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The white horse that appeared from the east rushed towards Arthur, but it melted before it even arrived! !

Is it the power of EA?

“Hodo … I understand, that is, Gilgamesh is the oldest god-killer, a long-term evolution to become a God by the power of the god-killer …”

Erica instantly understood the truth about the power of Gilgamesh possessed by Arthur. The God of Gilgamesh is not a Demi-God with 2/3 Divinity and one third human nature in the record. The god killer has the power and man of God The body is therefore misunderstood as Demi-God is also normal. In that generation, people have not yet understood the identity of the God-killer. Even at that time, even Magician or the like did not come into being or just originated, so …

The 2 River Basin is the earliest civilization in the world. The modern European and American civilizations, the ancient Persian civilization in Iran and the ancient Egyptian civilization in North Africa, etc. were developed under the profound influence of the 2 River Basin.

2 The beginning of the River civilization was initiated by the Sumerians, and their myths and religions were also accepted and inherited by the Semitic peoples such as the Acadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. This myth system has also continued to deeply influence the ancient Greek and Roman mythology as well as ancient Egyptian mythology, Persian mythology, Canaan mythology, Christian mythology, Slavic mythology, etc …

In modern times, the Indo-European language family is traditionally divided into 2 categories: K language and S language. Type K languages ​​include Latin, Greek, Italian Ukrainian languages, Celtic languages, Germanic languages, and Hittite and Turro languages. S-type languages ​​include Baltic languages, Slavic languages, Albanian, Armenian, Indian languages ​​and Iranian languages.

This is a testament to the two major developments of Sumerian mythology. One is the extension of influence to Greek mythology and Roman mythology of the K series, and the second is the extension of influence to Egyptian mythology, Canaan mythology, and Slavic mythology of the S series.

The origins of almost all the ancient goddess systems of the K and S series come from Sumerian mythology. The three-in-one goddesses of Greek and Roman mythology, Athena, Mattis, and Medusa, have sisters of the same origin——

Sumerian Babylonian mythology, Ninsar (meaning the oldest queen to rule everything), Inanna (meaning the hostess of heaven, Saintess, Goddess of Venus), and Anat (the daughter of Gods) Master, Goddess of War, Hunting, Barbarism), Astarte (Queen of the Universe), Ishtar (Star, Love, Childbirth and Goddess of War) …

Isis of ancient Egyptian mythology (IsisAusetIsetAset, God of Life and Health, Mother of Horus, Guardian of the Undead) …

Although the Sumerian Babylonian mythology is distinguished from the ancient Egyptian mythology, the origin of Isis is Inana of the Sumerian mythology and Ishtar of the Babylonian mythology. The relationship between three people is like the three-in-one Athena, The relationship between Metis and Medusa is just like Athena has various incarnations of Knight, Yanata, Yatana, Yanata, Ashura, and Inanna also owns various kinds of Anat, Astarte, etc. incarnation …

Gilgamesh’s death is related to Inanna. The reason why Inana killed Gilgamesh’s is not because of the history. Inanna was rejected by Gilgamesh’s proposal. Inanna asked his father Anu to bring down the bull of heaven to punish Gilgamesh. Annu is actually another incarnation of Inana. Annu, known as the god of constellations and the god of the sky, is the incarnation of the star of Inanna!

In the ancient world, Gilgamesh seized the power of Sumerian gods in order to protect Ur Kingdom from the hands of gods, which which is included water and God of Earth, Enki and King of Gods With the god of air Enlil (Enlil), these two gods are the brothers of Inanna, and they are the three gods of the Sumerian creation myth, which is also known as it.

Inanna couldn’t normally defeat Gilgamesh and began a long war against Gilgamesh’s.

After gaining the power of the gods, Gilgamesh began to rule Ur’s people with his power. Because the power was so strong that no one could contend, he brought calamity to his surroundings and his people. The people began to believe in the Sumerian gods, And through this belief, the god of agriculture Enkidu (Enkidu) was born. Enkidu has the same power as Gilgamesh and the purest kindness that Gilgamesh does not have. The birth of Enkidu also comes from Gilgamesh ’s lonely desire to get opponents. Based on this Enkidu Only then has Gilgamesh’s same power.

Enanna tempts Enkidu to defeat Gilgamesh with him. Enkidu rejects Inanna. This passage records that Inanna loves the agricultural god Enkidu at first sight, but is rejected …

Enkidu and Gilgamesh met each other as a tie, and the two began to govern the ancient Ur Ke kingdom to make it prosperous. Gilgamesh learned the purpose of power …

And Enkidu and Gilgamesh together defeated the Bull of Heaven sent by Inanna to persecute 100 people!

This also completely angered Inanna. Inanna gave birth to the idea of ​​killing Enkidu. Enkidu, born of faith, also died because of faith. Inanna and Sumer ’s Gods made people realize that Enkidu had committed anger. So Enkidu died, which was described in history as–

Inanna asked Gods to kill one of Gilgamesh and Enkidu on the charge of trifling human dare to kill the Shinigami beast. Her wish was accepted by Gods, so one of the two, Enkidu, created by God, could not defy the destiny, and gradually weakened and died.

With Enkidu’s death, Gilgamesh had the idea of ​​permanently fighting against the gods, so she began to look for the medicine that doesn’t old bastard. As a result, Inana turned into a snake and took Gilgamesh’s medicine that was not old bastard while Gilgamesh was taking a bath!

After Gilgamesh lost the old bastard medicine, lifespan ran to death, and the snake that stole the immortal death medicine had the ability to molt, and each time it had a new life after molting …

The ability of the snake was also obtained by Athena.

After Gilgamesh’s death, human gradually came up with the idea of ​​fighting against the gods, so Gilgamesh, who was originally human, had the belief that the gods had, and became a real god. At the same time, he has also been circulating as a hero of human beings, the king of Taikoo, etc … …

Gilgamesh’s power is a compound power consisting of [human desire to fight against gods] and [power obtained by killing Sumerian mythical Gods]!

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