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Holy Sword is blooming with strong rays of light. Erza’s body is surrounded by a transparent light mask. Even if Magic Power is so powerful that Ultear can’t break this defensive cover.

While Erza is fierce, Holy Sword also responds to Erza’s expectations. Because of the eagerness to save Arthur’s ideas, Erza’s heart was conveyed to GRAM, which was recognized by Holy Sword. Magic Power in the space passed Erza’s body Penetrating into Holy Sword, the rays of light are intense!

Erza is indeed a born Knight of Sword, and Holy Sword also recognized it!

Sword energy Xianglong scrolled through the space, impacting Ultear like a storm.


[IceMake * Shield (Ice Molding-Shield)]! ! !

Ultear possesses powerful Magic Power, but Erza, who has a strong protective force, immediately creates a huge Ice Release to block the damage!

“bang! !!”

Holy Sword’s power is extremely powerful, directly destroying the Ice Shield into fragments. In this brief moment, the aftermath of the storm cut off the dark shackles on Arthur!

Erza walked to Arthur’s side and helped him up.

“To summon its true power out requires my blood, drink my blood, hurry …”

Arthur bit his lip and blood bleed out.

“Well, Arthur-nii …”

Erza kissed the corner of Arthur’s mouth without any support, drawing Arthur’s crimson blood into his mouth …

“first of all–“

Arthur whispered how to use Holy Sword in Erza’s ear.

“After bathing in the blood of the evil dragon and not losing the glory–

Dragon’s Blood Armor (ArmorofFafnir)! ! “

Erza calls the will of Holy Sword——

A twisted power shone on Erza’s body, like the starlight of silver, the original shabby prison uniform was replaced by a silver armor!

The black cloak of the silk dances with the wind, and its slender body is sloppyly spread. The silver dragon scales armor locks the armor at each joint of the body, and there is a green rays between the lower bust and the navel. of light shines like a gemstone, shining with the star of that white girl skin …

“Siblings finally joined forces to deal with me? Very good, very good, you all die !!”

Ultear saw Arthur and Erza hugged each other, their spirits were strongly stimulated, and their eyes were full of hatred!


“That’s not the case … Ultear, you’re wrong, Erza just protects himself!”

Arthur said with a bitter smile, he took Holy Sword summon out just to protect Erza from harm.

“The arc of time-10000 divine light shines !!”

Each and everyone crystal ball appeared beside Arthur and Erza, and then released a strong rays of light, one after another vertical and horizontal beams of light, impacting Arthur and Erza!

Erza with the blood armor is naturally fine, just—


Arthur’s body is as painful as being burned. The days of hunger and the recovery of Ice Soul Sword’s injuries are exhausted. The last point of Magic Power is also used on the Summon of Holy Sword GRAM, so …

“Arthur-nii !!!”

Erza looked at Ultear angrily–

“Are you still human? Arthur-nii treats you sincerely. You did this, Ultear, you liar !!”

“Cheater … Cheater? Everyone in this World is a crook!”

Ultear’s eyes shed tears, even if her mother also deceived her feelings, this World is too cruel, so she has to master the Magic that dates back to the past. To master this Magic, only the world where Zeref’s is, so she wants Resurrect Zeref, then when the time comes ——

Looking back in time, mother and she can be happy together, she will not be abandoned by mother, and then … and then find Arthur-nii, the family lives happily …

As long as you go back to the past, everything can come back, and happiness can be re-owned!

“Erza … let’s go … can’t kill Ultear, she is our family!”

After Arthur said this, he passed out!

“Don’t want to leave! You can’t get happiness! Erza, I don’t allow you to get all the love of Arthur-nii, he is mine, mine, no one can take it away !!!”

Ultear’s powerful Magic Power rises to the sky, like a dazzling beam of light, her hair is flying upwards. With the absolute powerful Magic Power, she can defeat her opponents only by the amount of Magic Power!

The wild Magic Power shines in the night sky, and the entire Tower of Heaven is smashed in the split second! Start to collapse and fall …

“Evil things will eventually fall! The light and shadow that cut all off! The world, now it’s sunset, will knock you back—”

Erza held up the dazzling golden sword, and the power of hidden treasure in the body of the sword was gradually liberated. The green jade embedded on the hilt sparkled the rays of light, which was like the dazzling orange glory of the night! ! ——

“Fantasy Sword (Bal)! Sky Demon (mung) !!!”

Sword wind ravages the sky and the earth, and the strong Magic Power gathers in Erza’s body. With the liberation of a real name of Holy Sword GRAM, its sword body begins to shine the dim light that will end the world——

For a time, Ultear’s Magic Power collided with Erza sword energy. All the surrounding buildings collapsed and dissipated in a split second like an atomic level. The starlight awns on the dark sky were covered. The abyss of Magic Power seemed like hell. Ming Sect roared out like breath, Holy Sword’s shining ultimate devil-killing light waved wildly!

2 powerful forces hit together.

In an instant, the entire world briefly fell into a blank, the sound was too loud and exceeded the hearing limit of the human ear, and nothing could be heard.

Ultear is still stronger than Erza, only a few steps back, but Erza and Arthur were blown out. Coincidentally, the two people just fell on the wooden boat just built by the people at the sea. Bring a violent wave, break the anchor of the ship, and drift away with the wave of the boat …

Arthur and Erza gradually moved away from the Tower of Heaven.

“You … come back Ah … Arthur-nii …… Arthur-nii …… Erza !!!”

When everything was over, Ultear looked at the disappeared Erza and Arthur. Tears came from the corners of her eyes. She didn’t even know Arthur’s life and death. Magic Power was exhausted and was hit by her powerfully. It must be …

Thinking of this ending, she was full of pain. In any case, she would resurrect Arthur and use Rsystem! ! Certainly possible.

“Ultear, why are you … what’s going on?”

At this time, Jellal and the crowd ran over. They did not witness the fighting process, only saw the crying Ultear who didn’t know what happened to the white haired.

“Arthur-nii is dead … Killed by Erza, I had wanted to stop it, but Erza was seduced by Black Magic Cult, and has left in a boat. Our only thing is gone … I want to resurrect Arthur- nii, are you going to come together and build the Tower of Heaven! “

Ultear choked, but looking at Erza, who was far away, his eyes were full of hate, and she would never be so happy, so she was hated by everyone! And Arthur-nii was not killed by her, how could she kill Arthur-nii, it must be that Erza is too weak to protect Arthur-nii, let him …

“How is it possible … Erza isn’t his favorite Arthur-nii?”

Jellal said angrily that he always regarded Arthur as the idol in his heart. After defeating the Magic soldier again, he wanted to be recognized by Arthur’s …

“Erza has been entangled with Arthur-nii, only she can deal with Arthur, otherwise Arthur-nii is so powerful, how could …”

“Erza must have been tempted by Black Magic Cult’s … Grandfather Rob was killed …”

“Looking at her unwillingness before, I must have done something wrong, keep on saying that let us find Arthur-nii together, the result …”


Some unexplained children suddenly shouted.

“Arthur-nii died under Erza’s sword in order to protect me … I will resurrect him, and I believe that if resurrection will bring happiness to everyone, this is our paradise!”

Ultear … choked out, she would by fair means or foul, use these people to build the Tower of Heaven and resurrect Arthur.

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