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The skill displayed by Arthur is not Magic or skill, but the basic ability born by the super frequency generated by the high-speed vibration of the body and the extremely high speed.

Yes, basic ability.

This is the result of Arthur’s stay in LV1. The basic ability values ​​are all the skills created when they reach SSS, and the abilities developed by relying solely on combat skills.

Absolute skill that can be displayed only after the strength, durability, skill, and agility have reached the level of SSS!

When the initial speed of the burst second burst is too fast and the vibration of the body reaches a limit, it will cause an erroneous cognition of the human eye from the visual.


This is the reason why Arthur’s body is divided into two, and then merged into two, and these are completed within 2 seconds to be successful. This is the time range of the ordinary person’s brain can process information, and if it can be achieved faster than 0.2 seconds Speed, then the effect will be more real.

Of course, this skill is not just a visual effect, it is only a side effect. The main role is to achieve a sonic-level vibration sword attack, to convey the body’s vibration and acceleration to the sword, and make The vibration frequency of the sword reaches the speed of sound!

After all, Arthur is just the adventurer of LV1, and it is simply impossible to break through Spartak’s defense at his level.

So this gesture style attack is a must!

next moment, Arthur’s body burst into the face of the wild beastized Spartak, which is different from the strength shown by the previous LV1 adventurer. After the Arthur’s sword and Spartak’s body produced intense friction, the moment when the fire star burst out, Spartak’s A wild beastized arm was cut off, and at the same time, a smooth section like a mirror surface appeared at the incision, and the frost frozen this cut surface again!

If Arthur’s performance is brilliant, or rather a skill of God, the cooperation of Wings of Freedom is even more striking.

After Spartak had one arm cut off by Arthur, the other arm moved towards him and attacked.

But at this moment Nero, the mercury lamp and Black Rock suddenly came up from different directions, as if they could read Arthur’s thoughts, they also cut off one of Spartak’s arms with their skills!

“Compassion is for you, Ru ’s obsession will be cut by me, and Ru ’s will will be broken by me. When I hear this howling voice, I suddenly come to the battlefield, but the king is the king. In my time, Qing Zhi The name is also heard, not to mention, at this moment, it is like fighting with the same station to kill Er’er!

Arcuscaelestis (Meteorite Blade * Aestus Estus)! Beyond the stars, this flame is my passion! “

Nero’s body exudes extremely dazzling heat, which is the fiery heat of the king’s pride, not the realm of Magic, but the magic control realized by the king’s enthusiasm!

Like a meteor with a flaming tail, Nero instantly arrived in front of Spartak. Although he did n’t have Arthur ’s, he was relaxed and natural, but with infinite flame and pride, he did not have any dull slashes. Such a slash Strike as the king’s favor is imposed on Spartak!

“I am a mercury lamp, and no one can stop me from looking for Shinku …”

The black wings spread out behind the mercury lamp. She simply accelerated, slashed, and showed no mercy. There was n’t even Spartak in her eyes, but defeating Spartak was a necessary part of her journey to find Shinku. Then she Cut it!

“Perseverance is power. Once upon a time, I also had this power. Once you are bound here is suffering, then all that is left is to fight. All I can do is fight and release everything. “

Heiyan ’s body responds lightly, not as fast as Arthur ’s, not as unrestrained as Nero, but as beautiful as the mercury lamp, but has his own coolness, doing the flipping action that humans ca n’t make in the air, and stepping on Spartak ’s Arms, then waving the sword edge, cold without any breath, but her eyes flashed a blue color.

“The original voice that no one has ever heard, comes from future visitors!”

Then, to the surprise of all adventurers, a beautiful song sounded in the ruins, Hatsune Miku exuding green energy, the body shone with each and everyone like a mechanical strip-shaped optical axis, rotating at high speed towards The whole battlefield shocked the past-

“Lightly floating in the starry sky and hiding in the clouds in the night

I always feel a little confused in this dusty hut

The light of the candle, the light is near and far

Burning heart, the heart is so clumsy … “

The singing voice was conveyed to the battlefield, and it was beautiful and beautiful.

Spartak’s body was distorted and stagnated by the stimulation of the song, and the power suddenly disappeared quickly, facing Arthur. They even stopped their counterattack …

In addition to the negative state against Spartak, all the adventurers present felt that their bodies gained an incomparable warmth, physical endurance and so on are all rising! ! ! !

“……How can it be!!”

Even the most powerful magician in the maze city, Riviera, can’t calm down, and the singing can actually bless it. This is one of the most unbelievable Magic in history! ! ~

“Samsung Yamato, 9-type armor-piercing projectile refill!”


Then Yamato, Fremi, Shinada Asada, and Yukino launched Magic snipers one after another, and the intensive barrage composed of Magic relentlessly hit Spartak. ,

As their attack was completed, Arthur, Nero, the mercury lamp and Black Rock all withdrew.

When four of them retired–

“Sonic shock !!!”

Asuna Na, You, Firefly, and Yakumo Chen were replaced, and then 4 of them were different from the Sword skills displayed by 4 of Arthur. Arthur they attacked like 4 flowers, then they were prairie-like cheetahs. The attack, the 100 people attacked the Sword Skill as if it was carved in a mold. It was exactly the same. The breath stopped and the eyebrows were blinked to the same degree. Like 4 arrows, it rushed to the front of Spartak and cut off all the remaining limbs. ! ! ~


The power of Wings of Freedom is exposed to everyone at this moment. Although it is a group of LV2 and even LV1 adventurers, it shows a tacit cooperation with the Rocky family.

It doesn’t lose individual color and teamwork, as if all of them are a whole! ! !

“Look at it carefully, this is just a team that has been tempered just one week after arriving in the maze city! 2 rounds of melee troops, an auxiliary magic guide, and a team of attack magic guides. Presumably the rest is the defensive team. The cooperation is seamless. , And the team ’s division of labor is clear, and everyone ’s advantages are maximized. The connection of attack, support, and Magic is even more closely linked with one another … “

Finn said seriously to his team members.

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