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The nightclub ranked No. 7 Rocky, No. 6 Charlotte, No. 5 Sonneczka, No. 4 Veron have abstained, while Alice had to pretend to be No. 3 Olga plot against NO. .2 Asura * Rowan’s plan also failed, Asura * Rowan suddenly abstained, so that Olga transformed into Alice had to abstain.

In the end, only Magnus No. 1 remained.

Login code [Marshall Great Man (Marshall)].

Magnus not at all abstained and surrendered like everyone else, but was ready to fight Arthur.

2 The decisive battle as the finale of the Demon King nightclub is very much expected by everyone. After all, they can master multiple clever puppets, and they are all students of the “technique technology” section. They all have excellent production skills for clever puppets, and According to legend, they are excellent producers of taboo puppets.

However, no matter how powerful Magnus is, it is considered by everyone to be unable to defeat Arthur. Although he has never seen the defeat of Magnus, it does not mean that he can beat Arthur. He is regarded as Arthur of contemporary Holy Son, and even Saintess Jeanne’s Heroic Spirit, who summoned the world, is already a real mythological class.

What’s more, in the battle between Shaka and Arthur’s, Arthur himself was enough to convince him of his strength without relying on the puppet’s ability.

Although it seemed to everyone that this was a battle with a clear and obvious result, in Arthur’s eyes, everything became confusing, with the black Prince Edmond and Izana’s divergent combination, and Gloria’s inside. Betrayal at any time, plus the overbearing of Magnus, everything is concentrated together, and the final round of trials will be on the seat of Demon King.

Before the night party came, Arthur summoned Alice and Akabane Thunder, put on a mask as [Human Law World] and [Hungry Ghost] and appeared on stage with him.

“My goal is Demon King’s position, no, it should be Demon King’s name, so defeating Magnus is the main goal. At the critical time, Alice and Akane Raiyou two maintain the nightclub without being disturbed. It ’s okay, it does n’t matter to me what happens outside. ”

Arthur finally decided to focus on the main goal in the battle of Demon King, when the time comes Academy is attacked …

He guessed that the main purpose of Edmund and Gloria was also the Demon King night party. After all, what kind of prophecy was there? Rutherford told him the prophecy before. This is the 49th night party, which is the Demon King night party. The most important year of the eclipse.

Maybe after the victory, Yaya will automatically promote Divinity ingeniously, maybe you will be blessed by this World or something. It is not clear what it is, or there may be nothing. After all, with the involvement of Dimensional Tower’s, the predictions of this world are impossible. Magical.

“Finally, I want to abandon some people. Should I abandon it … But is it good to let the crimson tyrant Nero, the hell girl Yan Moai, the flurry Guren (crimson) Jianshan Yellow Springs and the like help?”

Although Alice not at all kind of compassion for all people, but after all it is the Academy managed by her father. She hopes it will continue to exist.

“They when the time comes will act, and I have prepared a better helper. A Legion Magician (Shizaki Madness 3) should have no problem. Ordinary guys can’t get close, but the people with excellent strength are definitely It will come close and destroy the final event of the nightclub. The whole force of Ixana ’s turbulence is still unknown. Although Mount Tai ’s monastery has not been helped by me, how many of them have tried it, and should have achieved results, otherwise they would have come to request I am …

Edmund and Ixna’s divergence would be the main threat.

Then Gloria, since it is a silver rose, then holding the cards we don’t know, will glare like a tiger watching his prey to us, but should endure Edmond’s failure.

The first line of defense will block Normal Level enemies (Shizaki Madness 3);

The second line of defense is composed of professors ’association, Student Council and the like (Nero and others are also among them);

The 3rd defense is (仮) Divinity’s ingenuity [man-law world] Alice and [hungry ghost] Akane Leizhen;

There must be major sacrifices in this battle, but these are my strengths, not to mention the fact that war is about to kill people. This is something that I can’t stand alone.

I want to deal with Magnus with all my heart, and defeat him early to be able to return. “

Arthur stretched out 3 fingers and stepped forward.

“Although I want to say that I would be better if I move freely, but since Arthur-sama has made a decision, I have no place to doubt, and if I can fight with peace of mind, it will be one of the better strategies.”

Alice nodded.

“Don’t … destroy the fire, she looks like Fuzi.”

Chi Yulei really asked.

“Then it is possible to use her for the resurrection of Akane Yuko, and it is also possible for the taboo doll to retain some habits during his lifetime.”

Arthur agreed.

“Let me participate in the young combat meeting …”

Hualiuzhai Glass and Little Zi suddenly appeared from the window.

“Did it bring valuable intelligence?”

Arthur knew that there must be important news in Hualiuzhai Glass.

“Izan Naqi is resurrected, and Silver Rose has legendary flood beast Leviathan, whose strength has approached the level of Myth level, because Leviathan is the oldest doll in the world, and it is the only one in history. The self-propagating automaton, as a monster in ancient mythology! “

Hualiuzhai didn’t want to appease Arthur’s appetite.

“Izan Naqi and Leviathan are really threatening, and what else?”

Arthur asked.

“I wo n’t hide those things until now. It ’s not just the red feather Tianquan or Magnus that killed the red feather. The red feathers of the extinguish sect now only have Magnus and Red feather Lei Zhen Akane Lei, who has become like this, may already be identified as your hands and feet, so understand?

Hualiuzhai Glass didn’t say much.

“Isn’t Young Lady trying to clean up for that guy, right? I saw it with my own eyes …”

Chi Yulei said gnashing teeth.

“Yixana’s divergence and the skylark both shot …”

Hualiuzhai shook his head.

“Making Fuzi as a taboo puppet … Even if it is a last resort, then he doesn’t protect his family, and Fuzi can’t protect people … Whatever Divinity’s ingenuity, if Divinity’s ingenious younger sister doesn’t want to guard, it’s better to die! “

Chi Yulei was really angry.

“It should be me who is angry, no matter what, he is my stepping stone to Demon King.”

Arthur looked at Chi Yulei really shaken, coldly snorted in his heart, Magnus was fighting with the purpose of killing him, even if he was whitewashed …

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