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The clutter of noise rang, and Future Diary changed.

Arthur has heard the noise of this kind of mobile phone. Early this morning, when he stopped Jeanne, there was a noise, and then the Future Diary changed.

Saint’s Diary records everything except Arthur, the Observation of God diary. As long as the other 2 masters have actions, the diary will change. After all, only Arthur can change the future!

From the occurrence of this noise, Arthur can also be provided with intelligence.

Assuming that a certain Master has modified the future, then the future of a certain node must change, then this change can provide Arthur with the location of the future Master.

At 12: 1: 18 on December 26, Homurahara ACAD emy math teacher Shidou Kouichi manipulated the memory of 5 Tea Club students …

At 12:1:18 on December 27, 46 students of the tea ceremony club launched a raid on the Student Council …



The murmur of the mobile phone kept ringing, suggesting that all of Arthur’s Masters had already begun to act!

Saint’s Diary can’t see his future, but he can grasp all the information, and the closer to the place where Arthur is, the more prominent the ability to monitor, the greater the distance, the weaker the effect, and the content is the same, near Arthur. In the area of ​​the future, the prompt of future information will be very fine, and even the hands and feet can be grasped by anyone, but at a distance, only the appearance can be grasped.

The most obvious example is that Arthur has mastered Shidou Kouichi, who may be one of the masters, and the car accident in the trade market under the venue cannot tell who is the real murderer.

Things like car accidents have been happening since the morning, which makes Arthur feel that someone is manipulating.

The purpose is not known.

Only 2 things that can be confirmed now-

First, Shidou Kouichi is a Master.

Secondly, the Student Council has something that interests Shidou Kouichi, so there may be a Master in the Student Council.

It is just time for school. Except for some clubs that practice cleaning, there are basically not too many students, so even the battle between the masters is allowed, as long as it is not seen by the ordinary person.

In addition to the basic world identity, the information that Arthur has condensed in his mind has some rules on the surface.

One of them, it is very important to keep the Mystery of Holy Grail War. Although everything in this World is constructed virtually, they all have their own ideas. Therefore, if you know more and more ordinary people, then Fuyuki The stage of City will collapse, and those who destroy the stage will be automatically filtered by the system, that is, they will lose the qualification to participate!

“What’s wrong? Your phone has been ringing since the beginning?”

Gasai Yuno took out her mobile phone, not at all found any changes, her diary is different from Arthur’s observation diary from the perspective of ‘Saint’, Arthur’s diary only shows future probability changes after Arthur’s action, And at some point it will be aborted, not displaying all the content for 24 hours, but maximizing the content for 24 hours.

So only when Arthur takes action will the diary change.

“There will be a good show soon. Let’s not move for now. No one should be able to observe us in this place, so as long as we don’t act, there will be no information that the other party may know. Diary GO is fighting. “

While pacifying Gasai Yuno, Arthur was thinking about the type of diary and Heroic Spirit Shidou Kouichi might have, and the ability to manipulate the students of the tea ceremony society should not be his ability, but probably the ability of the contracted Heroic Spirit.

To confuse ordinary humans, some special Noble Phantasm is easy to do, but with Noble Phantasm, Jeanne around him must be able to detect it, so if it is confusing itself, it should belong to CaMaster (Magician) or Assassin, Assassin, Assassin proficient Some killing techniques, including those with deceptive effects, should also be available, but CaMaster has the greatest probability.

There are camps between Heroic Spirits, but only true face-to-face can tell whether Faction is Red or Black, and the maximum 30% is the strategy of Early-Stage. After all, people in the same camp kill only one point. However, there are 30% kills by people from different camps. This is MVP competition rules, so if you do n’t kill more people, you can win.

The first thing that should be done is observation.

“MaMaster … No, Arthur, the two Heroic Spirits have started to confront each other in the church building.”

Jeanne said close to Arthur’s ear, she was not worried about Gasai Yuno, she could only do this, but the body was so close, it would inevitably smell the other person’s body, the pure body fragrance from Arthur, as if the holy water soaked into the body , Making Jeanne’s face blush.

“Well, I understood—”

All of Arthur’s consciousness is cast on Future Diary. Although it is not clear what is happening in the office building from the church building here, it can be observed on Future Diary.

The confrontation with Shidou Kouichi is the President of Student Council—

2 years of Shiba Tatsuya of Class A.

From the content of Future Diary, it can be seen that Shiba Tatsuya uses Taijutsu to subdue several members of the tea ceremony society whose consciousness is controlled, and its Heroic Spirit is the heroic spirit of Shidou Kouichi, which is now the result of victory!

But 2 people not at all have a real fight.

At this distance, Arthur’s Future Diary can only observe some of the actions of the other party, and is not able to understand the conversation between the two people. One of the shortcomings of Saint’s Diary. The distance directly leads to the detailed or simple description of Future Diary.

“You can go home, Arthur!”

Gasai Yuno grabbed Arthur’s shoulder and realized that the other party had noticed them. There was also a powerful Heroic Spirit on the opposite side, and his Master’s attention was also quite strong.

“Oh … it seems to have been exposed!”

Arthur only looked at the diary, but did not notice that the murderous aura had spread. He and Gasai Yuno were locked by each other’s Heroic Spirit, then next—

How to do?

Come back home? Will Shiba Tatsuya and Shidou Kouichi let them go?

“Shimmer! How about ruling the world with me?”

Just as Arthur got up, a playful and noble voice appeared behind him!

Powerful Magic Power and majestic eyes, wearing a black suit, wearing gold jewelry on the wrist and neck, just standing there will make it feel as bright as the sun!

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