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Namikaze Minato settled the battle of Land of Fire and Land of Lightning, and was appointed to succeed Sandaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen’s position, that is, the successor of Konohagakure Fourth Hokage.

Before this, there was still some power negotiation, but Sandaime Day Sarutobi Hiruzen and Konoha’s 2 consultants, together with Arthur’s help, successfully completed the handover.

Namikaze Minato took the Hokage ceremony. At that time, all the villagers poured into the streets to admire the young and excellent 4th generation.

Arthur also took Itachi and Mikoto out of the house.

Itachi looked at Namikaze Minato on the Hokage Residence, but not at all, like the children around him, with the joy and joy of adults, he looked towards his father, in his mind, the strongest and gentlest person He is his father, but he knows why it is not Otou-sama who is standing there. Although he is young, itachi understands a lot of truth.

While other children were playing games like sand with the surrounding peers, Itachi had already begun reading allusions, and also worked tirelessly to learn from his father …

“Little Brat, to laugh, you are not cute enough, really, as Ninja, can you show your true heart to your face, it is also treacherous!”

Arthur naturally noticed Itachi’s expression and was quite surprised. Has he already gained insight into the nature of the matter at this age? It ’s just that I ’m too young to understand how to control my emotions, but does n’t matter, no one will care about such a small child like Itachi.

“Lamb (Adult) … Well, Master Fuyue, is this your child?”

Kakashi went to Arthur’s side and looked at the ferret in his arms.

“Yeah, this is Itachi. Some are not cute enough. I actually want girls!”

Arthur looked at Mikoto.

“Hmph, don’t want a girl, you kind of …”

Uchiha Mikoto blushed as she said, after all, that kind of thing was not done by Arthur alone. Wasn’t she the first to taste honey?

“cough cough ……”

Arthur laughed.

“Yo, Brother Fuyue, are you willing to go out today? Accompanying my wife at home every day really makes our brother envy Ah …”

Hyuuga Hiashi and Hyuuga Hizashi approached.

“That is, my Mikoto is Konoha’s first beautiful girl …”

Arthur said confidently.

“No shame, no impatience, Husband really is, and cracking a joke, I am not a pretty girl …”

Mikoto reached out and squeezed Arthur’s hand, but leaned on Arthur’s shoulder with satisfaction.

“The love of the big show is great under the large public, you two married couples are also amazing … By the way, my husband and I are also preparing for a family recently. Brother Fu Yue must come to drink wedding wine, although we did not drink your wedding wine.”

Hyuuga Hiashi did not shy away from inviting Arthur. Uchiha and Hyuuga have always been in a competitive relationship, but this generation is very unusual.

“I want it, I want to go, and of course I want to go to the restaurant. If you are going to have a son or a daughter, Mikoto only gives me a son. How good is the daughter …”

Arthur joked.

“I naturally want a son, but this is not just me … Ah”

Hyuuga Hiashi blushed a little. Arthur, a friend, was really ashamed and impetuous. He talked about such things on the street.

“Really? Don’t you betray me, Hiashi, so do you in the sun!”

Arthur heavily patted the shoulders of 2 people-

“Go, today, 4th Generation took office, went to Minato’s house to drink, Kakashi also came, to see that I took out all the money of Minato’s private room.

“Drinking also calls me, to say that my master must go to rubbing wine.”

Jiraiya turn up without being invited.

“Fujun, drink less, and give me the ferret so that it will not be good for you to take it …”

Mikoto is worried about Arthur’s body.

“Understood, understood … Mikoto come to help, who knows that Kushina’s rash can greet me …”

Arthur nodded.


After a leisurely time day after day, Arthur was also taught by a Uchiha’s boy while teaching Itachi. Uchiha stopped the water. It is said to be a descendant of the disciple Uchiha mirror of the second generation. The talent is very high, so …

Arthur also wanted to find a playmate for Itachi, so this was the case when Zhishui and Itachi received Arthur’s Ninjutsu together. When Arthur taught Ninjutsu, he not only taught them Ninjutsu and the like, the first thing to learn was Ninjutsu. Only talents who have the steadfast tolerance can learn higher realm, which is similar to Kendo.

However, Arthur didn’t think that these two Little Brat could understand, but he didn’t talk about this. After all, he had no experience as an elder. Although he is a leader on the battlefield, he is usually very free and easy. It is better to say that some children Qi, of course, didn’t play mud with Itachi and Zhishui, at least he wouldn’t do such naive things.

Although it is a Teacher, Zhishui and Mustela have different learning directions. Zhishui wants to learn Arthur’s Kendo knowledge, that is, Sword Technique or chopping technique, focusing on one strike certain kill technique, and Mustela is more Pay attention to some strategic battles, such as using a shuriken to strike multiple targets at the same time and attack the dead ends …

The same thing is true. Genjutsu is a technique that Uchiha has advantages. There is also a lot of research on Genjutsu Arthur, so the two Little Brat have a good knowledge of Genjutsu.


The time was fast, and it turned to Konoha in 47 years. Kiriga has entered a stage of close retreat, and the internal chaos between the Ninja family began to reform with the rise of the 4th generation of water shadow. The 4th generation of water shadow Yakura began to be blood mist-like Kiriga attributed the civil war to the succession of Ninja’s blood. For the sake of peace, Yuki Clan, Guideng, Huiye and other blood-family are already in the cleanup of Kiriga water shadow, but this is not an overnight career. So, the long struggle started …

The faction that longed for peace with water shadows but cruelly retaliated against the blood Ninja started a long-term struggle with the faction that waged power and waged wars with multiple blood-family families …

The entire Kirigakure is permeated with danger. Even the Ninja school adopts extreme assessment methods, simulating real battle survival and selecting Ninja …

The intensification of Kiriga’s civil strife has made Arthur more relaxed. His focus has been on Kiriga and Amega …

“Fujun, the sun-differenced child is about to have a full moon, shall we go and see?”

Mikoto said, watching Arthur playing with Itachi.

“Well, the guy in Hiashi is really not good, he was surpassed by his younger brother …”

Arthur nodded.

“Also, tell you a happy event, itachi is about to have a younger brother …”

Mikoto’s face is full of happiness.

“Why not a daughter, how do you know it is a son?”

Arthur looked bitter.

“It can only be a son. If there is a daughter in your family, you must be bad!”

Uchiha Mikoto hummed.

“Younger brother?”

Itachi finally showed an unusual expression, seeming to be looking forward.

“Itachi, you won’t be able to learn Hiashi in the future. As a big brother, you have a child before the younger brother. Let’s go and count the Hiashi goods!”

Arthur worries that it ’s such a calm and intelligent personality that makes it difficult for him to fall in love with peers, too mature, the key.

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