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“Can you stop that kind of joy? Wouldn’t it be so happy to hold a beautiful girl?”

Claudia looked at Arthur’s overwhelmed expression, and he was helpless to persuade him.

“Well, I will restrain myself, but being able to reach the end point on the way to Kendo is one of the great luck of my life. This mood is really beyond description. I reached the highest point where Kendo can reach, in other words , As my Kendo can kill God, it is really capable of killing! If the gods exist “

Arthur realized the feeling of being glorious at the many mountains that seem small.

“So are you so happy that you can exempt our star guide from compensation?”

Claudia couldn’t help pushing the boat along with the current.


Arthur chop nails and sever Iron said, “Can personal honor be compared to the entire Big Dipper school behind me? Claudia, if you think I am such a person, you are insulting me, OK, Next, let ’s do the Asura curse removal work … “

“It’s really unstoppable!”

Claudia couldn’t help but smile bitterly. This guy was so weird. He was puzzled for a while, and speechless for a while.

“I’m in a good mood. The previous one was cancelled. We are still friends, Claudia. Although you are a bit dark, it is always better than some fake or serious people behind. You can also understand your position. During this time, you can understand your consortium in this World.

They don’t have any will at all, that is, there is no emotional ‘processor’. Although they work for a group of people, there is no personality in this consortium, that is, there is only collective interest, not personal interest. . “

Arthur knew that Claudia ’s mother was a senior cadre in the consortium behind the Star Guide. It ’s really unfortunate to have such a mother. Although the surface is glorious, it is actually very painful?

Although, Arthur, who didn’t even see his parents, was not qualified to say this.

“Are, it seems that you still know a lot about us. It is good to continue to be friends, Arthur-kun, what do you think my wish is?”

Claudia couldn’t help feeling that Arthur was making people more and more elusive. On the surface, he looked simple and straight, and some unexpectedly cute, but sometimes he was a wise, serious, and cold terrifying. No doubt he had multiple faces and so many emotions. Mixed together can still laugh at life, she really admires him, is truly admired.

“Your wish must be very boring, because what you pursue is ordinary, so what is boring in the eyes of ordinary people is your pursuit, and even those who can look directly at death, wish will not be elegant.

Arthur analyzed casually.

“Is it dead? Although my magnificent armament can predict death, it is always afraid of death every time, because death is called death precisely because it can make people no matter how many times it has. The trait of fear can only be so, otherwise it will not be [dead]. “

Claudia said frankly, as if he had been hit by Arthur, thinking of suddenly looking at Arthur–

“Actually, I foresaw you when you did n’t show up. I saw you in a dream, knowing that you would kill me, so you killed me at the 7-star meeting, because I can predict death, so I Never really died once, but I really died in your hands. The reason why I am brave is because I see that I will be resurrected.

Do you want to hear my wishes? A lost boy from a foreign country? “

“No, our relationship can only be friends. If I continue, I won’t be able to battou you. When listening to a girl’s wish, it means to bear all the pain of the girl and this wish is disappearing The pain, even the kind of pain that cannot be erased in my heart!

Claudia, what do you think my wish is?

I do n’t have a wish in this world, because my heart is empty, it is broken, so I ca n’t find the wish, do you understand? That’s how I was told a girl’s wish, and then she left me. Although I knew she was still living in my bones, my heart was already broken!

Now I am slowly waiting for it.

All of you Rikka’s can only be my enemy, because otherwise I am troubled, I don’t want to suffer this pain again, it just drives me crazy!

However, I am grateful because there is no future without experiencing pain. It is precisely to understand this pain that I can move forward bravely, but the heart is cracked no matter how it is repaired. It is filled up piece by piece, although repaired But it also means that it may break at any time.

Me, I want to be a carefree person, but my situation does not allow me to be so relaxed. What I am looking forward to and expecting from me is waiting for me to skyrocket.

So do n’t pin anything on me, although I might not stop you, but think about it for me, Claudia, I know you must have foreseen, you want to be free from me, right?

I am definitely not wrong, I have this intuition.

