were watching. Let Jeanne go.

Sure enough, Jeanne had no other feeling and opened the Sonneczka skirt …

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