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After the Rocky family came out of the resurrection site, each and everyone looked stunned.

“Plot against! The people of the Hestia family really have problems. They seem to know Spartak’s ability. It seems that only they exempted death …”

Finn Dana gripped Magic Spear’s knuckles and made a crackling sound. They worked so long to kill Spartak, but they didn’t expect that Spartak had the power of resurrection!

“Are you going to kill it? Asshole, that guy must want to pick our bargain?”

Bate * Roga, a member of the Rocky clan and the werewolf race, quickly became angry, thinking that their hard-working battle has become the wedding dress of others.

“Do you think they can judge Spartak’s wisdom only by the situation on the battlefield without knowing that we rushed in? There must be something blocking people who go in again, even if we really have to pass their block and finally be able to kill Spartak is not necessarily us! “

Loki came over at this moment and pointed to Athena who was eating grilled fish with keen interest pleasure. “I just heard some information. According to Athena’s disclosure, only the last drop of blood to guard Heroic Spirit was taken. Kill the great cause of Spartak.

It may be that the boy of the Hestia family also knows this information, so even if we go in, if they do not block, the last drop of blood may not be ours.

And what do you want to vent against them, Burt?

They didn’t attack you behind, but your head is not as good as others. Don’t underestimate Heroic Spirit. They are all characters who left Legendary in history. “

“Even if this is the case, I have to go in, not reconciled, Captain, Livia, Ace … Are you willing? Even if they are smart, I have to see how they are defeated with a group of LV2 adventurers. Spartak! “

Burt put his hands in his pockets and walked in with his teeth.

“It’s good to look at it and take some lessons. Heroic Spirit is different from Underground City’s monster. The hero is not based on level, but the wisdom and courage corresponding to it. The world is still very broad, and you still need to grow. … “

Loki expects her family to grow from this lesson. If it were n’t for the resurrection of Athena, all of them would die here. When the time comes, the Loki family was just as bad as Zeus and Hera ’s family.

The most terrifying thing of this World is not weak, but it can’t find a powerful target. If you have an opponent that can compete, then you will be able to become stronger. If there is no target in eyes, then you will never find a way forward.


After the resurrection, Spartak’s strength changed into a beast-like posture. It is much stronger than before, and it is obviously more difficult to suppress the sanity. It was able to maintain cleanup before, and it is now clearly in a state of chaos.

Some adventurers came in after their resurrection, but were blocked by Shizaki Mania 3 without exception.

“Don’t cross the death line behind me …”

Holding the flint gun in one hand, caressing his ruddy thin lips in one hand, spreading the dark red rays of light under the feet of Mad 3 to cover the earth, and the covered earth presents the mud of not understanding the complete truth The phenomenon.

All the adventurers that crossed the line were swallowed by the dark red quagmire. The pale hands extended from them pulled the adventurers relentlessly, leaving only one person’s head in the struggling on whilst at death’s door ——

“Ah, Arthur-chan is not refreshing enough, people want to kill people !!!”

The mad 3 race is naturally Elf, she not at all participated in the team training of Wings of Freedom in Underground City, but trained alone, so even the people of Wings of Freedom Guild do not know her ability attribute, but Arthur can Trust her completely.

Whether it is LV2 or LV3 … The adventurer is blocked by the swamp, each and everyone shows a confused expression, a lot of physical energy is drained from the body, and it is impossible to act at all. If Shizaki Mad 3 is interested, they may be instant death!

This ability is undoubtedly a power like Magic …


After the members of the Loki family came in, they also discovered that all the adventurers stopped outside the line of death.

“It’s Elf Royal Family …”

Riveria frowned at Shizaki 3, although she had some doubts before, but now she is more certain that her aptitude is obviously very high.

“Look … Spartak, it seems to have evolved through the previous battle, I will see how these LV2 guys can …”

Burt reached his finger inside Heroic Spirit’s great hall, and Spartak, which changed to a wild beast-like appearance, appeared in front of everyone.

But in the next moment, everyone ’s eyes seem to stagnate and blink, because—


Arthur took a deep breath, an extremely strong icy breath surging wildly towards all around, and then two groups of dim-blue particles gushed out of his hands, with his body as the center, ice The interest spreads like crazy as lava erupts towards all around—


The scene of the entire Heroic Spirit Temple was changed in an instant, whether it was a huge Roman pillar, bones in the ruins, or a statue on the broken wall …

Everything is covered with frost, as if everyone realized the teleportation of space and came to the extremely ice land.

The dim-blue particle ball in Arthur’s hands gradually turned into two deep blue frost swords.


Spartak turned into a beast and moved towards Arthur.

But the speed-like collision of a huge truck was easily avoided by him …

This agility is very strange in the eyes of all members of the Rocky family. The speed of Spartak and the ability of LV1adventurer cannot be avoided!

Then Arthur evaded, but it was not because Arthur’s speed was fast, but …

“Can he predict Spartak’s attack?”

Riveria can’t help but exclaim that this combat capability for predicting the opponent’s attack route is extremely powerful. It is not an ordinary adventurer to avoid after the opponent launches the attack. Arthur began to avoid at the same time as the opponent launched the attack, which shows He can predict the opponent’s attack trajectory.


Burt did not want to admit that the adventurer of trifling LV1 has such power.

Then next, even more shocking …

Arthur’s body is split second divided into two! ! !

Then when Spartak turned around, his body came together again! !

Even Spartak, like a beast, could not grasp Arthur’s position!

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