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The battle between Arthur and Yellow Springs of Jianshan is probably the most difficult duel since Teresa. The battle between Sword Skill and will alone cannot use any power.

To a certain extent, Arthur is indeed weakened in battle strength. After all, when it comes to situations like Ougi, Arthur’s battle strength is the strongest in the same segment except for Transcender like Teresa. The rest is just physical fitness and combat experience.

And Jianshan Yellow Springs, the main power is not Ougi or the like, but the will and combat experience, so excluding these forces affects her not at all, on the contrary, the simple battle will instead increase her Caster Magic number .

Under this trade-off–

Jianshan Yellow Springs may not be able to gain the upper hand. Yes, Arthur’s Sword Skill has reached the stage of Transcendent Saint. Although it is impossible to completely suppress Jianshan Yellow Springs due to other reasons, but the avenue is unified, there is only one end point for Sword Skill. Arthur is already not in anyone under the cultivation of Sword Skill, at least the people he has encountered have not been able to surpass Arthur’s.

Jianshan Yellow Springs’ Sword Skill is stronger than that kind of fierce will, so this is not a battle of Sword Skill skills, but a battle of will, melting will into superb Sword Skill, which is her self-confidence.

Arthur naturally has a strong will, but he can compete with Jianshan Yellow Springs only by his skill.

2 The key to the personal battle is when the will of Yellow Springs of Jianshan is low and when Arthur’s physical strength is weak.

Ability to apply the power of killing stones to the ultimate Jianshan Yellow Springs, physical fitness far surpasses the ordinary person, so physical strength and so on are not a problem for her at all, and Arthur is different, without Stigma and the like Relying on it, even if his physical strength surpasses the ordinary person, he cannot be said to be endless, so after the physical strength is used up, no matter how strong his will is, he cannot defeat the Yellow Springs.

Jianshan Yellow Springs occupies an advantage in physical fitness.

Arthur uses techniques to reduce the burden of physical exertion, and at the same time fuse together the skills with his own will to suppress the breakthrough of Isao Yellow Springs.

2 The battle between two people is not as heaven-shaking, earth-shattering as Yan Moai and Asakusa Fujino, but it is a murderous intention burst. The sharp blade cuts off everything around it, and the cut-off painting is as smooth as a mirror. Not only that, but also Yellow Springs and Arthur 2 had bruises and bruises on their bodies, and they tried to avoid the key points, but the unnecessary skin pain did not matter.

All the remaining will is invested in the battle, and the pain is put away!


I do n’t know how long the battle lasted. The spirit willpower of Jian Spring Yellow Springs is a bit unsupported. Arthur is even more gasping for breath. The battle between two people is difficult to win. If you put all the power on, Arthur must be the winner, but …

“A trifling fake, also has such a strong will, I really want to admire you!”

Jianshan Yellow Springs has more sword wounds than Arthur. Although most of them are flesh wounds and killing stones are automatically recovering from injuries, it also shows that Arthur is better on Sword Skill!

“Really? If you can remember it deeply, my fake will become real and happy!”

Arthur can’t choose his life experience, even if he abandons his obligations, there will be no change in the world and life. Everything he has experienced so far is important to him, and he wants to be on the side of body protection , I want to have more emotions, so I will never feel ashamed because my constitution is hypocritical or false.

He is very satisfied with the status quo and wants to work hard for them. The experience of these all are a weird autobiography. He is already on the road of dreams. As long as he keeps moving forward, even if there is no end point, the end point does not exist, he does not matter, Because living with people around you is worth even an extra second.

“Don’t you worry about your companion? If Ai-Jiao tries his best, I haven’t seen the survivors!”

Jian Shan Yellow Springs tightened his trembling hands and struck Arthur again.

“I believe her, if the woman I like to die so easily, then my vision is too bad, do not underestimate them, my strength is not just my own, Yellow Springs, where does your will come from ? From the emotion for Yan Moai? I am the same, any powerful person has this power.

The most powerful source of power for this thing is to protect the will, to protect the love until death, to protect the family Until Death Endlessly, and to protect the companions until death …

There is no duel between us, a simple battle of will, we all have strength that cannot be ignored, your hands are shaking not afraid but tired, even with the killing stone, your will and my will You will also be tired during the collision. This is a duel without victory. You will understand at first.

To say that I am a fake, aren’t you the same?

Who gave you the real body? “

Arthur’s slash not one drop of water can leak out, and the defense like an iron barrel made it impossible for Jianshan Yellow Springs to force him back!

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”

Jianshan Yellow Springs, the more she fights, the more she understands that she not only hates Arthur, but also has feelings of appreciation, yeah, good people radiate light whenever they like, and people who can be valued by love sauce, she naturally Also …

But because of this, Arthur is the most hated, if only an ordinary person!

“At that time, you kissed me, Yellow Springs, ah, is it that I am heart-impressed? Indulging in the self-blame of the past, but more cherish the sister’s relationship with Yan Moai, so I cut it for this Everything, even the one that belongs to me should be cleared, Yellow Springs, your opponent from the very beginning is not me, but yourself! “

Arthur gave a smirk expression. Although he was a little emotionally slow, it was just that he didn’t understand himself, but he could understand others. What Yellow Springs was hesitant about, he saw through at a glance, she didn’t want him Man, after all, she took the initiative to kiss him in the past.

Although it is because of the killing stone, Yellow Springs must recognize him before deciding to do that kind of intimate behavior? Otherwise, even if it disappears, it will not do unwilling things.

Yellow Springs cherishes him, but cherishes Yan Moai even more, so Yellow Springs wants to cut Bond between them, so that she belongs to Yan Moai alone!

“Shut up, shut up, shut up !!”

Jianshan Yellow Springs’ blade is no longer fierce, and there are more and more scars on her body. She is no longer able to wield the sword in her hand because Arthur is definitely not the person she wants to kill, because the past sins have to let themselves ‘S emotions are empty …

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