Otherwise, why are you different from me? Why do you repeatedly contact me 3 times?

Because you see the future, see the future of you and me, this cheating prediction makes you decide to contact me, the more you contact you, the more you want to be free. “

Arthur understood that Claudia had an impure purpose for him.

“Sure enough, you can’t hide your sharp eyes. Although clumsy, but unexpectedly sharp, Arthur, do you know? You are too good and excellent to be jealous, so you have misfortune, I am like this, precisely because I have experienced it.

You say that, do you want to stop me?

You are the best teenager I have met, and can give you a sense of security, but it is also fatal. You take the calamity to yourself. You are undoubtedly the most black person, because I am also black , So understand your blackness, you are better than me, and you are more sacred than me, but what you are stronger than me is not black, but you still have ego in the dark, still pure!

As you think, I am planning a boring thing, maybe good or bad for you, but happy for me, if you can remember it, it is really good, so I will not give up my wishes.

Before it is realized, you can ask me any request that I can be the master, because this is what I owe to you, and I may never be able to do so, but I can only do so …

Blame me?

Who made you exist in my dream?

One day my wish will come true in you.

You can hate me and hate me, but you can’t stop me.

Of course, I am also painful to you with such a poisonous hand, so you ask me to do something for you, even if it is for you to have fun. “

Claudia seemed to have seen the day when the wish came true.

“Brother, don’t listen to her bullshit, this woman is only tempting you !!”

Shiba Miyuki, who was following, was a reminder of her dissatisfaction.

“It’s okay, Claudia said to me so seriously, it can be seen that she is indeed completely black, but this black is very beautiful, the elegant rose is not necessarily black in the night, if I can’t get rid of it, then I don’t work hard, But Claudia, bet, I will destroy your desire.

I ’m who, I ’m a man who has gone through countless calamity, yes, although I am really a minor in my age, but I have a man-like deep calamity in the past, I am an impossible into a possible person, if I am in your dream Appear, then I must be false, because the dream has no temperature, and now I have the temperature! “

Arthur didn’t understand Claudia’s wishes, but he would not show weakness.

“Okay, so interesting. If there is a future that I am also mistaken, then my life will be meaningful. I suddenly felt a little anticipated. Don’t let me down, Arthur-kun, I will curse you by Yaya. ! “

Claudia smirked.

“Well, terrifying! But terrifying women are always better than sad women.”

Arthur scratched his head, what is this fuck everything is in disorder, okay, IQ rose? Sure enough, with a guy like Claudia for a long time, IQ will rise steadily!

“Then … wait and see.”

“Wait and see ……”


Arthur removed the Asura curse of Yingshilang and Tianwu Aya, who were members of the movie star, from them, and Shirou was completely removed from the night, and Shiya Ayadou was left by him for life. If you ca n’t use any power, you can only breathe if you ’re alive then you ’re alive. If he wants to try power, then—

“Remember, you must not use any star power, even vigorous movements, otherwise I can’t guarantee any consequences, of course, if he begs to die, don’t blame me, are you called Shasha Gongsha Ye? It’s Qiling’s good friend, so I’m also kind to you.

You understand that I have reached this limit is not the limit, do not ask me to ask more, and do not use kneeling to ask others, for the wicked, your kneeling is just their happy ration, for me, you are for me insult. “

“Thank you, and cause you trouble …”

The ahoge on Shasha Gongsha’s head moved, apparently dissatisfied with the difference between night blowing and sky fog.

“Ah … Master, you are very tired, take a good rest …”

Chitou Rin said quickly, reaching for Shasha Gongsha Ye, getting an inch, want a foot is not good, and she now supports Master.

“It’s called the Master before you pass, but you should be able to pass your aptitude. After some simple tests, let’s have a teacher salute. As a Master, I will also prepare a gift for you …

Also, because I am a Big Dipper, I can only guide your Kendo every weekend, and after the Wanglong Xingwu Festival, I hope you can go to the teacher, because when the time comes we may be different. “

Arthur caressed Qi Rin’s head, he is also a person with a recipe! !

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