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After Zion left, Ludmila began to think about whether to fight this battle. Although His Majesty The King ordered her to assist Eleonora, but that premise was that His Majesty The King knew she was not in harmony with Eleonora’s, Brune could consume Eleonora’s strength better.

The king’s idea was that when Eleonora was about to collapse, Ludmila would help again. Although such words were not publicly expressed, Ludmila still understood. How could she not understand the puns?

Although many people do n’t think Brune can have the Knight of Vanadis, Ludmila thinks that the reason why Eleonora ’s night attack failed is a big reason. Vanadis ’s strength is very strong, and the battles experienced by Eleonora ’s soldiers are not few. Naturally, she naturally possesses extraordinary training methods.

Although she didn’t want to admit it, she also recognized that Eleonora was her opponent. After fighting Vanadis for so long, she naturally understood her strength.

In short, although she did n’t want to help Eleonora, she did n’t want her to lose to the enemy in embarrassment. Only she could defeat her. Even more how Duke Thenardier let his eldest son personally deliver the letter, which was enough to value this battle.

The relationship between Lourie Family and Duke Thernardier Family has started from her grandmother’s generation, and it has lasted for 80 years, and it cannot be broken in her generation.

in public or in private, she will fight.


“Lourie-sama, do you really have to leave now? It is important to know that His Majesty’s hidden intention is to allow Eleonora-sama to consume enough power to weaken the Principality of Leitmeritz’s strength. You are now going to refute His Majesty The King’s face. … “

“And to those hungry soldiers … this is a shame, it is already a slaughter!”

Standing next to them are 2 senior generals who are loyal to Lourie Family’s. They are around 30 years old. They have rich combat experience and talents. Ludmila has learned a lot of knowledge from them.

“So what? His Majesty The King is not at one with us. Think about it carefully. If Eleonora is defeated, if we go up again, it will probably be defeated. Now, only I and Eleonora can win together …

As for the war, it is cruel in itself. Zhcted and Brune impossible are friendly. Moreover, the Duke does not care about the life of his compatriots. We care about not at all use. Although it is an unfair war, we have to fight.

Assemble 2000 … No, 5000 elite is supported by Burkina Plains heading north to support the Principality of Leitmeritz and its Vanadis Eleonora Viltaria. “

Although Ludmila couldn’t bear it, she was also in a dilemma. She hated this kind of battle. The brune army against the hungry, unrestrained power of the hungry hands was detrimental to Vanadis’ reputation, but …

“Yes … my subordinates will choose soldiers.”


It has been more than half a month since the separation from Eleonora. Arthur and Regin charged at the forefront. One is a soldier in mind, the sacred Knight Princess, and the other is Brune’s Prince Regnas. This makes Brune’s morale increase.

Eleonora is already on the battlefield of Dinant Plains, and has repeatedly retreated 80Belsta (Versta, “Madan no Ou to Vanadis” unit of measurement, 1Belsta = 1000 meters). Although there is no one taking advantage of the battle, only 5000 people The army has no power to face up to 5 times the opponent.

This is the result of Arthur ’s obedience to Knight ’s spirit and his failure to attack soldiers other than Eleonora. He did not conduct any platoon formations, but just kept fighting with Eleonora on the battlefield, but even so, Eleonora had only 3000 people left Army, but Brune’s results have damaged nearly 4000 soldiers!

However, this was still Brune’s victory, Prince Regnas’ victory was continuously passed on to the entire Brune Kingdom, His Majesty The King was extremely relieved, and even exempted the country from taxation for one year, and the reputation is not the same as cowardly. His Highness the Prince is becoming a tall and brave heart in the hearts of Brune people. After all, he is the future king. Regnas’ bravery represents Brune’s future is rich.

As the background, the name of Arthur Dancing Moon Princess is also a small reputation, and the Knight Princess of Vanadis is in the eyes of the Brune people. It seems that he and Prince Regnas are an excellent couple. There are already 2 people in the workshop. The story of female love, the handsome Prince and the beautiful Knight Princess’ various versions of the story began to circulate …

But this is just the appearance, the real-

“What about Zion? Why did the soldiers cut their meals by half today?”

Regin clapped the table angrily. She hadn’t asked about the food problem. Today she received reports from her staff. The provision of the march was only enough for 3 days.

The bigger crisis is that she led her troops deep into the enemy’s back, and it was already very difficult to return. The follow-up provisions are too heavy if they can’t keep up …

“Reporting back to His Highness the Prince, Zion … The soldiers came back to report that the thieves group popular in Voyes Mountain Range had looted all the provisions he escorted, all under the blame, they did not check the supply of provisions in time, Knight Arthur reminded me before … “

Mashas said with a bitter smile, provisions escort things like Zion were originally … Although he suggested that Tigre be escorted, Tigre has no prestige, no one is convinced …

“How is it possible … what shall we eat …”

Regin’s look pale doesn’t have a little blood, she is too proud and arrogant, thinking that it can be repelled by Vanadis …

Be eager to win, go deep into the enemy’s belly, the night of regret …

“The newspaper … received information and found … behind us Zchted’s Black Dragon flag and Vanadis military flag depicting white background and blue spear …”

“Isn’t Eleonora’s private military flag a flag with a silver sword painted on a black background? Is this military flag …”

Regin’s face was paler.

“Olmutz Dukedom’s Vanadis-Lourie Family’s flag where Ludmila is located.”

Mashas couldn’t help looking towards Arthur again, as if his predictions were all successful! !

provisions and Snow Princess of the Frozen Wave, 2 threats, Arthur reminded Mashas as early as half a month, the result …

No one noticed these 2 things.

Now, they may want to wipe out the whole army …

“Arthur … my Knight, what shall I do?”

Regin completely lost her strength, and looked at the Princess Princess who brought her glory and encouragement. She could only pin her hopes on him now.

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