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Liliana let go of the unconscious Athena. Although the God of Disobedience is the object that must be cleaned up, she is first and foremost a Knight. As Knight, she must obey all orders of the servants and open the way for her will.

Of course, she can also resist. After all, as a Knight, she also has her own beliefs, but she believes that the king she serves, from then on, her will has decided the direction. The king she serves is trustworthy. of.

“Although there are not enough gentlemen, the God of Disobedience can be different from ordinary person … Of course, there is no room for negotiation, as long as King of Heroes promises to compete with my Sword Technique, no, it should be my advice!”

Salvatore Doni did not miss this excellent opportunity. Arthur, who had consumed all the spell power by Athena, had only her proud Sword Skill, so as long as the duel continued, he could Contact Sword Skill of Supreme.

“Lily, don’t forget us!”

Erica stopped Liliana, allowing Salvatore to cross her to the place where Athena fell.

“Erica! Didn’t you help the king of swords? The last time you owed me a favor, as a Knight, I can no longer humiliate my king!”

Lily was filled with indignation. The problem of the Stone of Gorgon should be solved, so Erica had no reason to continue fighting, but she was still helping the King of Swords. Is this really against them?

“Ah, last time, last time, this time, this time, I made use of the king of swords, so it is reasonable to repay now. Compared with the favor of the king of swords, I hope I can owe you the favor.

And, Lily, when did you become so upset? This is not like your style, you should be more elegant, is it because of (love)? “

Erica’s power is blessed on the sword, and then struggling.

“Hu … What nonsense! I just obey the will of the king of service, with no pretense!”

Lily stepped up her attack before Erica spoke the word, making Erica obliged to resist.

“It’s you, you have grown so much in a short period of time. It really is the power of (love)!”

Erica disturbs Lily’s mind with words, because her old enemy, indeed, grows very difficult to deal with, but it has become so strong in just a few days. Sure enough, King of Heroes used Lily before. The healing is special, and may include strengthening the power. She is good at the power and she was restrained by Lily, plus the swiftness like a falcon. To be honest, it is not her opponent at all!

However, the owed human relations still have to be paid back, and the King of Swords is used, so you need to repay the affection, and in this way you can also get the favor of the King of Swords. It is also a good result that Hutang can join forces with the King of Swords.



Arthur Teleportation approached Athena and blocked Salvatore’s slash.

The 2 people finally confronted each other, and Salvatore ’s wish was fulfilled. The masters of the swords and swords had absolute confidence, and the fireworks from the blade collision did not even split the second in the eyes of 2 people. After staying, it disappears. Both Arthur and Salvatore are Kendo’s masters. It was impossible to compete with Arthur for the ability of Salvatore, but—

The power it possesses makes up for this. The tangent of the sword edge runs across Arthur’s ear. Although Salvatore’s sword is very common, but the power he possesses, no, it can be said that he possesses the Sword Technique, No specific sharp weapons are needed anymore, the kind of will that cuts everything, as if there is no sharp edge in the world that can match it.

From this point of view, Salvatore is indeed qualified as the king of swords, he is the structure of the sword itself, cutting off this principle is no longer just a power, but more like its belief, severing everything, what is left This is the only will!

However, that was really false for Arthur!

The so-called chopping ability is similar to the severance of Mystic Eyes, which can be killed as long as it is alive, but Salvatore ’s power is that everything can be chopped, and Mystic Eyes ca n’t be killed. The existence of the concept of death, then Salvatore’s power is also inseparable.

Arthur’s Sword Skill is impeccable, resembles nature itself, and through Seventh Sense and even the 8th sense Sword Skill, all of Salvatore’s steel slashes were completely resolved, but soon the other party changed its strategy.

From the slashing of the wide open to the soft attack of the belly snake, in order not to be restrained by Arthur’s sword, Salvatore wrapped the sword tightly around Arthur’s sword, hovering like a snake on Arthur’s sword In the above, this soft Kendo is more like the power from the East, which shows that Salvatore has competed with the East Sword Technique.

In this way, it fully shows that Salvatore is powerful. After all, with the conservativeness of the East, this type of power is easily taught by impossible, and he only uses the power of the East through battle. It is indeed talented. .

Of course, all the routines lead to Rome, and it is possible to have this kind of Kendo theory in the West, but what really shocked Arthur was that Salvatore was learning his Kendo, and he did not hesitate to take risks!

The excited sword seemed to cut straight down as if the river had flowed into the sea, and Salvatore tried his best to guide Arthur’s truly exquisite power.

“… pu!”

Arthur’s sword has become extremely slow, in fact, it is swift and stiff on the 7 inch of Salvatore, soft, like a snake, but the snake has a 7 inch, and the soft sword has a point, and This key point must be well protected, but Salvatore ’s urge to expose this weakness, the sword incarnation raptor in the split second Arthur’s hands hit 7 inches!

To overcome rigidity with softness, to make flexibility with rigidity, there is no stronger reason for the opposing 10000 objects. The soft sword lies in twists and turns, completely dissolves the strength of the other party, and can be wound from any direction, and finally winds up the exhausted opponent to death, and Gang Jian lies in the explosive power of split second, dumping all the power of everything to kill.

Rou Jian is restrained against Gang Jian, because Gang’s power is easily exhausted, but Rou’s power is 9 winding and endless, but once the key point of Rou is hit, it will dry up completely!

“The witches of the Dionysus Ah … Call for the Son of God. Come and indulge in the wine of the violent god, abandon your homeland, and get lost in the mountains. Worship the god of us.”

Salvatore saw that Arthur’s Sword Technique did not come out at all, and he was very anxious. If he lost this opportunity, then …

So he sang the words and spirits, leading the power …

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