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The duel between Arthur and Kirin Dato attracted almost all the students in Star Guide. After all, Arthur defeated Tianwu Ayao who was the first powerhouse in the Star Hall series, and Kirin Dato was the original star guide. Is it the first in the sequence, can he beat him?

After all, the previous match between Tianwu Ayadou and Chitou Rin, is a coincidence overwhelming. The most important point is that Chitou Rinou used a knife instead of a weapon.

After setting up the posture, Rin Dato felt the oppression from Arthur. He seemed to have become a calm boat above the sea, and Arthur was the sea, and there was nowhere to go! !

For a while it seemed that Arthur’s body had no weak spots, and all of her bodies were weak spots!

The more you understand his strength on Kendo, but the more unable to attack, and Tianwu Ayadou can attack Arthur, it is obvious that Tianwu Ayadou’s accomplishments on Kendo are not as good as her!

The more people who understand Kendo, the more they can understand fear. This tiny feeling like looking up at the sky seems to be seen through all the situations! !

Arthur saw the hesitation of Kento, it was because she could not find his weakness that she would not act! ! !

However, since I am determined to be a disciple, I must definitely give pointers to 2. This is not a duel, but a guide. For him, Rin Dato is definitely not his opponent, but if it goes on like this, it will not work. Because he wants to understand Datoujiu from her body, because he wants to accept her as a discipline.

and so–

“Qi Rin, now I tell you the truth. Of course, I also learn and sell now, but this is what a person with Menkyo Kaiden skill said-

[The rough sea is rough, the snow is blowing, the floating bird is surfing]

This is Ougi of Tennen Rishin-Ryū. I hope you can conform to your own heart. Act naturally. Indeed, human is very small compared to nature, but the heart feels natural, do n’t repel it, and go floating with it. To help you fly high. “

Arthur said what SABER SABER said.

“I … got it, thanks for your guidance, I’m coming …”

Rin Dato is a person with a very high perception. She instantly understood Arthur’s words and could not help feeling the noble soul of Arthur’s. In the case of an opponent, she also told her a Sect’s flow, this sentence is Tennen Rishin-Ryū Ougi, if it can be instructed, it is simply too lucky.

It ’s not a big deal if you just know this sentence, because Ougi of each Sect ca n’t understand its trend without personal experience. However, the scene she is in now reflects each other with Ougi of Tennen Rishin-Ryū, which shows She mastered a kind of Sect’s Ougi at split second, which is very rare, this has been equivalent to preaching!

Her strength improved to a realm in split second, but she found that Arthur was still the vast sea, but now she did not fear, but integrated herself into Arthur’s situation, realized his situation, and then responded to this situation. He launched an attack!

The swift and simple chop came out of the sheath instantly, and the swift sword vine danced like a bird, and moved towards Arthur.

Arthur dodges easily, and then he finds Ougi of Datou Liu——

Sure enough, it is the prototype of some Sword Skill Connect, no, it should be another kind of coherence, it is regular! !

If his Sword Skill Connect is unspecified, then Sword Skill of Kirito Kento is regular and coherent, although lacking some freedom, but it has the endless nature of 9 Qu Yellow River! ! !

The flow like a water vortex is getting faster and faster! !

It can be seen that Qi Rin Dato is practicing countless times, and in this petite body, she has the perseverance and power that ordinary people can’t imagine! !

Arthur uses Sword Skill Connect, he is more free, and Kento is more regular!

For a while, Arthur seemed to have realized a higher level of swordsmanship, as if through Yin and Yang! !

And Arthur’s change is not visible in the eyes of ordinary person, but in the eyes of Kirin Dato, his change is very outstanding!

No, it can no longer be described as excellent, as if it is [God], the kind of God of Kendo.

Arthur, who reached the penetration stage, then began to sublimate Kendo during the battle. Under the expression of everyone’s surprise, he suddenly became countless without using any energy! ! !

Yes, like a slow-moving movie, Arthur’s body has countless afterimages, and as if by Magic Technique, the sword has become countless! !

At this time, Arthur’s pupil is as delicate as the universe! ! !

this is–

Sword Skill Connect?

No, no!

Unlimited Blade Works?

No, neither!

So called-

Yin Yang Sword Skill?

Tai Chi Sword Skill?

No, these are not suitable!

It should be said that–

[No Ming Sword Skill]! ! !

I have no idea! No beginning and no understanding! !

This is the Taoist turn-through that passes through the 7th consciousness [Moana (temporal consciousness)] and [ālaya-vijñāna (empty consciousness)]! !


Arthur finally connected Seventh Sense with the 8th sense. Although there is still a section of the road before reaching the 8th sense, he can already master Seventh Sense. That is to say, his realm is already in [Mind Sense], that is, in Sixth Above Sense! ! !

“Congratulations … I can’t beat this level!”

Rin Dato suddenly stopped attacking, because Arthur seemed to break through, obviously stronger, but now it is.

The previous feeling is that you can’t touch it, but now you can’t touch it! ! !

“Well, I ’m Yang, you ’re Yin, Yin-Yang Harmony Samsara Dao was born, I was in contact with various Kendo, I also self-created Kendo, and finally I felt I had a limit, but now I do n’t have it, Qi Rin, thank you, thank you very much, as the saying goes, 3 people must have our teacher.

I got sublimation from you.

Our Sect is called-

[I ca n’t understand it]. “

Arthur could n’t help but hold Aoto in his arms, which was really great, he had reached the highest realm on Kendo, yes, the highest realm, nothing higher than this, impossible would be more than this Taller.

“I also got sublimation … that, can you …”

Ryu Dato is a bit shy. After all, many people are watching it now.

“I said Arthur-kun, it’s rude to hug a girl in public, how can you fight to the point of embracing?”

Claudia certainly understands how Arthur has grown, but it doesn’t work like this.

“Sorry, sorry, I’m rude, let’s find a place to talk, Qi Rin, you and your friends wait for me, and I promise to do what I promise.”

Arthur hurriedly released the knife and vine, and the ruddy face was not shy, but excited. After all, Kendo was so lucky to be able to reach this level! !

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