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[I ’m here today, try my best, try again tomorrow]

Arthur, who left the battlefield space, returned to the Fairy Tail World and began his journey. He first asked for some dragon information along the way, and then explored slowly, while exploring some of the remains of the Great Ancient Era. Probability of Artifact exists.

There are dragons in this World, although they are not common, but there are still some, but most of them are ordinary dragon-like creatures. The real Taikoo dragon has been very rarely seen. Like the Crystal Dragon, it is the level of the Taikoo dragon. Fairy In terms of Tail’s world.

The event of the collective disappearance of the Taikoo Dragon was 400 years ago. Arthur inquired about the history of that period. The humans of that era were ruled by dragons. Humans can only be used as Dragon Race ’s food. Later, Dragon Race was divided into 2 factions, one hope and peace with humans. , A group regards human as ants and food, the two sides are at war, Dragon Race who is close to human teaches human Dragon Slaying Magic to join the battle together …

If it is too detailed, it is not understood, only know that the event of the collective disappearance of the dragon is related to Dragon Slaying Magic.

Arthur and Laxus fought before they learned the history of Dragon Slaying Magic.

Dragon Slaying Magic is the lost Swire Magic, then the dragon at that time was naturally an Swire dragon. Swire in this World just refers to ancient times, which is different from those of Eastern Mythology, Sumer and the like.

Along the way, I searched for the remains of the dragon. Many times, there were some rumors, and then there were some modern dragons and large lizards. Arthur is looking for today-

A true Archaic dragon, he saw the dragon passing by in the sky, and discovered the existence of this kind of guy when he passed near the sea of ​​gas trees.

In appearance, it looks like a large dragon with pure white feathers, and even its wings are made of feathers like birds.

Although it is not like the appearance of Crystal Dragon, it is very different from the modern dragon in imposing manner. Arthur can feel that it is looking at him at that time, yes, Arthur knows that the dragon can ‘see’ his.

Maybe a member of Dragon Race’s Legion?

Then you can’t let it go!

Owning the Dragon Sword Holy Sword, at least you have to work hard. Although there is a difference in strength, this World is the world of the wish mechanism. As long as his heart is firm, he can persevere, and with Fairy Sphere Magic, can be preserved Life, when the time comes The time in the ball freezes, if you do n’t thaw, it will never break …


Continuing through the forest continuously, Arthur was not sure where he had gone. He had been chasing here by the smell of the plume, but at one moment, the breath suddenly disappeared, and Arthur could only blindly search.

But in such a forest, Arthur actually met someone—

“Grantigne … Where are you … Woo … Come out Ah …”

A little loli with short dark blue hair seems to be very young, only about 5 years old.

There is even human in such a forest. Arthur doubts the truth of this matter. At first wants to give up her, but thinks about it or walked over.

“Little Sister, what are you looking for?”

Arthur took the toast from the package …

“Grantigne … I’m looking for Grandigne … wow wū …”

little loli rubbed his eyes with his small hands and looked at Arthur with a supreme gaze.

“Who is Grandigne?”

Arthur thought it was a doll or something.

“Dragon … Grantigny is the dragon who raised me …”

little loli opened his hands to describe Grandine.


Arthur was a little surprised. Was it just the dragon that had deliberately guided him to this place? In that case, impossible is Dimensional Tower’s Dragon Race, should it be the dragon of this World?

It ’s just that, why should the dragon raise humans?

That kind of level should not be an ordinary dragon, if the Taikoo Dragon …

“I’m also looking for dragons. Let’s be together. I’m just not sure if you can find your Grandigne. There will be beasts here, so come with me …”

Arthur gently stroked little loli’s head and took her in the vicinity to find a place to take her. He will leave this world too, so there can be no more concerns …

“Can you find Grandigne?”

little loli stopped crying and asked Arthur.

“I don’t know, but as long as you don’t give up, you will definitely meet the person you miss, close your eyes and imagine ‘Grantigne’, she is by your side, so be brave and strong to live and then grow When you reach a reliable point, you will find Grantigne, and dragons are present in some dangerous places, so you must have strong power to find them.

Join Magician’s Guild and become Magician, you can become stronger. There will also be intelligence from all over the mainland. Compared with aimless searching, Magician Guild has greater probability. “

Arthur sat cross-legged on the ground and handed the bread divided into two to little loli ——

“For this, to live, as long as you live, hope will always exist …”

“Hmm… um…”

Little loli seemed to understand Arthur’s words, holding the bread in his hands and biting it bit by bit, but wept while eating.

“What’s your name, I’m Ace Arthur Clanquire Tepes Scarlet, just call me Arthur …”

Arthur asked.

“Wendy … Wendy Marbel …”

little loli said biting the bread.

“Wendy, what does the word Wendy mean, is a girl who is brave and adventurous (Welsh, a type of Celtic language), so Wendy must be brave, and then you can find a grid in the adventure Landigne, I think Grandigne must have given you this name because of this sentiment. This shows that Grandigne wants you to be strong.

Like a bird flying in the sky, one day you have to bravely fly to the sky to take risks, and when you grow up to stand alone, Grandigne will definitely appear. “

Arthur’s explanation said.

“I want to be brave, like Arthur … Big Brother can take risks independently.”

Wendy seemed to have power after hearing Arthur’s explanation of her name.

“Well, the crying child can’t find the dragon. Only the strong child can find the dragon.”

Arthur lightly wiped Wendy’s tears, it seemed to be a sensible little brat, well, so he would also be easier, wait for the place where there is smoke, trust her there.

Whether to become Magician depends on her own choice. Although Arthur is thinking of bringing Wendy to Fairy Tail Guild, his age is too young …

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