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The investigation of Lily and Erica makes the black Jeanne’s summon way As the water recedes, the rocks appear, summon. Her god-killer is from Dragon Race’s Ability Users, and is a dragon belonging to the evil attribute.

Borrowing the world Saintess Jeanne’s holy relics (ash) and the power of Evil Dragon to summon out the black Jeanne like this.

The Dragon Race’s god killer wanted to kill Black Jeanne after summon Black Jeanne, but was killed by Black Jeanne!

But there is still an end point. Arthur has had a full analysis before. Two Jeanne appeared in the world impossible. Jeanne entered the world of God-killer with Arthur, Nero, and Hekatti. So the only thing that can be summon is the original Jeanne , But this black Jeanne is not the Jeanne that Arthur knew earlier.

However, Black Jeanne had an impression on Arthur!

There must be no clues cleared.

“Demoness Jeanne, let Yu’s fiery flame petals bury you !!”

Arthur and Black Jeanne in the confrontation were killed by a blazing flame before they could react.

The entire church instantly turned to ashes, and it was Nero who appeared in the ruins. Although it was covered in dirt, the ahoge on the head was still standing!

Ah ~ Here comes a more chaotic guy.

“The king of ancient Rome, lost to me twice, did you dare to challenge?”

Black Jeanne obviously had some displeasure on her face, but she was ready to guide the evil power of Frostmourne in Arthur’s hands to see Arthur’s reaction. She didn’t expect to be interrupted. It was like a beautiful man who was immediately pushed down. In general (such a metaphor is really an image hahaha)!

As the so-called young girl doesn’t take others away, Nero is too ignorant, so rule this Roman!

“As long as you beat you, you can spend the night with Yu’s beloved in the cave, and you have to work hard! Doubt … Arthur, why are you here?”

Nero’s small hand pressed her chest proudly to announce her goal to Black Jeanne. It seemed to specifically let her know that, but after he finished speaking, he noticed that Arthur was here too.

“Shut up, you Roman, he is my fancy!”

Black Jeanne’s complexion darkened instantly. She hadn’t tasted Arthur’s taste yet.

“Haha! Yu … the most ridiculous thing I heard, the evil French, taste Yu’s iron hoof!”

Nero is quite confident and confident (well, it is indeed expected), and apparently has forgotten his experience of being defeated by Black Jeanne twice.

“Stupid Romans, have you succeeded in angering me, have you been conscious of being burned by the fire of hell?”

Black Jeanne is also trembling (well, the same is expected), the most annoying Roman such as Nero.

“Yu is not afraid, let that fierce flame cover Yu’s love, Arthur takes off his light and waits at home!”

Nero’s body danced with rose petals substantiated by Chicheng’s flames, striking Black Jeanne.

“Gathered in my unique peculiar anger, it led to the cry of the soul, roaring out, burning to death, burning to death!”

Black Jeanne’s anger substantively turned into a pink-like dragon’s scale armor, spreading a scorching breath to form a dragon-like flame swarm towards Nero!

“Rome! Rome! Rome!”

“France! France! France! France!”

Nero and Black Jeanne collided together and completely shattered the remains of the entire cathedral!

Eh …

How does Arthur feel like two barbarians are fighting? And what is the hell? Can this guy Nero be normal? Forget it, this guy will not consider other people’s feelings, the emperor’s self-confidence is excessive.

However, such an impact made the passage under the church visible, and there was a space under the church where Jeanne was imprisoned!

Jeanne, whom Arthur knew, was bound to a huge cross!



Jeanne imprisoned under the church raised his head and looked towards Arthur, but his consciousness was very empty!

However, gradually recovering, her clothes were not uniform, much like the kind of being … XXOO.

The people who do this to Jeanne are-

Black Jeanne!

As for why this is done, Jeanne is not clear. Although it does n’t matter that this relationship occurs between women and women, let ’s say both of them are Jeanne, but …

“Yu Yu concubine dressed …”

Here, landing 5-Star from in the sky, the black katy little loli who released the soul, brandished the tin rod of the star and launched an attack on black Jeanne’s—


I not only kill, but I also create. I hurt, and I also help the world. No one has to flee from my hand, and no one does not close my eyes.

Return to dust!

The lost man and the old man are called by me. Commitment to me, learning from me, allegiance to me.

Give Ru a rest. Do n’t forget to sing, pray, and forget my name. As a light, I liberate you from 10000 things.

Let’s remove the disguise.

Yu forgiveness is for revenge, trust for betrayal, hope for despair, light for darkness, and life for darkness.

Rest is what I bring. Burn your sins, engraved in the brand.

Eternal life can only be given by death.

-Forgive me for this, and I, the flesh, swear here.

——KyrieEleison (May the Lord pity this mourning soul)! “

The sacred rays of light are shining in the world, like the pure fire of rays of light moved towards the black Jeanne, and a lot of engravings are transmitted in the space-

“You must be strong and fearless. You must forget your sufferings, even when you think of it as water flowing through. The days of your life are clearer than noon, and although there is darkness, it is still like morning !!!

Oh God–

dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, to calm the deceased, and to free the living again!


The dust still belongs to the earth, and the spirit still belongs to the God who gave it! “

Hekatti ’s chanting does not stop at all, because only the baptism chanting of the Magic Technique ca n’t limit the black Jeanne ’s, so it needs more powerful power!

“Aaah !!”

Black Jeanne is violently driven by the whole body of spiritual power stimulated by the baptism of the word of Hekatti, the breath of the violent Demoness is tumbling towards the surroundings, and a black flame that hits the sky blows Hekatti! !


Arthur Teleportation, rescued the seriously injured Hekatti.

“Failed … Black Jeanne’s resentment is stronger than imagined.”

Hekatti said, frowning in Arthur’s arms.

“Why did you suddenly appear there?”

Arthur asked.

“This black Jeanne’s soul was separated from Jeanne’s soul. When Evil Dragon and Jeanne’s holy relics started summon, they added the grievances that did not belong to Jeanne’s. At the same time, a part of soul was separated from Jeanne’s soul, and finally the black Jeanne.

Those grievances are the spontaneous beliefs generated by humans, and part of the mourning for the death of Jeanne is the hatred of hypocrites … The faith formed by humans is also the unification of Demoness from the ancient times to the present, and the collection is realized by means of Jeanne’s soul .

Black Jeanne gradually occupied Jeanne’s presence by eroding Jeanne’s, and finally achieved the goal of replacing Jeanne’s. “

Hekati explained.

“So this is ah?”

Arthur instantly understood.

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