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In the face of the Tu Tuo Xiong, St. George and Siegfried Redd, the strategy adopted by Arthur 1st Step succeeded.

Capture Noble Phantasm Baal of Siegfer Redd, and then reverse St George’s special attack on the dragon.

Then the strategy of 2nd Step is-

“Give me Baal Monger, and I will kill St. George. Although St. George is restrained by dragons, his defensive power is very strong. After all, he also has the reputation of Saint, which is much more powerful in defense.

Without the weapon, Siegfried Redd asked you to block it, but although there was no Baal Munger, his own dragon slaughtering must also be careful. After all, we are all endowed by Saint George with the dragon attribute.

The key to this battle is to kill St. George first. Once St. George dies, the dragon attribute will disappear. The object of Curse Technique will naturally disappear after the death of Caster.

After fighting Siegfried Redd, there is no need for passive defense. “

Arthur reached out to Andromali.

“Oh, so that’s how it is, but St. George’s words can be killed by anyone now? After all, we are all dragon attributes now, and he can only be killed by dragons. We are all in favor of this condition, and President Ace The advantage is that he can use the sword Baal Munger to exert his original power.

But Siegfried Redd’s power must be very strong. For the time being, we have no way to open his defense, and President Ace’s invincibility can seem to ignore his defense? Siegfried Redd has bathed in dragon’s blood, so his defense is so strong that it can neutralize Magic physical attacks of LV4 and below, but the Ace president with invincible penetration can cause damage to him? “

Andromali has no intention of sending Baal Munger in his hand.

“My invincibility is only useful for evasion and invincibility, not to ignore defense.”

Arthur frowned.

“Is this really the case? I’m afraid it’s not just that? Even the invincible can ignore it, then the dragon’s blood armor defense, which is much worse than the invincibility, is nothing. After all, strictly speaking, the defense of the dragon’s blood body is ignoring LV4 and The following physical and magic attacks are also equivalent to invincible, aren’t they?

And the attack of the dragon attribute, I think Dragon Race’s members are more suitable? Originally a dragon, plus the dragon attribute, the attack of the double dragon effect will not be much worse than that of Ace.

Do n’t blame me for being suspicious. After all, it is obvious that Siegfest Redd is probably better than St. George, then in this case, we have to stop him. What if we are killed?

President Ace, who has a reversal attribute, must have a way to deal with him?

Could it be that President Ace wanted to put all the first kills of St. George and Siegfried Redd into his own hands? We are the collaboration of the alliance, don’t deny that the strategy against St. George and Siegfried Redd is the idea of ​​President Ace, but is it not good to monopolize? “

Andromali said with a faint smile, but the squinted eyes didn’t look friendly at all.

“So, so good, Siegfried Redd was Raidered by our Wings of Freedom, and St. George gave it to you, okay?”

Arthur sneered, thinking of courting death would blame him. St. George is not so easy to deal with. It can only be killed by a dragon. It is a special effect of Noble Phantasm, but if this Noble Phantasm is not activated, then there will be no death by a dragon. In this case, the two sides have no advantage.

He did n’t explain this at all, and the reason he used Baal Monger was to borrow the power of this Noble Phantasm to break St. George ’s defense.

Although they are all dragon-slayer heroes, St. George ’s defense is more powerful than Siegfried Redd bathing dragon ’s blood, and Saint ’s attribute can fight with all strength regardless of injury.

Therefore, although it is necessary to give priority to solving St. George, it does not mean that St. George is much weaker than Siegfried Redd.

“Our Touch of the Nether joins the Wings of Freedom camp …”

Demoness Lilith draws closer to Wings of Freedom. On the one hand, she and Andromali are opponents. On the other hand, Arthur agrees so quickly, indicating that St. George is not as easy to deal with as imagined.

“[Elf Race Level 9 Guild] also joined the Wings of Freedom camp to fight against Siegfried Redd …”

Fea is naturally on Arthur’s side.

“Atlantis also joined the Wings of Freedom side.”

Territ moves …


Then all Guild started to stand in line!

Basically, the tendency of the two camps can be distinguished.

On the Andromali side, the Demon Race Baal series, Monster Race, Shaman Race, and Dragon Race are all in one.

On Arthur’s side, the Demon Race Lilith series, Nether Race, Elf Race and Sea Race are all in one.

The normal King-Type Ability User Guild is inclined on both sides.

In this way, it can be seen that the Andromali side is very strong, and Arthur can only say moderate or potential stocks.

Nether Race, Sea Race, and Elf Race are relatively weak King Races, and they have always been rivals with Monster Race, Dragon Race, and Shaman Race, while Demon Race is split into 2 series because each is too strong.

Although it is only a dialogue, the situation can be seen.

“Would you like to add another bet? One orange Dimensional Fragment, whichever side wins, can get the orange Dimensional Fragment on the other side. One is not too much and the price is not low. How come, everyone? Level 3 Guild should be fine. “

Alivia suggested.

“This is a good bet, a small bet, I originally wanted to bet ten …”

Andromali jokingly said, “… but it’s bleeding, isn’t it embarrassing if 10000 is lost, so one is good …”

“let’s start……”

Arthur turned around and led his team towards Siegfried Redd. Although he had no weapons, it didn’t mean how much to deal with, and no one could restrain Baal Munger except him. If Siegfre Redd summon his Noble Phantasm, definitely It’s the original purpose, Andromali doesn’t want to give Baal Monger to him, probably for this purpose?

So, Baal Monger will soon return to Siegfried Redd.

“Do n’t let him summon back to Baal Monger, everyone ’s dragon attribute status should be careful of his attacks, the quickest melee members will be listed, and then the Magic Ability Users with abilities such as shackles and dizziness will ensure the melee units’ rear Safety……”

When the words fell, Arthur held the sword moved towards Siegfried Redd to sprint.

“This was not a war to implement [Justice]. Even if you are fighting side by side with Saint George, you will never bear [Justice] and become a barrier to your progress. I’m really sorry!”

Siegfried Redd opened his eyes at Arthur’s split second they were near, and at the same time there seemed to be rays of light in his hands! ! !

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