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When returning to Legion War, Arthur only found out that Dragon Race’s was also raging here. It was not the time when he came, and he just witnessed the scene of the dragon’s breath of 1000 heads. The entire world seemed like the end of the catastrophe.

“Heaven’s Chosen Child, the iron-built city wall, dragon row, lion roar, tiger roar, wolf run, cut off the world before the collapse–

81 of Binding Road-Breaking the air! “

Just at Arthur’s sluggish split second, a silhouette stood in front of him, singing a high-speed mantra, and a huge, transparent city wall rose into the sky, blocking the dragon’s breath attack in front of him.

“How come you are back?”

The person standing in front of Arthur was none other than Fea, and the shuttle space came directly to Arthur’s.

“It’s so miserable, are we losing ground?”

Arthur had no idea that the Dragon Race army was so powerful.

“Of course, even with the Special Item, the result will not be reversed much … However, it is also loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain. Basically, all our soldiers below the gold have been killed, come with me …”

Behind Fea’s, the wings of the wind stretched out, pulling Arthur and flying instantly for a distance of 100 meters and stopped.

The eyeshadow glanced past, and Arthur had not reached the resistance of the wind, so he had reached the place where it was several hundred meters away from the original place.

“Okay, here is temporarily safe, how come you come back? If we can’t find Bombardment 5-Star, we can admit defeat, it has been fighting for a year, almost physical and mental fatigue, this battlefield is not like your space , Can experience what to experience, here is just blind fighting and fighting … “

Fea sighed, it can be said that this battle can be fought now because I believe that Arthur may find a Special Item that defeats and wins. If it is not such a belief, she even the Highest Officer will not fight so hard.

Has been pressed by Dragon Race, but there will be a shadow in my heart.

“This … Bombardment 5-Star is very difficult to find. I will work hard. I am here to ask you for information. Someone in Dragon Race has entered the world. I want to ask about the information of this dragon.”

Arthur smiled bitterly. He couldn’t give up. After all, he hasn’t given any explanation yet. Erza … If you suddenly play with the news, you will definitely be hated?

“Dragon Race, I do n’t know who has passed. Will they even look for Special Item? Tell me about it, what are the characteristics, I will analyze it for you.”

Fea nodded, has been insisting for a year, absolutely must continue to persist, otherwise this kind of perseverance is wasted.

“Well … Magic has no effect on it. The whole body is almost transparent crystal color and has a lot of power, but I have not used the ability of Magic or the like … The length is about 50 meters …”

Arthur said according to Makarov and Gildarts.

“Dragon Race’s body adults have no relevance to their dimensional ranks, the length can only be judged that he is a young dragon, Magic is invalid, if the color of crystal stone is-

It should be a Crystal Dragon. This dragon is not immune to Magic, but weakens Magic through resonance of the entire dragon body. That is to say, unless the strength of Magic Power can exceed its body, it can cause damage to it, but a person ’s How can Magic Power reach that point, so basically it is Magic immune.

There are several ways to deal with Crystal Dragon-

First, [Anti-Dragon Noble Phantasm], specifically used for Dragon Slaying Noble Phantasm, can cause damage to them, you do not have GRAM, it can cause damage to any dragon;

Second, [Resonance Magic], if the resonance frequency of the dragon body of Crystal Dragon can be mastered, using Magic of the same frequency can cause damage to it;

No. 3, [Spirit Spirit Magic], the magic of the soul spirit type is directly communicated to the consciousness layer of the dragon without going through the dragon body;

Fourth, [Pure Physical Attack], this method is more suitable for people who have the same transformation ability and natural Divine Power, or convert energy into power and directly strike through the flesh;


There are still many ways to deal with it, but Crystal Dragon does not use Magic, but when using Magic, the Resonance Magic on the body will stop working, and they have a conversion mechanism to reconcile the resonance absorption Magic into Magic Power. Then launch it, so use Magic as little as possible to fight it, even if Dragon Slayer Sword does not touch the dragon body, it will not work. Simple energy slashing is useless.

And one thing to pay special attention to, Crystal Dragon to cast Magic’s performance is that the body becomes iridescent, that means it wants to cast Magic.

This dragon is also very rare in the Dragon Race. It is a variant dragon of the gem dragon. The gem dragon is a physical resonance immune. Dragon race’s information when the time comes You can check it in the Elf King’s Palace’s library. Probably this is the case. “

Fea described in detail.

“So that’s how it is, I understand, it seems that both Soul Sword and GRAMHoly Sword can hurt it, then I will go back to the parallel space first, and then you insist …”

Arthur remembered it all.

“Go … It doesn’t matter if you can’t find Bombardment 5-Star. Even if you fail, you are a runner-up. You are still a meritorious official. I don’t know if anyone has said something similar to you-

Don’t get too addicted to Dimensional World. “

How could Fea not see it? Arthur had to deal with Dragon Race’s. The reason was not Special Item at all, but Fairy Tail World?

“Hatsune-senpai told me … Well, thank you for your attention, but I will try my best to find Bombardment 5-Star, but the way the Special Item looks is not so simple.”

Arthur smiled bitterly.

“Well, whatever you think about it, if Special Item can gather a certain amount to open a special Ougi, maybe you can achieve it.”

Fea patted Arthur’s shoulder and said, “No need to put too much burden on you, anyway, you have done a good job. The Legion War is really stressful for you, not us, to experience those worlds by heart. It must be for the spiritual soul. There are many complicated fluctuations that you need to spend time digesting.

That ’s fine. After the Legion War is over, I ’ll find a world key for you to experience a simple life. Become a singer or novelist in that world and add emotional flaws. Do you want to What kind of daily department can tell me, it is just in adolescence, and the desire to vent that way is better … “

Fea put it on Arthur’s shoulder and whispered, “I also often play the strategy of the daily department, but they are all the world of the yuri category. I think you may be suitable for the daily Dimensional World of the trap department …”

“Ghosts have to do traps! Your impure Elemental Spirit!”

Arthur’s face is feverish, this guy actually has that side.

“Well, it’s just cracking a joke … don’t tell other people about my hobby, otherwise, I will attack the few in your family …”

Fea’s mouth slobbered …

Eh …

Arthur’s head was covered with cold sweat, especially meow, this Elf Princess is a yuri crazy! !

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