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Desperate Black Dragon Niederhogger was defeated by Arthur and Altria in black. This time the Black Jeanne event will also be completely over.

“Ya … Arthur …”

Altria, the Black, was finally able to call Arthur’s name, or maybe she was calling herself? After all, Altria * Pendragon is also Arthur Pendragon, Altria is his real name, and Arthur is his name as king.

“Will you meet again? It must be?”

Arthur stood with Altria the Black, looking into the distance, and under the stars, the light of the sun was dawning.

“She? Me?”

Altria, the black, murmured, and the eyes under the mask made any expression, Arthur could not detect it, but the state of madness, even if there was an expression, was it chaotic?

“Knight girls are dreams for me, dreams, ethereal, fantasy, always inaccessible, and you are different …

You have fought with me and waved the sword edge side by side, speaking of which although I am a Saint body, I will always have a deeper contact with people like you, Sakura-san, Black Jeanne, And you, there are many …

I ’m so lucky to imagine that. I can get along with it whether it ’s the body or the black incarnation. Although sometimes I will be tortured a bit, but I will finally get more precious feelings than any other, Sakura- San also almost ‘eat’ me, and it turns out …

Haha … “

Arthur inevitably scratched his head shyly, showing a happy smile–

“Pain and so on will always pass, as long as you work hard, you can welcome hope. I am afraid that the pursuit of go through water and tread on fire is probably this? Without being defeated, always ahead …

The world is really awesome, so I may want to be with you more, of course, not your body is not important, but getting along with you is more meaningful to me … “


Altria, the black, reached out and took off the mask of her eyes, thus revealing her face, staring at Arthur, she could feel the connection with him, which was deeper than the connection between Tohsaka Sakura and her. The kind of Arthur’s breath makes her very smooth. Arthur’s powerful strength and strong soul and the youth-like sensibility make her move, and it is impossible to say that the emotion is more appropriate. In this way, she knows how to express her feelings.

Unlike ordinary violent people, her violentness is special. Under the state of disqualified nature, the sensibility that was not originally suddenly awakened. She could not immediately understand this kind of emotional feeling.

She understands why Arthur is more suitable for her. In simple terms, Arthur, Jeanne and Altolia are the same people. They are all kind of dull guys. There is no such thing as EQ, but black Jeanne and her are With the things that their three people did not have, the same sex repels the opposite sex, and the negative and positive negative, she and the black Jeanne may be able to completely like Arthur’s people.

Yes, like Black Jeanne, she can feel Arthur’s precious, Arthur is the kind of teenager she needs.

The moment she fought side by side she understood.

and so–


Arthur was blushed by the black Altolia who was approaching suddenly, the next moment was even more as if was struck by lightning, those dry lips, red, no, light red, no, cherry blossom, no, should not What color is used to describe the lips of the petals are attached, and the cold armor of Altria is removed from the black body, and the rest is the black dress, the moving curve and the soft girl body with a shallow temperature near……

Although, though, some surprises …

But, but, Arthur unexpectedly did not resist, it would be better to say this way …

If it is Black Jeanne or Altolia Black, he has no circuit of rejection at all. Although she is black, Altolia Black is not the kind of incarnation of complete calamity, her black is just the color dedicated to it But just like the black rose, like the black rose, even if the color changes, it can’t stop its fragrance, this is their innocence …

“The next time you come to call me personally, I like to meet you in this way more than the formal body, Arthur, you remembered me, you are mine, everything you have, hair and even flesh, Even the breathing belongs to me. I am so overbearing. You should understand your destiny. At the split second that you are in contact with, you can only belong to me!

This king allows you to be my favorite concubine! “

There is a hint of playfulness in the mouth of Altria, the black. Yes, Arthur’s taste is like a cute lion cub. Well, Arthur is her little lion.

“Hey? Hey !!!”

Arthur’s eyes widened, how could it be like this? What kind of concubine, really, is the gender replacement too serious?

What about the unreasonable King of Knights.

Surely there is no reason for ahoge? This King of Knights is not dumb at all, well …

“My lovely little lion, remember to make something delicious for me next time …”

Altria turned into rays of light, and the power of Black Holy Grail disappeared with the beheading of Niederhogg, and it was time to separate, but as long as Arthur or Black Holy Grail, she would Once again, as soon as it appears once, one after another will appear. If it is not the case, it is too unreasonable. ,

“What little lion Ah …”

Arthur sighed, this guy has been talking to himself, not at all.

“What a greedy little lion, um, good …”

Artolia of the black reaches out and strokes Arthur’s head, although she is not at all Arthur tall, but this difference in height is unexpectedly cute, although she has a straight face, does it say that Artolia of black Is Ya a lovely girl in the cute department?

Hehe ……

Hehe ……

I can’t laugh.

“Also listen to me, so I won’t invite you to eat delicious …”

Arthur snorted.

“Really? When will you dare to overthrow me? I won’t admit that there is no powerful little lion, not only intelligence, but the brave little lion can push me down, if you have that imposing manner, I do n’t mind cooperating with you to do something pleasant, then it ’s done! “

Altria, the black, said there was a hint of blush on her face, but she tried to keep herself calm. Really, she felt more and more that Arthur fits her appetite. If the body’s words wouldn’t be able to say these words? After unplugging ahoge, maybe it ’s unexpectedly good, I hope to see you again …

“Well, I think about it …”

Arthur’s shy nodded, really, feels, feels weird, is she led by?

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