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“Ramesses II!”

When Jeanne meets the eyes of a scorching boy, he can detect his real name! !

In the case of being summoned out as Ruler, Jeanne can see all the real names, classes and performance information of all Servants he met directly. Of course, if the other party has the inherent ability to hide the real name and performance or Noble Phantasm, it must be judged by the level of luck. , But because Arthur is Saint, Jeanne’s lucky attribute rose from the original C-Rank to the largest A.

Therefore, no accident, all Heroic Spirit can be seen by her.


Diary instantly produces transformation.

But Arthur did n’t look at it, because hiding himself was a necessary cultivation base, but what he called the shimmer was intolerable. He used to stand alone with Avalon’s King, even if he was under the radiance of the sun, he had to raise his head. .

This is not bravery, but the status quo that the soul cannot submit.

“I heard that this is just a game, and there is a broader infinite dimension outside this World. I also heard that all missions are waiting for the rule of the king, Hahaha !!!!”

The teenager stretched his arms, dazzled like the sun, and laughed unscrupulously. Even so, it didn’t make Arthur feel any disgust. This is the laughter of emotion!

“This World, I will eventually complete the order!”

Arthur grabbed Jeanne’s shoulder and let her back. At this moment, he felt that he shouldn’t back down. In the competition, Wang’s competition, there can’t be any backing down ideas. To express his desires realistically, this is the king. Respect with Wang! ! !

“Is that so-Haha !!!

I am supreme, I am complete, I am absolute. There must be no forever. My tragedy is in my limited lifespan. Like other Pharaoh Kings, we can only dream weakly to regenerate at the end of a distant time and advance towards God’s journey!

Therefore, I sought life from Holy Grail. I must come to everything with the true master of the world.

Here, ask questions. Is this world a world worthy of my rule? “

The young man looked at Arthur’s eyes, proudly but not at all, his eyes despised at Arthur, but he described himself peacefully and questioned his own soul! The reason why he became Heroic Spirit is-

“This world is full of heroes who have left their real names and are believed in history, whether it is Heroic Spirit of the Gods’ generation, or Heroic Spirit today, or Heroic Spirit in fantasy, there is a possibility of a battle. May you use my beloved blade and double swords to fight, fight and sing with all your enemies!


My favorite Nefertari is not here. Wang should be accompanied by a beauty, but in this world without my love, is there a reason for my existence?

some! I want to admit that Future Diary GO has what I expected! The world I crave!

This is also the same world as the world that I commanded in the past, and I did have attachment! I want to be this World, no, the king of the universe!

If you want to ask why, because the so-called world is given the destiny of my rule!

You-King of Kings, Ozymandias rule this world! “

The young man exudes strong majesty and thinks that the existence of the world is for him to rule!

“The rule you think is nothing but to think that the world needs you to rule the world, but I am for the sake of righteousness. The destiny of this World should be decided by the king, but definitely not by the will of the king! The king’s decision-making power lies in the righteousness!

I do n’t know the past and the future, so no one can become an absolute will. The direction decided by the king is the long-cherished wish of the country and its subjects, as well as the long-cherished wish of the king!

To this end, you can abandon everything, no shame in life and death, if the king ’s life is glorious, then there is no need to regret, live in glory, die with honour, heart as my sword, it would rather break but cannot be bend, the home of King of Knights Xun Yiwu wish! “

Arthur looked at the boy humbly. No one could trample on the path he insisted on.

“Haha! What you said reminds me of a friend of mine in the past, he is Saint, it seems that you are also Saint! Then today is the date of declaration of war, I am waiting for you to challenge at any time, as the glory of the king, I absolutely do not Will break the oath to attack Ru, defeat me, or be defeated by me !!!

The people who are alive are the motive force for the survival of the king, so that the troubled times are prosperous and the king’s duty! !

I want to rule the world, the world will be my rule! “

The teenager looked at Arthur without fear, and eventually disappeared, disappearing into soul.

“Yo, hello, as Student President, I want to prohibit any private fights in the school. This is my bottom line. It is time to close the door. You can leave, otherwise I will fine you for review tomorrow. first year student! “

With the disappearance of Ramesses, along with the opening of the door on the top floor, a handsome man with a ‘Student President’ armband on his hand sleeve came over. His body and slender body nearly 1.8 meters looked as if he could not help but wind, but every step was steady as Mt. Tai, if you look closely, you can even confirm that the distance of each step is within a few centimetres.

At least, Arthur can confirm that this Student President ’s Taijutsu is very powerful!

Shiba Tatsuya, it seems that Ramesses II is his Heroic Spirit.

Arthur just started observing the opponents of this World, and found a strong opponent. If one-on-one, he has no certainty of winning. Not to mention Ramesses II, he knows it, legendary King of Kings, quite powerful, its It is the oldest Pharaoh King in the history of ancient Egypt. In the generation with an average age of about 40, he lived to be 91 years old. From 25 years old, he took the position of Pharaoh King. It took 67 years to sit!

And there are many epics about him, the strongest Pharaoh King in history.

Being able to be summoned out has to be said to be a strong opponent.

But Ramesses did not fight Arthur directly. On the one hand, Ramesses II thought that no one could shake his throne. On the one hand, it probably came from Shiba Tatsuya’s will.

Isn’t any private fights allowed in the school?

Shiba Tatsuya’s is not so much a threat as a command, but he definitely doesn’t really want to be a Student President, probably there is also a righteousness in his heart.

“Let’s go, Jenny (Jeanne), Gasai-san … Thanks to President Shiba for reminding us, we will abide by the agreement.”

Arthur nodded, walking past Shiba Tatsuya, I have to say that if Heroic Spirit is too strong, even if there is Future Diary, it is difficult to do something. Future Diary is only the source of intelligence, and the battle of Heroic Spirit is the theme. .

So observing Future Diary and directing the Heroic Spirit battle is the real form of this battle!

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