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The battle between Arthur and Siegfried Redd makes the battlefield full of cutting lines caused by sharp sword energy, and at the same time, the two people are already bloody.

The Arthur holding Elf Holy Sword is blackening, so he is more calm than normal. The extreme coolness creates a delicate and extremely subtle induction, the ebbing of time becomes extremely slow in his eyes , With a speed of 1000 minutes and seconds (0.009 seconds) speed Sword Skill Connect to achieve the level of competition with Siegfried Redd.

Such a Sword Skill is a sword that can never be seen with human eyes.

In addition to the special effects of the hero’s invincible penetration, Siegfest Redd’s body is covered with dense and numerous slash lines. If his defense is not amazing, it may have been cut into pieces!

But the scars on Arthur are not from the cutting of the sword edge, but from the Ziegfried Redd’s sword energy, which is different from Arthur’s kind of exquisite collection of Sword Skill in one point, Siegfried Redd’s Sword Skill is like [ Circle] The general sword energy field, the special semi-arc-like twilight wave-shaped sword energy produced by Baal Monger is used for Anti-Army’s Noble Phantasm.

Think about it too. After all, it is a dragon-slayer hero. Naturally, it is a kind of wide-area attack that can cause full damage to large Legendary creatures. Although in skill, Siegfried Redd is not as smooth and elegant as Arthur, but in Formidable power is not weak at all.

If you want to cause damage to Gev Redd, you must realize that you will be hurt by it.

If it is an ordinary opponent, I am afraid that the split second near the Siegfried Redd sword energy field will be killed, and Arthur, who reaches the Peak skill, will be able to evade the damage to Siegfre Redd while only absorbing the slightest Nothing can avoid the damage.

So Arthur said it was his dumbness.

In fact, as long as everyone worked together to control the war situation, Arthur could even end Siegfre Redd with unscathed results, and Siegfre Redd’s lofty and upright desire was how he could not want to blaspheme, In this world, not everything can be measured by the balance of interest.

In some things, the effort and the reward are always unequal, and even so, it is necessary to ‘deal’. This is the true expression of wisdom that gives life.

“Really tenacious? Can that kind of body already fall, boy?”

Siegfried Redd couldn’t help but sigh. Such an admirable opponent has to say that he is a confidant!

“That sentence should be for me, Siegfried Redd. I have never let go of my strength, and I can stand in front of me for such a long time. You are the tenacious.”

Arthur admired Siegfried Redd’s simple will.

Although the heroes of the Dragon Slaughter are song and tears in history or poetry, as long as they have such a reputation, they can become heroes, be able to embrace beautiful women, and enjoy the glory. However, these are not for Siegfried Redd Able to devote to the pursuit of life.

“Allow me to apologize. Although I feel that it is enough at this moment, you are like an eagle. It may be worth losing in your hands, and the wish can be satisfied, but ah, sure enough, as a soldier instead of a hero, I I hope to defeat you. In the past, I defeated the dragon dragon Fafner and became my hero.

And now–

I hope to be able to defeat you, the only time to fight for yourself, to gain real glory on the battlefield, and to fight with such innocent Swordsman as Ru, the end of victory will be able to experience the happiness and freedom!

So, boy, I ’m sorry, I ’m going to release Noble Phantasm, I want to defeat you only with this power !! “

Siegfried Redd clenched Baal Munger with both hands.

“It’s okay, I said, I want you to do your best to let the moment of the finale gloriously end, the famous triumph of the heroes of since ancient times in history, a blow of honor and disgrace, I will personally experience it! “

Arthur squeezed Elf Holy Sword in the same hand, and now he has to use special power!

Noble Phantasm, which is comparable to Baal Munger, is Caliburn, GRAM, Thoras, etc.

With the exception of Guild War, Arthur cannot use Legion Item GRAM, but—

He has the ability of the material world, and the ability to turn abstract things into tangible things, as long as they are tangible, they can also be embodied, but the manifestation is also equivalent to exchange. In addition to the necessary Magic Power, Arthur also Other things are needed, such as the Elf Holy Sword Andorra in his hand. The weapon built by Hephaestus is definitely nothing ordinary.

Another thing is the will. Although it is a misty thing, let it be used everywhere …

Turn all phenomena and miracles into a sword of victory, so if you can’t fight against Baal Monge, then this battle is admitted to be Siegfried Redd’s victory.

[Evil Dragon will eventually fall, and cut off all the light and shadow, world, now it ’s sunset, and shoot you down—]

In the hands of Siegfried Redd, Baal Mengge shone with twilight-like twilight, dazzling and charming, but also turned with the power of Annihilating Everything, the power of the blue gem of the hilt, the entire world was dark, the searing The will will rise from him!

[My-blade-sees-for-me, It-helps-me-cut-through-the-darkness


Arthur closed his eyes, calling for the will in his heart, calling for the Heroic Spirit’s wish to sleep in the torrent of history—

“Since ancient times, those who are advancing in eternal darkness, entrust the will of Ru and others to my sword, and entrust the courage of Ru to my body, even though the arduous wish cannot be extinguished now, this pride, this It ’s up to me to share the fighting spirit, and the sword of dreams gathered by Ru and others will be my eyes and open up the territory for this dark world! “

“Fantasy Sword * Balmung !!”

Siegfried Redd calls out Noble Phantasm’s real name.

“Blade of the Unknown * Nothung the Hero !!!”

Arthur also called out his real name at the same time. It stands to reason that Arthur should create the sword of victory GRAM. However, at this moment, this sword is a sword that gathers GRAM and the heroic wish, glory and will of the hero. This is the end of the song. Magic Sword!

Nothung is another name of GRAM, which symbolizes the glory and end of the hero’s life. In history, only the names of GRAM and Balmung have been sung, but the real name of Nothung has been lost, because the first two are praising their slaughter. The real name of the last, but the last real name contains destruction and finality, so it is the blade of the nameless, not the hero’s congratulations at the time of success, but the heroic eulogy.

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