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Artolia’s return, no, it should be said that blackening Altolia, although holding Holy Sword, is black Holy Sword.

Sakura has no way to summon the official Altolia, because that is definitely not what she can summon out, only based on Avalon and Arthur’s Black Holy Grail to bring out another form of Altolia summon.

Although it is a violent black SABER, its power is not reduced at all, but it is more powerful. It exceeds the power of reason. It retains the belief of the vow of absolute victory. Based on the powerful magic power of Black Holy Grail, it can be continuously released. The super heroic spirit of the attack!

On the day of rebuilding the sword, when Knight returns, Hekatti ’s prediction is not at all wrong, but it is different from what Arthur imagined. The broken sword is Tohsaka Sakura, and Sakura is recast in Arthur’s body, thus bringing SABER to a critical summon.

But this prayer prophecy still has unfinished parts!

Hekatti ’s complete prediction should be—

The spark will reignite from the dead ash, the light will reappear from the shadows, the broken Holy Sword will be reconnected, and the one who lost the crown will become Human Sovereign, please rebuild the sword!

Broken sword On the day of reforging, when Knight returns, it should belong to the second half of the prayer prophecy, but what about the first half?

The spark will reignite from the dead ash, and the light will reappear from the shadow!

This sentence should have a symbol of some kind of power before it can be properly interpreted.

Black SABER is fighting with Black Dragon Niederhogger. The battle of one man one dragon is comparable. The extremely powerful Black SABER shows no weakness under the aggression of Black Dragon. Black Dragon ’s dragon ’s breath simply cannot Close to the black SABER, the Magic Technique field formed by the Black Holy Grail, the defensive cover composed of pure EXMagic Power makes the breath of the Black Dragon unable to break the defense of the black SABER.

“Excalibur (Excalibur) !!!”

Holding Holy Sword in both hands, condensing the dirty magic power that only the unknown black Holy Grail possessed. Only the gathered Magic Power airflow distorted the space and caused a collapse phenomenon, shouting the real name of the black Holy Sword , Slash down, the slash of infinite stars constructed from crimson to deep black Magic Power will destroy the earth, tear the sky, and overrun the undead, making the Black Dragon back! ! !

The whole Orleans hell city was slashed into two and a half, and Nero ’s gold Barrier was shattered. Only the airflow generated by the slashing pressure blew everything, and everyone was buried under the resettlement ruins, however— —

Even such an attack cannot kill the Great Black Dragon Niederhogg!

No, it should be said that it is difficult to imagine that Black Dragon Niederhog can be killed. After all, it is also known as Despair. Even Odin Great God in Northern Europe ca n’t kill it, and in that game, it turned 3 circles into a cemetery. In All Gods turn to Dusk, Niederhogg is one of the powerhouses that existed after that disaster!

Black SABER should abide by the contract with Sakura, it is the strongest slash of Black Dragon Niederhogger according to her will, and even if it fails to kill it, Artolia Black should be present by the Arthur group The strongest power, but still not an opponent of the desperate Black Dragon.

Hekatti ’s prayer prophecy will not be wrong. As the real witch of the realm, she is the strongest witch, not only in this dimension, but even the strongest witch in the entire Dimensional Tower. The power of realm prayer is beyond all power. Star of insight.

So, then the key lies in-

“Arthur, imagine that you should have another broken sword, or even if there is no broken sword, you have to create a sword that is comparable to the black SABER. The prediction of Hekati is for you. , And do n’t you think this is an opportunity? The opportunity to fight with SABER? “

Sakura stared at Arthur. Although she could n’t imagine anything, it was probably her cowardice, so she handed the problem back to Arthur and said these words, but she could n’t even imagine what worked. Method.

Unreasonable fighting and imagination is simply the difference between Magic Girl’s super fantasy and the physical world.

However, Arthur really believed that he looked at Black SABER who was still fighting with Black Dragon. Although she did not appear in his ideal posture, the idea of ​​fighting together side by side could be realized for the first time here, by Altori Ya has guarded for a long time, at this time, it is his turn to guard their future! !

The Holy Sword in Nordic mythology that can fight against the desperate Black Dragon Niederhogg, I am afraid there is only that one–

Raventin the Blade of Victory! !

The three Artifacts in the Nordic mythology, the gun, the hammer, and the sword are respectively held by Odin, Thor, Thor, and Frey 3 Great God. The gun is the Great God Declaration Eternal Spear Gungnir (Gungnir), hammer It is Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor, and the sword is Laevatain, the sword of victory!

The Sword of Victory, Levatin, is very special in the Nordic mythology of the birth and destruction of the 10000 elephants. It is an Artifact that has never failed. It was originally a branch of the broken sword of fire, so it has With the nickname of Victory Sword, perhaps it is more privileged than Victory Sword GRAM?

Legend has it that this sword was created by Loki, the Nordic god of fire. The sword that shines with light is decorated with beautiful patterns, and the words Rune (Runes) are engraved on the sword. With the power of Rune’s Magic Power, this sword You can fly out the scabbard by your own consciousness.

This sword changed hands from Frey to Flame Giant Surtre (Free used the sword as a gift to marry a beauty from Giant Race and was taken by Surtre), which was eventually used by Flame Giant It came to cut off the root of the World Tree (Yggdrasil) and burned the world, and Frey died under this sword!

Coincidentally, the Eternal Spear Gungnir held by Great God Odin was also created by Loki. The spear head also has the Rune text on it, and the gun handle is created from the branches of the World Tree.

The broken branch that can cut the roots of the World Tree must have the same principle as Eternal Spear. Loki created many Artifacts, such as Eternal Spear (Gungnir), Duraupnir (Draupnir), Shenchuanski Skidbladnir, mount ancient forest Gullinbursti, Mjolnir …

However, only Eternal Spear and Ruined Branch are engraved with Rune text, and Eternal Spear means penetration and oath, and Ruined Branch means response and injury. Here you can see the similarities between these two Artifacts. Divine races belong to different myths in mythology, so …

Arthur with Bombardment 5-Star can naturally recast it into a broken branch of Artifact that is very similar to one of its prototypes, Eternal Spear. On top of this, the sword of victory GRAM will be integrated into it. Raventin the Blade of Victory! !

But recasting Artifact and guiding the origin of Artifact is a farewell. Therefore, the power required to recast Holy Sword is special, and it is to recast Holy Sword that can kill Black Dragon Niederhog , So you must sacrifice enough power to melt Bombardment 5-Star Brionac and Victory Sword GRAM!

This crucial method Arthur has figured out, it is-


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