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After solving the Grey Rose, Academy quickly restored the law and order. Because Arthur blocked it in time, fortunately there were no major casualties. The night party had to continue, and the disadvantage for Academy was that the black Crown Prince Edmond ran back to the sea, Leading the joint fleet to siege Liverpool’s ingenious city.

Silver Rose seemed to be a little smarter, and withdrew the army from the Academy, waiting for the Academy and the black Crown Prince Edmond both sides suffer before acting.

Arthur speculates that Edmond will start the attack on the last night of the night party, and Silver Rose will also appear at that time. Although Silver Rose has temporarily alliance with Academy, but it is only the kind of oral defense and alliance, and The passive Academy is easily used by Silver Rose Gloria as a trial stone for the black Crown Prince Edmond.

The quiet night is not so calm.

“Brother-in-law, it’s like letting us do more things that are beneficial to our body and mind!”

Yaya approached Arthur and reached out …

“Don’t be too rude, Arthur-sama is different from us. As a human being, when he is tired, he also needs to keep enough rest. As a service person, he knows how to look and speak!”

Irori taught with a straight face.

“Um … um … I know, Irori elder sister is really like you, it is … the best way to rest is to relax, you see the brother-in-law have responded …”

Yaya’s kimono has been taken off.

“I don’t have a reaction before I get fucked. Well, I have no energy and no mood. Just let me hold you. Since Yaya came, there have been few quiet nights, and the neighbors are playing my report … “

Arthur reluctantly embraces Yaya ’s Irori in his arms. The goal of his struggle now is to allow Yaya and Irori to become a God of ingenuity at the same time. Yaya can be promoted naturally, and Irori needs his efforts to win Demon King ’s. Position, and then get the reward permission of that system.

“Sorry, Arthur-sama, our sister has caused you a lot of trouble …”

Irori blushed and snuggled in Arthur’s arms.

“No … I can get to today, it is the result of all the people working together. In the past, no matter what, now, the purpose of my existence here is to make you to become a God. Even if the road ahead is bumpy, it wo n’t stop me …

Although it’s very tiring, it’s also worth it. Only by tasting all this, can I feel the temperature of this World. Compared to using you as a tool, I hope you are my partner in this World, Demon King’s stage. The most shining is not the throne of Demon King, but you, what attracts me is not the Demon King, but your future. “

Arthur was so sleepy that he fell asleep.

“Arthur-sama should be tired too. If possible, I really hope he will be my Master for life, but …

Who makes me like the younger sister the most, Yaya, and Arthur-sama will leave it to you to serve in the future, must become a gentle person, if you become an adult … I may not be able to become a God, and Arthur-sama also has My world is going back, so Ah …

One day, I must work hard to take care of my share, take good care of him, Yaya, promise me. “

Irori knows that the closer she is to the Demon King, the farther she is from Arthur’s. The gentleness like today has not experienced for a long time. She can’t become a God. She is impossible to accompany Arthur-sama’s.

“Elder sister … pity me? I dominated the elder sister’s man, until now when I call it brother-in-law, I just don’t want to drive the elder sister away … to become a God, it should be elder sister. That’s right! I don’t have Qualifications, I’m just being abandoned. Brother-in-law must like to accept me like a puppet. Elder sister is different and has the same attribute … The power of frost, you are destined to meet.

Even if elder sister is not Divinity, I will leave, I do n’t want elder sister ’s charity! “

Yaya bit her lip and stroked her cold body. It was enough to have such a time of being caressed. At least it proved that Yaya is also very cute.

“I’m guilty … I accepted Arthur-sama because I wanted to spy on him, but Arthur-sama’s tolerance would rather be hurt by me. In fact, there was such a split second. I wanted to become Arthur-sama’s, but I hesitated because I, Arthur -sama only fell into the trap of Edward Rutherford and completed Alice’s Divinity ingenuity.

I think Arthur-sama must be annoying? Although I do n’t hate me, I hate being exploited by someone against plot, but it ’s also my dereliction of duty. I ’m not qualified to be his wife. I must be guilty of it.

Irori seems to have made a decision long ago.

“Thank you … Irori elder sister? You … not!”

Yaya clenched her teeth, not letting her voice come out.

“It ’s a pair of dumb sisters, what are you guilty of? If you ’re guilty, he ’s really going to be crazy, old fox like Rutherford, rigorous schemes and deep foresight, from the very beginning to plot everyone against him It is also a decision made after careful consideration. Although I do n’t know what happened in the beginning, he just wanted to get you and opened everything to you.

Irori, even if you ca n’t become a God, you ’ll have to serve him until the moment you stop, is this the best way to thank you?

It is not easy to be a puppet to have a Master who really values ​​himself. No matter whether there is human so-called love or not, this mood of equality and respect working side by side is enough.

As human, your path has just begun. “

Yuzao suddenly woke up before, without the usual charm, her eyes at this moment revealed wise peace, maybe this is the real she?

“Want to get me?”

Irori looked at Arthur. Was she really needed?

“Exactly, what kind of mood do you think he likes to say the most like dolls, I think this is definitely not against the heart, but a kind of willing, willing to save you, you don’t think you change What’s the matter? In the past, you certainly wouldn’t think about things like thanking you? As a puppet, you are gradually getting rid of the puppet and moving towards people.

Human is the most difficult thing to understand. Do n’t you want to have a human future? Not as a puppet, but as a human, Natya is not taken care of as thoughtful as you, because Natya is already a person, and you are the goal of his efforts, trying to make you from a puppet to a human , This is his most essential ideal in this World.

His past was also a life like a puppet, but now he lives out, but he not at all regrets, there is no future and there is no future in the past. As long as he is he, uphold his nature, then there is no regret.

He and Soneczka probably want you to hear it, so cherish it, Irori.

I’m going to sleep meow. “

Yuzao finished talking with Natya and rolled up the sheets.

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