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After the emergence of Tohsaka Sakura, he began to develop countermeasures against the desperate dragon Niederhoge, first of all, the depiction of Magic formation.

This Magic array is naturally used for summon servant. Although based on this dimension, it is not possible to summon the appointed Servant from other dimensions, but Arthur is special. This point is clearer than anyone else, not to mention its As a Sword of King’s Owner, the unique 0th King All-Embracing is applicable to everything.

But as an agreement between SABER and Arthur, it is currently impossible to summon the world in a normal way, so it can only be in another way, a more powerful way!

With the help of the Black Holy Grail residue developed by the former Jeanne, here is a more powerful SABER Altria, which is tentatively named Black SABER?

To summon Servant, in this space, the specific need is the Magic array, but based on the fact that the ordinary Magic array cannot take effect, the setting location of the Magic array has requirements-

“Take off your clothes, Arthur …”

Sakura spoke to Arthur seriously.

“Ah … Sakura-san … now? Although …”

Arthur inevitably showed a shy expression. Well, Sakura-san seemed to him like an elder sister. Although this is the first time, it should be this kind of friendly and Senpai relationship. Of course, his heart also has a sense of dependence on Sakura. In short, if it is Sakura-san, there is not always, but is this time and place scene doing this kind of thing?

“I don’t have time to explain more with you. Follow my instructions, only the upper body is enough. Then let me hand you over …

A few over there, help fight for time. “

Sakura clearly reacted to Arthur’s shyness, revealing a flush of blush, but this time it was not the point of thinking about this kind of thing, although the accident was even more cute …

“Leave it to Yu! Jeanne, come and help!”

Nero was extremely exhilarated. Well, the more exaggerated the confidence of the emperor at this time, the more fragile His Highness Nero was.


Jeanne put the holy flag on the ground and Ascaron clasped it in his hand. Now, wielding this sword should be able to give Niederhogg a stronger blow, although Niederhog has completely exceeded the concept of Dragon species , Ascaron can not simply restrain, the Black Dragon is so powerful and incalculable despair, but as long as the belief in the heart is eternal, then it can stop everything. Now she has this power!

“The God-killer is dealt with by the God-killer …”

Demoness Luo Hao meets Nana Li. Although Nana Li’s Black Dragon is powerful enough, as a summon, her power is not at all so powerful that she can dominate Ned Hog because of her majesty as Dragon Race’s Princess. , The power of Dragon King.


Sakura engraved the magic array necessary for summon soul on Arthur’s back. The privilege of transforming soul into an entity requires Holy Grail, and Holy Grail is Arthur itself. Although Arthur himself cannot use this power, this For the soul of SERVANT, the power is the source of power.

Then for the holy relics of the specific Servant of summon, the scabbard, boarded on Arthur’s body, Arthur will be difficult to use, because it is temporarily controlled by Sakura, for example, Arthur’s body is equivalent to a room , And Sakura lives in this room, the scabbard is belonging to Sakura.

All preparations have been completed, next-

Duke of sterling silver and iron, a contract with the foundation stone.

Oath as Fuxi’s.

The wall resists the flowing wind, and closes the 4-square door tightly. It emerges from the wheel of 6 fun, and goes back and forth to the road of sacrifice.

Man Ying, Man Ying, Man Ying, Man Ying, Man Ying.

Repeatedly, followed by 5.

However, when it is full, it is an opportunity to give up.

—— (AnFang) Announced here

Ru’s body is sent to me, and my destiny is with Ru Jian.

At the call of Holy Grail, if you wish to follow this intention and reason, answer it.

-Swear here

I wish to accomplish all good deeds in the world,

I wish to do all the evil in the world.

However, Ru should serve my body with chaotic self-fascinating eyes, and Ru is imprisoned in a mad cage. I am the one holding his chain.

3 days of entanglement of the 7 big words and spirits of Ru Shen, come from the wheel of self-restraint.

Guardian of the balance —— “

The full magic power of light is released from behind Arthur’s, all the power and even space and time in the world are twisted, Arthur feels his body is so heavy that it can’t be increased in this split second, Magic Power’s rush is within the body As a result, the fingertips and even the flakes of the skin felt the inexplicable power, permeating the soul and even the whole body.

His eyes exude 7 colors, as if seeing through everything, time and space, no, history, no, everything, all, even the origin! ! !

“Ah-! ~ !!!”

Magic Power expanded beyond Sakura ’s imagination, and the huge Magic Power like a prison was directly knocking her back. 7 Yao ’s rays of light rose directly from Arthur ’s body to the sky, and then layers of Magic arrays came from behind him. Extending out, at first it was the golden light of soul, then, shifted to the materialized realm, and finally a girl wearing black armor appeared. The black mask that only covered the eyes and the bridge of the nose made the girl ’s face unclear. Chaos Magic Power storm wrapped around it, like the magic power of the wind that can never wither!

Holding the dark Holy Sword in hand, the crimson steel wrapped around the Holy Sword, the steel shoe armor struck the ground with a golden sound, and the girl ’s petite body exuded the powerful Magic Power, which was daunting to the soul. It ’s not just a description of the amount of Magic Power storage. I ’m afraid that just the degree of breathing has made Magic Power violent in space. That call is comparable to Niederhogg ’s power, even more violent than it. .

“It seems to be a success, black SABER, no, it should be a goodbye? However, I believe you can’t remember me? You appearing in this way will only wave Holy Sword in your hands?

Although the “Holy Grail” that makes you in mind with you in this image will make you very reluctant, but I still let you appear, only this level of you can match the existence of the desperate dragon, You, who are more violent than despair, now still bear the “wish” itself, so you can certainly respond to this call? “

Sakura stood up, and on her back appeared the unique seal of Master (MaMaster), which was the Command Seals used to control the Servant (Servant).

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