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Erza, who had escaped from Rsystem, stopped in a small boat drifting along with Akane Resort, a port of the unconscious Arthur in the vicinity.

This is the most popular seaside tourist resort in Fiore Kingdom. There is a high-end hotel adjacent to a huge theme park. It is a charming beach that is addictive once you have been there. There is also an endless and beautiful sea. The ground floor is a playground and casino, with different facilities for tourists to play.

The Tower of Heaven is not close to this place. The nearer one is the offshore area of ​​Caelum (Caelum), a country located in the southern part of Fiore Kingdom.

The date of the drifting at sea is unknown, but she still insists on not falling, because then Arthur will be left unattended.

After arriving at the resort, Erza stopped in a sparsely populated area and landed on the shore. She was not at all to some places such as pharmacies, so that she would definitely be kicked out, and Arthur’s physical self-healing ability made her There is also less worry, now his body is lack of nutrition and water …

After the small forest in the vicinity stopped, Erza first got some fresh water from the river to feed Arthur. Because of Arthur unconscious, she could only drink water by herself and feed it to Arthur, so back and forth a few times after that–

“cough cough ……”

After being moistened by water, Arthur only woke up, but the strong hunger in his body made him still unable to move, and even his eyes didn’t have the strength to earn full.

“Arthur-nii … you finally woke up … wū …”

When Erza saw Arthur sober, tears of joy flowed out, and he wept bitterly on his body.

“Erza …”

Arthur reached out to soothe Erza’s strength …

“I’ll find you food right away …”

Erza wiped her tears and stood up.

“The best way to find some fruit … can’t eat big fish and meat now, it will stimulate the appetite …”

Arthur slowly nodded.


Erza nodded, quickly ran into the forest.


After eating some wild fruits, Arthur had a little strength, so he made some mushroom soup and let Erza drink it together. She had n’t eaten for a long time. The two people were really in a difficult relationship. .

After eating, Arthur was ready to travel, looking for Bombardment 5-Star, and at the same time finding a shelter for Erza. As for Ultear, Arthur cared about it, but understood that what he was going back now was …

“Arthur-nii, there are Jellal and theirs in Rsystem, shall we go to the Magic Council for help?”

Erza learned some of the structure of Magic world from Grandfather Rob. He manages the Magic Council of the Magic world. It is the organization responsible for monitoring the Magic Guild and punishing the Magic Guild for violating the rules. At the same time, the dark Magic Guild and forces will also be To monitor and eliminate, inhuman Magic system like Rsystem will definitely be cleared.

“No … no, Ultear is there, she is our family, she can’t hurt her, and Ultear can deceive you and me, and everyone, if she thinks I’m dead, she will definitely This matter is blamed on you, and then win the sympathy of everyone to accompany her crazy …

Even more how, Magic Council should be some ruthless people, Law Enforcer will not take into account the feelings of ordinary person, they may kill Jellal together … “

Arthur stopped Erza in a hurry. He probably could guess Ultear’s treatment, that Demoness younger sister Ah …

“So Ah … I won’t recognize Ultear’s anyway, although I still cannot to defeat her …”

Erza curled up in Arthur’s arms, and tears came out, “Grandfather Rob died because of her …”

“Um … you should also forgive her, well, Grandfather Rob hopes you can have a bright future for yourself … By the way, I think there is a sign behind Grandfather Rob’s, like the Magic Guild he said. , Members of Guild will have Insignia of their own Guild printed on them. “

Arthur feels that he should have an identity in this World event. As a Magician, he conquered various monsters and conducted various Quest expeditions to collect possible Artifact information.

“Me too, Grandfather Rob is so gentle, his Guild must be very good too?”

Erza is nodded with pleasure, as long as he is with the big brother, everything is fine.

“Then it was so decided …”

Arthur looked at the blue sky and was still worried about Ultear, where Rsystem …


Fiore Kingdom is located in Alvarez WeMaster n Continent of Earth-Land Magic world. It is a permanent neutral country with a population of 170010000. Magic here is more prosperous. It is a Magic World. Magic has become a part of people ’s lives, not only has Magic shops Magic can be bought and sold, and some people even use Magic for their livelihood. This kind of person is Magician.

Magician is a person who can use Magic, but generally speaking must join Guild to be officially recognized as Magician. The more famous Magician will be awarded the title.

The organization gathered by Magician is called Magic Guild. After being approved by the council, it is the official Guild. On the one hand, Guild accepts various Quest commissions and acts as an intermediary to members of his Guild to complete the Quest. According to the difficulty of the Quest, There are different levels and reward rewards, the higher the difficulty of Quest, the higher the reward.

At the same time, Magician will actively maintain his Guild’s reputation …

These all are Arthur heard the information from Grandfather Rob, he and Erza 2 rushed on the road while inquiring about Fairy Tail Guild address, because there is no money, 2 people can be described as a trek in the mountains before they came to Fairy Tail Guild town–

Magnolia Town (Magnolia).

This is a historic Magic commercial city, Fairy Tail is located in this town, it is also the only Guild in Magnolia Town.

It’s just that if you join Magician Guild, there will be no requirements. Arthur doesn’t know, but he doesn’t want to tell Rob’s things. After all, he might be asked about Rsystem’s things, so it’s absolutely impossible Mention.

Erza doesn’t have that many ideas, so join in and join. Is there any reason?

Under the situation of two people with completely different mentalities, they came to the gate of Fairy Tail Magic Guild.

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