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“Eleonora-sama, behind the Brune army is the Black Dragon flag and … the white background and blue spear flag is Lourie-sama (Ludmila) …”

Limalisha looked at Eleonora while she was practicing sword and said aloud.

“I thought Mila (Ludmilia’s nickname) only appeared when I had only a few hundred people left. I didn’t expect it to arrive at this time?”

Eleonora seemed a little surprised.

“With the character of His Majesty The King, after receiving our request for help, it will take up to a month for the reinforcements to come? Now Lourie-sama appears here, it can only be said that she came voluntarily. She is. “

There was a sense of relaxation on Limalisha’s face.

“That guy will not violate the will of the king at this time. I think she has other plans. The guy who is thinking about the glory of the family will not easily do what should not be done, but it does n’t matter what. It’s time for us to fight back, this time I must win Arthur!

After cooking and cooking, the whole army charged with me, and Ludmila attacked Brune’s camp before and after, and went deep into the enemy’s belly. It was a taboo for the soldiers. They will definitely lose. “

Eleonora took a sigh of relief, holding the silver sword and inserting it into the scabbard. These repeated hits by Arthur’s Sword Skill forced her to sharpen her Sword Skill. Vralt’s power alone could not defeat him.

“I think Knight Princess is also merely this. It’s not as good as you said. He just happened to find you at night.”

Limalisha hummed and said, Eleonora-sama the past few days has been thinking about fighting Arthur’s, really …

“Lim. Haven’t you seen it yet? He is a real Knight, this is definitely not his style, and how many days he has been playing, his blade is not stained with a trace of blood, that is, there is no one of our soldiers. He was killed, he used the back of a knife! “

Eleonora is very clear.


Lim did not find that Arthur had a soldier who beheaded them.

“Knight’s mercy is not strength to bully the weak, but it is estimated that he will start a real war soon, so the weak one is Brune. Such Arthur is more worthy of my conquest!”

Eleonora licked her blushing lips, and the desire to fight was even stronger.


“His Highness the Prince, can you temporarily hand over the army to my command?”

Arthur looked at Regin, pale and weak, and sighed stood up.

“Of course … My Knight, you are the person I believe the most, you must have a way to solve the present dilemma?”

Regin saw Arthur take the initiative to speak, and immediately awakened hope.

“Okay, everyone, listen now. At this moment, only I can help each other and work together to save the lives of more than 2 soldiers. It is not possible to win. The important purpose now is to survive.”

Arthur turned and looked towards all the nobles and Knight generals in the tent.

“Is Knight Arthur certain?” Mashas asked.

“No, after all, we are now in a privileged position and all are not occupied. It is simply a delusion to return to Brune’s border alive. I can only say that I do my best to return us safely.

Arthur shook his head and said there was nothing to say at this time.

“Since that is the case, then we can only believe in Knight Arthur’s resourcefulness, which is better than waiting for death.”

Mashas said with a faint smile, he believed that Arthur should have a way.

“We also believe …”

“Powerhouse at this time is most convincing to the soldiers …”

“Speak, Knight Princess, what are we going to do?”

“… now only you remain calm …”


“Okay, now I will start to issue combat instructions …”

Arthur took a deep breath, his eyes became sharp like a sword–

“There are still food in my tent. Everyone knows that my meal is amazing, but this half a month, my meal is the same as the ordinary person. The food saved is enough for us commanders. We must know that we are fighting The front line is also the command center. If we are hungry, we will absolutely lose defeat instantly.

But shall we not halve the meals of the men? The above is shown, so on the surface we eat together with the soldiers, eat together, and can eat in private. This kind of hypocritical thing, I would never do with the belief of Knight, but before being Knight, I He is a supreme commander, and he cannot annihilate the whole army for a moment.

So everyone knows it well. Starting today, together with His Highness the Prince, we have a pot of rice with the soldiers.

This is one of them. “

“Okay, Knight Arthur was thoughtful. I didn’t expect you to keep your hand. We didn’t find it.”

Mashas-sama fights with a smile, it is indeed a good way to appease people, think about it.

Arthur then took out the map and said to Tigre: “Master Earl Vorn of Alsace Territory, you are a good safari player. You are the most proficient in using a bow as a weapon to walk on mountain roads, so I will divide you into 1000 of the most elite soldiers, Entering this place in Voys Mountain Range, I checked it in the mountains before. The most likely place to hide food is here. I personally suspect that Zion is lying about the military and there is no mountain bandit at all.

If here, I have marked several locations on the map, you one after another search, after finding the food, escort back, if Zion obstructs, kill without mercy!

This is its 2. “

“Zion … that guy, it is very likely to do so, if it is him, I will kill him myself!”

Tigre gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Arthur nodded, looked at Mashas and said, “Mashas-sama, you are an old Knight, so please do some physical work, take out all the wooden barrels, fill the nearby river with water, and put it around our position Once in a circle, just leave the entrance and exit at two places. The height of the display needs to be at least 2 meters. If the wooden barrel is not enough, you can use various utensils that can hold water.

This is its 3. “

“Carrying wooden barrel? What are you going to do?”

“What’s the use?”


Everyone looked at Arthur in confusion, and they didn’t understand that the third command was to do and so on.

“Knight Arthur, what is this for?”

Regin also questioned, did not hear of such a way to fight.

“I want to create a favorable defensive position.”

Arthur’s mouth smiled.

“Defensive position? Will the bucket break when it breaks?”

Mashas did not understand.

“Don’t forget my other title …” Arthur Mystery said.


“What title?”

Everyone is still confused.

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