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Arthur put the 3 tails in the village of Kiriga. Of course, it will not leave any traces, so Kiriga ca n’t blame Konohagakure. After all, the 3 tails are Bijuu managed by Kirigakure. There was a riot in Kirigakure and no other hidden villages. Relationship.

As a member of Anbu, in the process of driving Quest, it is absolutely impossible to leave any available information.

Even though the water and fire between Kirigakure and Konohagakure are not compatible, the basic morality needs to be said. Konoha has always been respected by many small Ninja Villages and countries. The so-called Shinobi World War is not done by one village or several villages. It is a force with large and small involvement.

One of the more prominent ones is Five Great Lands’ Five Great Shinobi Countries. Ninja Villages in other small countries and the wandering Ninja forces in the region will selectively attach themselves to the big Ninja Villages in these big countries, and then obtain benefits.

Both the small country and the small Ninja Village will be at the forefront of the big Ninja Village during the war. Like the Land of Whirlpools’ Shinobis that had been with Konohagakure before, it was in the past that they performed Quest and war with Ninja of Konohagakure. Mrs. First Hokage’s came from In this small country.

These Ninja troops headed by the big Ninja Village will be unified under the command of the big Ninja Village during the war. Of course, if they get the benefits, it is better to say that if they don’t get the benefits, they will rebel and turn to other Ninja Villages.

Therefore, if Konoha’s reputation dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, then the small forces attached to Konoha’s will turn to Ninja Village in other big countries. Although these small forces seem to not work, in fact, when Shinobi World War first broke out , Not directly in the center of big powers, but in small countries or regions bordering these big powers. There are many small countries between Five Great Lands, like Land of Rain, in Land of Fire, Land of Wind, Land of Earth’s 3 countries It is this kind of geography that makes Ninja Wars bound to be implicated once it breaks out.

Since the Hanzou of the Salamander ruled Amegakure, the power of this country has quickly risen, which is why Arthur has swayed it before.

The more wise and excellent Ninja must consider all aspects when acting. Although Kiriga and Konoha have continued small frictions, Kiriga even designed a physical plan for Konoha’s 3 tail, but Konoha cannot fight Kiriga on the surface. Since the last war, Konoha and Kiriga have almost defaulted the strategy of non-invasion. Friction is friction, and strategy is strategy. The war can not be decided casually.

Uchiha took the soil to eliminate Kiriga’s Anbu, and Arthur was a lot easier. When he handed over Quest to Third Hokage, Arthur’s actions were appreciated, successfully avoiding another battle for the village and weakening Kirigakure’s strength.

After this incident, Kiriga will definitely have strength great injury, but it is also cheaper in Kumoga Village. Originally, Kiriga and Kumoga were in a state of war. Now Kiriga’s strength is reduced and he needs to recuperate, and he will withdraw his troops.

Kumoga’s strength will conflict with Iwaga after recovery, but the death of Sandaime Lei Ying also makes this conflict only evolve into a small local friction.

And Konoha has left the relationship with Kumoga. Konoha is fighting with Kumoga. Although Kumoga’s front is mainly with Iwaga and Kiriga, after the end of Kiriga, Kumoga will transfer most of its troops to the Land of. Fire.

In this Shinobi World War, Kumoga is the least damaged. Although Sandaime Thunder Shadow died, but only one person and a small number of his men died, Kumoga also has the famous AB group of Ninja, and there are many excellent Ninja. .

Sunagakure was defeated in the war with Konohagakure, and a large number of orphans were captured as well as war compensation, which can be said to be the most lost hidden village;

Konohagakure fought in 4 aspects in this war, although not at the same time, but played against other 4 Great Secret Villages separately. There are many excellent Ninjas in Konoha, but 4 opponents with two fists are hard to beat. In this war, a lot of mainstay was sacrificed, even Hatake Sakumo and others all died on the battlefield, especially Chuunin Genin’s damage was more serious, and the lack of troops made Genin and Chuunin both fight at the forefront. The most obvious example is that Kakashi’s class is the only one who survives …

Iwaga and Kiriga lost second, and Iwaga and Kiriga’s massive Ninja died in the hands of Arthur.

Kumoga was the least traumatized. It was just Sandaime Raider discounts, and the backbone was kept intact.

“Kiriga has handled it well. Minato’s next battlefield will be on Kumoga. It is inevitable to play against the AB group. If the name of the flash can make Kumoga also sign a peace agreement, then basically …”

Sarutobi Hiruzen is slightly relaxed, and the war is coming to an end.

“Well, I sacrificed a lot of companions and ushered in this rare peace. I hope to be able to settle down for more than ten years. If the next generation can enjoy the time of Ninja, our contribution will be valuable … cough cough …… cough cough… … “

Arthur’s face was paler, and he deliberately made his body look poor.

“This time it’s hard for you again, 3 tail is not easy to control?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Arthur’s and couldn’t help but sigh. I’m afraid there won’t be much time, and then he will not suppress Uchiha’s words.

“Doesn’t matter, hope I can still watch Itachi attend Ninja school …”

Arthur thought he should get along with itachi more. It is his duty as a father to teach some knowledge and the like, although he still does not realize that he is already a father.

“You can take a break during this time and put your long vacation …”

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little soft-hearted. During Arthur’s tenure as Anbu, he worked hard for him and shared his worries. It can be said that he was a lot easier. In terms of talent, Arthur undoubtedly has excellent ability, both with a gentle side and making real decisions The above is extremely calm, no doubt that he will be a great deterrent to other Ninja Villages when he sits in Hokage’s position. Unfortunately, he was born in Uchiha and is a serious body …

“Well, that relationship is good …”

Arthur nodded, took off the mask and walked out of the room easily.


Next, Arthur became tired of Mikoto and Mustela every day. In the morning, two professors read about literacy, and in the afternoon, Arthur explained some of Ninja’s knowledge to Mustela. Everyday life was sufficient. Arthur and Mikoto visited the newly married Minato couple This kind of warm time makes Arthur very happy, and it’s time to enjoy it after working so long.

Peace gradually came, and there was a lot of anger in the village. There were not many married people during this time. It seems that Konoha will have many births in the next few years. Mikoto also plans to have 2 babies with Arthur …

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