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The reintroduction of Bombardment 5-Star and Sword of Victory is an extraordinary power. This power is the weakest and the most powerful. That is [Humanity].

Human, no, or the consciousness held by the primate group is the root of faith. The power of miracles that was born to allow human civilization to continue. Throughout the history of planet, human has been prosperous in the long history. As a result, some gods were also born because of human belief. If the gods who do not follow him lose human faith, they will gradually lose their power, and even they cannot be resurrected after death.

The seemingly weak human power has the power of collective consciousness, which is described as ālaya-vijñāna in Type-Moon’s rules.

Despite the rules that are not at all Type-Moon in this world of God-killers, human collective subconsciousness exists, even if the name is not ālaya-vijñāna, the essence will be the same.

The human science system has been guarding the continuation of human civilization from beginning to end.

Therefore, using the power of human reason to recast Bombardment 5-Star and the sword of victory into a desperate Ronnie De Hogg who can kill the enemy of human civilization is a feasible way. Substantively led out against Niederhogg.

This power gathered by humans against the gods, Arthur possesses, the power obtained from Gilgamesh, the Second Stage speech spirit that deviated from the sword EA is finally liberated at this moment-

“Awakened by the breath of stars, I will go forward with humans, so I was born–

Son of man, let’s get close to the gods (EnumaElish)! “

With Arthur’s words, his body exuded star-like rays of light, his hair moved vertically towards infinity, the original long hair became more slender, and the whole earth began to emit a bright light like Venus, countless swords from The edge of the earth is exposed, and the whole area and the whole space have become eternal moments.

The pupils of Arthur’s eyes radiate the brilliance of stars, and then, it seems to be a call to awaken everything, ringing from ancient times, from the future, from any corner-

“Since ancient times, all Heroic Spirits and kings who are dedicated in human reason

Reflect the hot and noble dreams of life

The path to the star of human dream

Guardian who became his own civilization after his death

Give me that blazing power, and I will recast humanity and open up the darkness of the world

Used to be a heavy gun, but also a battle axe

Holds 1000 blades, also wears several armor

Start with chaos, and finally 10000 elephants

Both enduring and endless

Here is the remake of the sword of victory. Its blazing power over the sun and its sharp power over the storm are both victory and destruction!

When it was cast, it shouted its name–

Sword of Humanity * Laevatain! ! ! ! “

Countless swords, guns, axes, knives … floating from the earth, the brilliance cast by the stars ignited the sky and expelled the coldness of the universe!

Jeanne, Heikati, Nero, Sakura, Lily Erica, Luo Hao …

Everyone feels what rays of light in the body are rising to the sky, not just them, the human of the entire planet, is, the human of the whole God-killer world has seen the twinkling stars in the sky, all human at this moment Made the same action, clasp your hands and pray for the future!

There are many things to pray, it may be love, it may be affection, it may be a career, it may be everything. However, the simplest prayers from the heart are human hope for human reason, which contains all human forces gathered together to form A force that cannot be ignored.

This power can destroy everything, this power will be invincible, this power can lay the foundation of human reason, this power can sublimate the planet, this power can open up the future …

All the starlights are brought together to form an extremely huge Holy Sword! ! !

At this moment, Arthur has become–

Human Sovereign!

Cast human civilization and hope into human reason, overcome all calamity, and gather human consciousness to the apex of human emperor! !

“Riding the king’s iron mallet, the aurora turned upside down. Be swallowed by light–

Excalibur (Excalibur * Morgan)! ! ! “

With the power of this sublimation, Black SABER seems to be in sync with Arthur, yes, Arthur is calling all the kings of since ancient times, even in this blackening body, Altria can also feel Arthur’s summon, their Bond Finally joined together at this moment! !

“The reasoning of the human reason and the riding king, let’s move forward–“

Here, Hekatti sent blessings as a great witch–

“Respond to loyalty with love, courage with honor, and betrayal with revenge !!”

“Al Toriya, although now you and I can’t see each other clearly, but now, we can fight side by side together and face the darkness together, and I firmly believe that as long as you stand with you, the waving Holy Sword can definitely control the darkness Expel!

A new day will come, and the sun will shine brighter rays of light.

The story of you and me will start from here, even if I am very small, even if you are very weak, I think we are like the stars and stars in the space, connected in a line, across the galaxy! ! “

Arthur held Revading in his hands and faced the black SABER.


Black SABER couldn’t express her mood in this violent state, but she made the same action, facing Arthur, pleased Holy Sword, the original dark Holy Sword began to emit infinite rays of light from the sword handle, fiery The rays of light, not the dark holy light.

Swords and swords are stacked together, the light of the Holy Sword of 2 people merges with each other, guiding the rays of light moved towards Black Dragon in the sky. ! !

“Starlight Sword, let the witnesses lay … (X2)”

“My Arthur * Fuxi …”

“My Altria * Pendragon (Alter) …”

“Putting people to the point of success and achieving the chapter of victory, shouting here (X2)-

Excalibur Sword (Excalibur * Laevatain)! ! ! “

The magnificent star Judgement, the star river constructed by all human wishes and prayers, fought bravely, the human emperor and King of Knights waved their Holy Sword together, and the double kings launched the strongest person management under the infinite starry sky. Strike of Destiny, this is the invincible sword that can destroy everything. Invincible and invincible, no matter whether it is a god, Demon Beast or even Gaia, it is an undefeated sword of victory.

Black Dragon with the name of Despair felt the unmatched power. It saw the power of despair, which made despair desperate. It must be invincible.

This cut also includes the exchange of hearts and minds between Arthur and Altolia. As their first fight side by side, it is definitely the most gorgeous and beautiful! ! !

In the second split, Black Dragon Nedhog was evaporated and completely disappeared. The darkness remaining on the earth was swept away, and the undead from 1000 to 10000 also evaporated into the historical torrent of human beings. The rays of light of victory in The East Rises! ! !

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