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Arthur defeated the Yellow Springs of Jianshan above his will, but the battle between Nogami Asano and Yan Moai entered a fierce stage, and the two people were inseparable.

Although the power of hell carried by Yan Moai is inaccessible to creatures, only Arthur and Yellow Springs with killing stones can approach her. If ordinary people approach her, only life will gradually fade away!

This state Arthur learned from [Ace] ’s impression memory that Mavis had this physique before his death, including the Zeref. [Ace] The missing body acquired from Mavis not only the rich Magic knowledge, but also A lot of things, Mavis also talked to Ace when he was bored.

Mavis was cursed for performing incomplete Magic in the past. This curse comes from the God of Anxram in this World. The curse can make the host produce a contradictory physique. The more respect for life, the more release of death. Energy, on the other hand, if you do not respect 10000 things, you will not release energy for death.

At the same time this is not the curse of old bastard.

The reason for Mavis’s death was Ace not at all memory, and Arthur didn’t ask about it.

Yan Moai probably also got a curse similar to Zeref and Mavis. The curse of Yan Moai is probably the restraint of hell on her, right? Girls who can only belong to hell, girls who can only work for hell.

This power that causes the living to wither is not what Yan Moai wants to circulate, but it circulates automatically. It is more dangerous than the Mavis and Zere’s curse. It will devour all life regardless of whether it respects life or not.

So Arthur and Yellow Springs who can contact her are very important for her.

Yan Moai alienated Arthur’s reason is Jianshan Yellow Springs. Compared to Arthur, Jianshan Yellow Springs and Yan Moai’s relationship is closer. Yan Moai knew that Jianshan Yellow Springs had feelings for her, so she had to make Made this decision.

However, Arthur always reminded her of being alone, when she was alive …

Yan Moai was born in a superstitious mountain village. In order to receive the blessing of the mountain god, this village made Gu Fengdeng 5 years a year, so he decided to set a rule by himself. Every 7 years, he contributed a 7-year-old virgin to the mountain god. As a result, love was selected. At this time, the loved cousin Sentaro protected love and vowed to protect her. As a result-

It happened that this year’s mountain village harvest was not good. People attributed the fault to love. Eventually Sentaro was also caught. The villagers and the father of Sentaro ordered Sentaro to bury love alive to calm down the so-called ‘Mountain God’s Fury’.

Arthur used to be side by side with love, which made love think of the big brother who protects her and her dependents …

But one thing is that Arthur is different from Sentaro. Arthur’s words will never betray love.

So that’s what Yan Moai can’t relieve, someone like Arthur will sooner or later …

Arthur is undoubtedly the ideal big brother …

And Arthur did exactly what the ideal person could do, redeeming ACAD emy City’s infamous distortion Demoness Asano Ueno.

In this way, Yan Moai was even more unable to relieve her, but she could not get the happiness, but Asakino Fujino got it. As a sinner, Asakino Fujino was supposed to enter hell!

Asakusa Fujino’s injury to Arthur’s is like Sentaro’s injury to Yan Moai. Arthur has no complaints about Asakusa Fujino, although Yan Moai also forgives Sentaro many years later. After all, Sentaro was persecuted by everyone, and finally Sentaro I almost went crazy and collapsed, and finally escaped from the mountain village and spent my life atonement …

Arthur is both a reflection of Xian Taro and a reflection of Yan Moai. It is the perfect place for 2 people to piece together. Such a person exists impossible … but he exists.

Arthur can be said to be the ideal for everyone, which is exactly the illusion he gave.

Yan Moai couldn’t see Arthur being hurt, just as she didn’t want to be hurt, Asano Asano’s existence vainly occupied Arthur’s cheap, without half the effort, how could it be?

All 10000 things in the world are contradictory spirals. There is light in the shadows and shadows in the light. Everybody’s lifelong struggle is boring.

Jianshan Yellow Springs is like this, so is Yan Moai …

It is precisely because they attach too much importance to certain characters that led to this contradiction.

This is a battle, a psychological battle.

And Asakusa Fujino also has reasons for not losing, she can not deny herself, can not deny the hard-won happiness.

Asahi Fujino, who had put in all his strength, was finally defeated by Yan Moai! ! !

After running out of energy, forces such as Twisted Mystic Eyes cannot be used, and they cannot stop Yan Moai’s curse.

At the moment of death approaching, Arthur stood in front of Asano Asano, watching Yan Moai exuding infinite charm, trying to calm down the anger of her eyes——

“That’s it! If you want to fight for me, then you are disappointed. I am willing, and I want to save her, if there is a reason to-

There is no reason to save a person ’s mood, but to kill a person, you need to find some reason for yourself, hatred or resentment of the killing heart.

Sorry, my mind is not bright enough, I prefer to do unreasonable things than to conceive the source of killing. Before I can reap happiness, I need to pay first. She is the person who saved me from the split second. ! If such an excellent woman can be mine, it is worth the price! ! “

“Really … what are you talking about, idiot!”

Asakusa Fujino’s face instantly blushed, and there was a serious look in the front, but how did the back feel a little more handsome …

Sure enough, it was a fool, but accidentally hit the heart, Arthur was indeed an incredible teenager. Although he was a guy with no emotional intelligence, there were always accidents. The handsome impact on the time made her whole body crunched …

“Is this so?”

Yan Moai accidentally ate a dog food. She thought Arthur didn’t have anything she wanted, and it turned out …

Sure enough, I misunderstood.

Arthur’s words made everyone misunderstand. Arthur’s will was not meant for men and women, but as a companion, family and friends.

However, the misunderstanding is very correct, so Yan Moai has no reason to fight. It turns out that Arthur also has the desire of ordinary humans. Does the desire for beautiful women allow him to save?

“It seems that I am self-confident …”

Yan Moai finally reached such a conclusion.


Lucy looked stupid on the sidelines. Why are these four people fighting?

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