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Salvatore uses a new power, this power is a violent guide!

Capturing the power of Dionysus, the god of wine in ancient Greek mythology, can strengthen or activate all the power of Mystery, making it runaway out of control.

If this kind of power is used on ordinary person, it will undoubtedly lose its intellectual power. However, for the Sword Technique infatuation like the king of swords, even if it is a state of madness, the will of its sword will not betray. Technique’s understanding is integrated into its own existence. It is no longer a Sword Technique that relies on reason or thinking, but a Sword Technique that follows instinct.

Therefore, this kind of power will not only weaken him much, but will become more powerful. Even without reason, he will still wield his sword in accordance with his beliefs, and abandon all the mad Sword Technique, which is a force that can make Arthur treat with caution.

The use of madness means that Salvatore has put his life out of his life. In order to greet Arthur’s ultimate sword, he gave his life, and his determination to do everything is admirable.

“The spiral of life and death *!”

Arthur used the Wuming Sword Skill for Salvatore, the Wuming Sword Skill on top of Unlimited Blade Works.

No, Unlimited Blade Works can’t be surpassed. Unlimited Blade Works is a Sword Skill based on Bloodthirsty. It is the swordsman who shows the principle of sword. The unknown Sword Skill depends on the understanding of Imaginary Domain. Taoist Sword Sect starting from Root!

Unlimited Blade Works has only one result, the only consequence of opponents who have tasted this Sword Skill is one of extinction, and the unknown Sword Skill is the result of chaos, or life or death, the 10000 flower tube of Senro 10000 elephants is wrapped around In the opponent’s mind, the spiral of destiny is controlled.

“King of Heroes, please give the deceased the dignity!”

Andre appeared early to protect Salvatore who had fallen to the ground.

“I have no intention of killing everything. This kind of swordsman deserves respect …”

The sword in Arthur’s hands disappeared into rays of light.

“what do you mean?”

Andrea couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

“He didn’t die at all, just wandering on the edge of life and death. Let’s go to the hospital first. The physical creation can be repaired. The next step is his soul. Whether he can get rid of the fate of the spiral depends on his own, I I think he can wake up. “

Arthur doesn’t hate people like Salvatore. The battle can be close to the distance. If it is a beautiful girl, it will be accepted as a discipline, but for men, just let it be under the guidance.

“Thank you for your generosity!”

Andre didn’t expect Arthur to be such a noble person, the inheritor of the ancient Knight, as indeed Kranjchar (Liliana) said.

“If you want to thank you, help me find St. George’s information …”

Arthur remembered the original purpose, Ascalon, Andrea, there must be a lot of news in their words, right?

“St. George? Is this? Okay, I will investigate, there should be information, after all …”

Andrei thought of the reason why Salvatore was the god-killer. He was taken away by Spiritual God of St. George in a Turkish museum, and then was manipulated by St. George to fight the Divine King Nuada of Celtic in Ireland. After the soul of St. George was killed by Nuada, Salvatore continued to fight and defeated Nuada, so he became a god killer.

“Okay, then the news will be sent to the bronze and black mansion, when the time comes I will charge it.”

Arthur didn’t have much hope, but maybe there might be clues?

“Let Erica escape, it’s my negligence, please punish me, my king …”

Lily looked at Arthur with guilt.

“Well, you are worried that I let her run away? It’s okay. I am also a little impulsive this time. The King of Swords is not a deliberate fault finding as I understand it. The timing is not correct enough. The tentatively is over here. … “

Arthur lifted the kneeling Lily up.

“How can it really be my dereliction of duty, many times I can’t be your sword and shield …”

Lily was very disappointed with her performance. If she noticed Erica’s intentions earlier, she would not let Arthur fall into a passive state.

“Yeah, you are indeed dereliction of duty, but as a young girl, this is normal. As a Knight, you do not perform as well as Erica as a result, but as Knight you are worthy of your beliefs , Loyal and abide by Knight ’s principles, I like the beauty of defects more than perfection. Please continue to work hard in the future. I believe you will have a blooming day. “

Arthur shook his head slightly. Indeed, Erica performed very well. He designed such a series, which solved the trouble between the Gorgon Stone and Athena, and stopped his EA, so that the land was not subject to calamity. Who wants such a good person to serve?

But Lily is also unwavering in maintaining Arthur’s dignity and doing her best. This is enough. What makes Arthur happy is that Lily did not resist his command to kill Athena, which means that she has regarded Arthur’s will as nothing. It is important to believe that such a pious Knight, no matter what the king ’s command is, the obedience of the slightest hesitation is trustworthy.


Lid was touched by the nodded, she thought that this dereliction of duty would be swept away by the king.


It’s been a week since the god Athena woke up, and her body has become a loli body, not a dignified girl’s body.

“Why not kill me?”

eyes opened split second, Athena asked with shy words.

“Probably because …”

Arthur can’t always say that he was helped by Athena in Guild War’s world …

Although the two Athena cannot be identified as the same personality, but love the house and Ukraine, just like this-

“My purpose is not to kill the gods to seize power, and I can’t take it easy to shoot at a loli like you. In short, that’s it.

The most important thing is that this time is not a willing battle between you and me, but a trap designed, so it is not possible to obey the will of the person who designed the trap, and to kill you is also a dignified battlefield. “

“Do you guy do strange things to the concubine?”

Athena couldn’t help but tighten the quilt.

“How can it be!”

Arthur smiled bitterly. Wasn’t he worthy of being believed?

“Then let the concubine walk with you!”

Athena decided.

“Hey, hello, don’t make up your own mind, and how can the God-killer and the Incompetent God be peaceful together?”

Arthur suddenly opened his eyes and couldn’t take the god to France? It feels like nothing will turn into something, 10000 once Athena stabbed the knife from behind?

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