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Although the black Jeanne that Arthur met was fake, the people looked gorgeous, and it was hard to look away.

However, they knew Arthur and wanted to eat him.

Arthur really felt like a monk in Journey to the West …

Take a bite of Arthur meat, immortality, pu!

Of course, it ’s just a random ridicule. Black Jeanne ’s eating is not the same as eating meat. Black Jeanne ’s aggression is very familiar with Arthur. The reason is because the real Jeanne will be when he is with him. This kind of gaze, although a bit shy, but more importantly, this fake black Jeanne always has some familiar feeling.

But she is not really black Jeanne, this is the only fact that Arthur can determine.

After the investigation of Hekatti and Lily is over, I am afraid that I can learn about the inside story of Black Jeanne’s, and this time’s meeting, I am afraid that even the battle will have no result.

Both Erica and Kusanagi Hut failed to fight Black Jeanne, so it was very difficult for Arthur to deal with Black Jeanne.

In some ways, the Arthur’s Divinity seal is similar to the Divine Spark chop in Kusanagi’s chapel. For the undisputed Black Jeanne, Arthur cannot seal her Divinity through Chains of Heaven. If you fight, Black Jeanne is not A person, if those polluted gods who are not following are summon, Arthur has almost no chance of winning …

So fighting at this time is the most inappropriate method.

Fortunately, Black Jeanne did not mean to fight immediately.

Roland didn’t stop Arthur’s reason. Perhaps it was Black Jeanne’s intention, right?

“Holy Son, this gesture, um, that is me, which one do you like more than the village girl Saintess? Without telling the truth, I will burn you with the flame of Demoness …

Well, it is also possible to decide whether to let my servant send you to the torture rack based on your answer! “

Black Jeanne slowly walked down from that holy order, but still stayed more than ten meters away from Arthur. I don’t know if it was in a defensive posture or not?

“Village Saintess? Jeanne? Really distressed, let me tell the truth, and sanction me based on my words?”

Arthur smiled bitterly, there was no way to open the opening remarks, this black Jeanne was really hard to provoke.

“Hurry up! I don’t think you are a legendary lie. Well, seeing through your experience of falling into darkness, I will tentatively relieve your pain.”

Black Jeanne waved her hand, and the converging black holy flag behind her instantly opened, and then all the doors and windows closed, each and everyone the brazier was lit, and the various angel and demon murals in this cathedral, filled with a thrill atmosphere.

“Well, to be honest, I like Jeanne more.”

Arthur didn’t know why some of his things were cleared by Jeanne, but it didn’t affect communication, and he didn’t understand why he patiently communicated with her.

“Well, is that so? I am understood. Sure enough, I should kill you a little bit more happily! But I changed my mind again. I have to play with people like you before I eat it!”

Black Jeanne hesitated for a long time before making a decision.


Arthur sighed in relief, but the result not at all changed somewhat.

“If … I mean if, if you come back in the past, would you do the same for me?”

Black Jeanne’s cool temperament suddenly became girlish and weak, probably not confident enough?


Arthur didn’t understand.

“Just … just … Jeanne asked you to drink poisonous holy water. Do you still trust her?”

Black Jeanne is referring to things in the finale.

“… It was originally that.”

Arthur couldn’t help feeling that Black Jeanne had some connection with Jeanne, otherwise Impossible knew the past, but he had to answer seriously, if Black Jeanne was someone else, did he have the courage to do the same?

the answer is–

“Before I answer, I want to ask you a question. Would you like to be my companion? Or other relationships will do.”

“Companion game? Although I am not very interested, but if it is you, I am somewhat interested.”

Black Jeanne thought hard.

“So … then I am willing, because my pursuit is not to discern the darkness of good and evil, my pursuit is precisely this emotional connection, like my own family, it is worth paying.”

Arthur said positively.

“Okay, now I want to send you to fire, and suffer the same pain as me, would you?”

Black Jeanne grinned, she didn’t believe Arthur would do such a thing.

“Since you are willing to be my companion, then I don’t have any hesitation, but if it’s a fire, it won’t scare me …”

Arthur thinks normal people are impossible and will make such a decision like him, but he wants to understand this black Jeanne, so there is no hesitation.

“Very good, really interesting, I thought you would refuse, it seems, you are the real thing, forget it, or forget it …”

Black Jeanne looked distressed, but eventually failed to burn Arthur’s actions.

“Kā-chā …”

At this time, two figures burst into the church from the darkness, it was Erica and Lily.


Black Jeanne pulled out the black sword at her waist, moved towards the side, and the flames with resentment instantly ignited the whole cathedral, making Arthur 3 seem to be under the flames of hell!

“Sorrow of Frost!”

Arthur didn’t expect the black Jeanne’s flame to be so terrifying. Without time to think, he called out Frostmourne. Only in this way can he defend against this flame.

“This is not Divine Weapon that Holy Son can hold!”

Black Jeanne seems to be more interested in Arthur’s, because Frostmourne is not a kind of Holy Weapon, Divine Weapon in Arthur’s hand is a cursed sword, a sword of evil and sorrow, such a will Make her very excited.

“I never really understood it.”

Although Arthur’s first orange armament was Frostmourne, he didn’t really touch it, but only used it superficially, but such superficial use also made Arthur know that it is a very powerful sword.

“Is it so? It’s really lonely, really ironic. The Divine Son holds a cursed soldier, very good, very good, I am very happy, tentatively gives you more opportunities to perform!”

Black Jeanne suddenly stopped following the collision with Arthur’s Frostmourne.

“Arthur … I found information about summon. Saintess Jeanne, the god of disobedience, used Saintess Jeanne’s holy relic …”

Lily hurriedly reported the findings to Arthur.

“Holy relics?”

Arthur frowned.

“It’s Saintess Jeanne’s ashes.”

Erica explained, “Demoness collects Saintess Jeanne’s ashes from the Seine through the secret technique, because it seems that some Evil Dragon things are incorporated into the summon, so this shape was formed, but the body-building alchemy and Jeanne’s Heroic Spirit does n’t matter much, so some have n’t investigated clearly … “

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