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The sword held in Arthur’s hand is the obedient sword EA. This is Gilgamesh’s Noble Phantasm. The prototype of this Noble Phantasm is EnkiEa in the Sumerian mythology. En means king and ki means the earth, so Enki is the king of the earth.

The origin of human civilization comes from the water source. The Euphrates and Tigris rivers of the two streams of the Sumerian civilization gave birth to the Sumerian civilization, so water can be said to be the origin of human civilization.

Although Enki, the god of water and the king of the earth, is not the pioneer of the universe in legend, he is the pioneer of civilization.

Moreover, the legend of Enki evolved from the Ade and the Canaanites (West Semites) to Lahu, and from the Hebrews (North Semites) of the Jewish people to Yahweh, That is the Lord (YHWH), the God in the Bible.

But this is just the power of second words and spirits that obey the sword.

first The power of the spirit of speech comes from his elder brother Enlil, a god like Pangu in Chinese mythology, although the most primitive gods in Sumerian mythology were the gods of heaven, Ansar and Kishar (Kisar), it is Enlil that separates the world and the world, and there is a difference between the world and the world. Enlil ’s wind violence is a more powerful force than the sun and thunder, Sumer ’s Sandaime Divine King Marduk (Marduk) ) Defeating Tiamat, the mother of the original Chaos God of 10000, created 10000 things based on the power of the storm, because the wind can strengthen Marduk ’s sun fire.

So this is the true 1st Stage speech and spirit. It is the power of the 2nd generation Divine King Storm God Enlil that cuts the chaotic world!

Arthur knew this when using EA.

The power of the storm is the power that opens up the world, so the white horse in the Kusanagi shelter is invalid for EA. No, it should be said that as long as it is a real force, it is not an opponent of EA, unless …

It is beyond the spatial dimension of Earth!

Even though the power of the white horse is aimed at the objects brought to the people’s calamity, how can humans have the power to resist splitting heaven and earth apart? A long time ago, humans have encountered Enlil’s attack, and that was the Flood!

The Great Flood event recorded in the Bible, only humans riding on Noah’s Ark can survive. The prototype of the Great Flood of the Bible is the Great Flood event of the Sumerian mythology, and the Brother Enki of Enlil reminds the human Utnapishtim led humans to take refuge in a boat, and Utanapizim gained the power of immortality. Enki was the prototype of Jehovah, and Utanapizim was the prototype of Noah.

Therefore, only Enki’s obedient sword EA is against Enlil’s obedient sword EA and the power beyond this World dimension.

“I swear here, I, do not allow me to cut things that are constant, and this sword is an invincible blade that can cut off and cut everything on the ground!”

Salvatore Doni continued to use power after the Kusanagi Guardian Hall, shining the ultimate art of silver’s right wrist, emitting the strongest light. Under his words, this silver’s right wrist will carry the black The sword in the box was taken out. It was originally a nameless ordinary sword, but it changed the ordinary in magical power, and became Magic Sword of Miracle, and the steel sword body extended to a super sword of about ten meters. , The sword built by the magic power cuts the splitting heaven and earth apart, which is the force of the storm! !


“Kā-chā …!”

Instant smash! !

“It turned out that even my strongest power was smashed. It is worthy of King of Heroes Gilgamesh’s power. The god-killer of the first generation really surpassed us a lot.”

Donny said with a faint smile, this result he was not at all accident, if he really had to block Arthur’s attack, it would be an accident.

“Thank you, Duny … it’s my turn …”

Relying on Doni ’s delay, Kusanagi Guardian got all the knowledge of King of Heroes Gilgamesh ’s from Erica—

“Let me show the justice of the world with my spirit skills! This incantation is powerful and eloquent, the sword of wisdom that greets victory!”

As the spirit of the sword’s words rang, from the center of Kusanagi’s body, it quickly spread to the surroundings, and the field of the sword of the gods unfolded, wrapping everything around, even Arthur in the sky was also wrapped in!

“Gilgamesh was originally human …”

Kusanagi Hutong began to target Divinity words of Arthur’s power, so as to bring out the knowledge of the opponent’s gods or god killers in the past, and then use the words to transform the golden sword to attack, which can cut the gods Divine Spark And the power to seal the God-killer is both the strongest sword of Anti-Divine and the strongest shield of Anti-Divine!

In general, as long as you know all the knowledge of God and all the knowledge of the gods related to the power of God-killers, you can be invincible!

The power held by Arthur comes from Gilgamesh’s knowledge, which was believed by God to kill God and become a god. All of them were taught to Kusanagi by Erica.


In theory, it is possible to seal the power that Arthur obtained from Gilgamesh.


“Legion Verethragna of the ancient Persian myths! The military gods of the East, the gods in the Indian-Persian mythology system, and the extended gods come from the Greek-Roman hero Titan Hercules, ten incarnations There is a close relationship with the 2 1 trial.

It is also a god of killing itself, and the sword of killing god that can kill ancient gods does possess the restraint ability of Anti-Divine Ming.

Welles Lana is not only the god of victory, but also King and the Guardian of the people, and serves as the guard of the Persian main god Mithra, Mithra is the incarnation of the sun, so Welles Lana also has a relationship with the sun.

Mithra ’s Sun God was influenced by Baby God ’s Sun God Shamash (Sutu mythology Utu Utu), although the partitioned Sumerian Babylonian civilization and the Persian civilization itself are not at all, how big the connection The Persians belonged to the Indo-Europeans, not the Semites of Sumerian Babylon, but the ancient Persians who reached Babylon in later history received some Sumerian influence.

At the same time, the earliest Divinity in Mithra was the god of contract, and Shamash possessed Divinity, the god of justice. Justice and contract are a related body.

The Enki I have is sometimes connected with Sun God Sharm in Sumer. After all, his son Sandaime Divine King has the power of Sun God!


Arthur also revealed the power of the Kusanagi Guardian Church. It was through the previous white horse that he learned the power of the Kusanagi Guardian Church—

“Lord God’s things, the supreme and even out of the ordinary, are ru-ru, the king comes to allow ru, and admonish the gods, Enkidu!”

From the different space unfolding behind Arthur, a gold chain stretched out and wrapped around Kusanagi’s body, sealing his Divinity power!

“King of Heroes Gilgamesh is the earliest god-killer. For him, the best thing is the god-killer and the god of law!

You are too confident, Erica! The Persian god of war possesses a symbol of heroism, which is even more vulnerable. All human heroes are eclipsed by King of Heroes! “

Lily couldn’t help shaking her head.

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