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Siegfried Redd gained a constitution that could not be killed after bathing dragon’s blood. In fact, it was not that he could not be killed. But after bathing dragon’s blood, his body was already able to withstand a considerable degree of Magic and physical attacks. Can block a considerable degree of Noble Phantasm attack.

The body after bathing dragon’s blood has reached the non-human domain, which is almost equivalent to the heart of the dragon so that he can quickly draw out Magic Power using Noble Phantasm. If it is summoned out in a normal way, the speed of this Magic Power extraction, That is, the ability of the dragon’s heart is probably disappeared, right?

After all, the various capabilities of Heroic Spirit will fluctuate up and down with the quality of the host. I am afraid that the host that can meet his Magic Power may be impossible among humans.

However, he was summoned by the Heroic Spirit tower, which saved almost all the abilities of his life!

As if stabilized by the power value of this Underground City world.

He can block LVLevel 4 other physical attacks and Magic attacks, if concentrated defense can even achieve resistance to LVLevel 8 other attacks.

But I am afraid there is no LV9 adventurer in Underground City today.

In this case, you can only count on the kind of special ability.

He was able to sense that this young man who was advancing towards him without any trace of power possessed this kind of exceptional power, ignoring the ability of invincible defense. To a certain extent, his ability was indeed invincible. It is because after being bathed in dragon’s blood, the original human foundation has disappeared, so it is impossible to describe [defense] from a human perspective, that is to say, his defense has become the general description of [Noble Phantasm].

It is similar to the title of his dragon slayer, and it deviates from the form human can understand.

If the dragon’s body is displayed in the form of Noble Phantasm, it can be understood as invincible.

Since he got the dragon killing, he has become more powerful and he can no longer be called a hero. Yes, he is indeed a hero when he slaughters the dragon. Saving Princess. Slaughtering the dragon as a hero is indeed a beautiful poem, but after completing After the feat, he is no longer a hero, but—


Even if the invincible defense was attacked, no trace of scars could be left, and it could not be killed, so only his opponent could be killed.

So he begged for death to come, but since he had died in the past, why did he appear as Heroic Spirit?

Heroes should generally have dream things?

His dream, in fact, has nothing to do with death, death is just a way to escape, the real desire is to get a real battle.

If it is said in a beautiful tone, then it is to become a person of justice. Although it is true that he left the dragon slaughter during his lifetime, it is indeed justified. However, after the dragon slaughter, the life of slaughter is no longer the path of justice. He, who has been helping the Seekers to slaughter, also dreams that one day, he can fight for himself, fight for what he believes or guards, a dignified battle, no matter which side the victory balance will tilt!

At this moment, he has the opportunity to fight side by side with Saint George like Saint, and has an opponent who ignores the invincible ability (Arthur), and what he wants to protect is the heroic cause, consider whether the opponent has the march on the path of the hero. Consciousness and ability.

Undoubtedly, the battle at this moment is definitely not the killing of the butcher, but the battle of the heroes weeping and weeping. At this moment, the old heroes and the new heroes collide with their souls, weave their missions, and recast the past …

“It’s such a heroic interest, young man, let’s have a hearty battle! Each is dedicated to justice and swings his sword!”

The rays of light shone in Siegfried Redd’s hand, and Baal Munger’s sword returned to his hand.


Arthur did not retreat, but faster and faster. During the advance, he took three breaths. Andorel in his hand seemed to echo his mood and shone with crimson rays of light.

Sword Skill Connect-

Flash * Seven Star Swords Formation! !

Arthur’s body moving forward at high speed disappeared like a phantom, then his body flickered like a misty dragon in seven directions, and then he beheaded towards Siegfried Redd!

In his split second of summon Baal Monger gave him an absolute slash, with invincible penetration assistance, easily broke his defense and knocked him back.

As a sword expert, Arthur must use Kendo against Siegfried Redd, a Swordsman duel.

Sword Skill Connect, as his most basic Sword Skill, has nothing to do with the seal or the seal. Some things can never be sealed. The understanding of Kendo can be shown at any time. This is not a force that can be measured by data.

“Good, young man! Exquisite Sword Skill.”

Siegfried Redd clenched Baal Munger, the dim light flashed, that was Baal Munger’s overflowing Magic Power, as the wind blade of the fallen leaves assaulted toward Arthur’s location, as a proof of the past Heroic Spirit, except the sword itself In addition to its power, the Sword Skill it possesses is in no way inferior. What is different from Arthur’s share of elegance is that atmosphere and majestic, wide-open attack, although it seems that there is no routine, but it is absolutely Strong!

This is the Sword Skill competition between East and West.

The Eastern Sword Skill is elegant and elegant, just like a dragon-like shuttle battlefield, one move and one style are like thousands hammers, hundred refinements. Even a simple swing also contains the spirit of the spirit.

The Western Sword Skill has no rules, simple and capable, pursues imposing manner, no strict moves, only the magnificence of the imposing manner, and the body that adapts to the sword with countless battles will automatically move, perhaps in the eastern Kendo There are 100 loopholes in the eyes of experts, but the imposing manner cannot be avoided by subtle moves.

Arthur did not retreat, greeted the slash from Siegfried Redd, and the battle with the hero was doomed to failure once retreated, even with his current cultivation, it is difficult to ensure that he is not harmed, the opponent’s slash, speed, spirit Waiting for the extreme, and he is the same, so this is-



Arthur and Siegfried Redd ’s bodies were staggered, and at the same time left blood marks on the two people ’s bodies, but the difference was that Siegfre Redd ’s body was indeed slashed by Arthur ’s sword edge, while Arthur ’s wounds were Sword energy from Siegfried Redd was hurt.

Compared to Sword Technique’s subtlety, it is undoubtedly Arthur’s comparative advantage, and as a result, 2 people are both equally excellent, and 2 people were hurt by the slash.

Blood dripped from the body, but Arthur not at all shaken, but understood the will of Siegfried Redd—

“Hatsune-senpai, do n’t give me treatment. Other people, please do n’t intervene. Only in this way can it be worthy of the hero ’s will. Some things are more important than the result of the battle. Right.

Siegfre Redd, swing your sword with all your strength, I am not weak, I will fight to the point where my fingers are motionless! “

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