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[Today ’s 6nd item is sent for subscriptions, monthly tickets, recommended tickets]

After completing the Bond exchange with Juliet, Arthur waited for the ten o’clock bell.

[Dark night * Abyss] Mode start——

Arthur’s soul is separated from the body, and just walked out of the body like this! !

You Liye didn’t know when she appeared on Arthur’s bed. His soul could touch her pink skin, but Yu Liye didn’t seem to sense Arthur’s touch. This …

In other words, does the touch of the soul truly reflect the flesh?

This is really powerful, but Flamefang should be able to attack them, is this why the people of the local world can also capture the heart?

I just do n’t know if it can be caught by the eyes. I ’m afraid it ca n’t be seen by the naked eye, but only by the soul.

Then –

let’s start! !

Arthur opened the window and jumped out. He found that King-Type Ability Users had mostly appeared under the dormitory on campus.

Behind everyone is a combination of letters and numbers.

Everyone is cautiously observing, looking for the alphanumeric combination he needs, and Arthur is expecting that his opponent is best not Kirigaya Yuu.

As far as the eye can see, it gradually starts to lock—

Type B 062.

This person is–

A young man with pale hair and fox eyes holds flame teeth like a fruit knife.

While Arthur was paying attention to the teenager, he suddenly turned to face Arthur and smiled.

The blank smile was incomparable, with no emotion.

“It’s really not a good card. I even faced a character with a headache, ah yeah, have I always been a transparent character and finally show my fangs?”

The pale-haired young man moved fearlessly towards Arthur, and the fruit knife in his hand quickly shuttled between his fingertips, gradually, the distance under his feet was getting faster and faster, just reaching Arthur’s behind in an instant-

“Ding! !”

The extended wings blocked the stab of the fruit knife.

Arthur didn’t expect that this little boy who had never seen it would have such a fast speed. The skill that is not precise and muddy is really amazing. If he goes in like this, will his heart be taken out?


Arthur’s Flamefang is not a bow and arrow–

“I can only say sorry, ah, what a pity, your information does not seem to be accurate …”

“No loss, at least I saw your flame teeth form, I guess the bow and arrow should be your soul-type Item? Really powerful enough, it seems that your identity is not ordinary, I thought I was like me People from this 3rd-class school who hone their skills can take advantage of the King-Type Ability User in the first-class school. It seems that the counterattack failed …

Not to mention, everything is going to be less pleasant … “

The teenager kept the fruit knife behind him silently-


Arthur used the scythe foot just at this time to cut it down with a feathered sword!

“It’s really good, it’s a good bet … you are a fair and reasonable character, Arthur-san …”

The teenager smiled at the corner of his mouth and disappeared at a rapid rate, far away from Arthur’s attack range.

“Are you gambled? You have to say that your thinking is very good. Indeed, many people’s idea at at first is to start directly at the heart, and I am no exception. You made a judgment without thinking and saved your life. This One thing I really want to admire. “

Arthur didn’t expect that there would be such a tough opponent in the beginning of the world. Whenever there are accidents, it doesn’t look like he is lying. Did he come from the negative 3 floor of the 3 Liu Xueyuan to the negative floor?

This ability of high-speed stealth reminded Arthur of Bing Die. The guy did not rely on the system’s ability to reach a very high level. Some people’s strength was not evaluated by rank …

Maybe he doesn’t pay much attention to those ‘ordinary’ things, right? After all, as the Main Representative, he almost didn’t pay attention to his opponents at the same time. It was not pride but the world he saw was already broader and ignored the scenery behind him.

Anyone is struggling …

“What a pity, you are dangerous …”

The teenager licked his lower lip, tore off something behind him, and threw it on the ground—

“It seems that this game can’t be played anymore, sorry, I’m looking for a real goal …”

The human skin-like things falling on the ground slowly dissipated, and the subtitles of [Type B * 062] disappeared from the top and turned into nothingness …

“What are you?”

Arthur was confused.

“As a favorite object, let me tell you … Ougi [thin illusion] is really a useless Ougi. It can only be used for disguise, but the ability to disguise is very good. I just posted a false appearance to find opponents to play with. That’s it.

After all, people like us from the 3rd-class school must have no experience fighting you, so ah, we can only use this ability to familiarize with the opponents of the first-class school. It seems that there is a gap … … “

The teenager said quickly disappeared into the darkness! !

3 Liu Xueyuan actually has such a powerful King-Type Ability User. Ougi is completely disguised as a Master. Even the soul can be disguised. It is indeed Ougi, Ougi is the power that can be exerted all the time.


It was hard to mention the feeling of excitement, but the ending was too ridiculous, it was really no drama, Arthur’s mouth cut a corner, put away the black and white wings behind, looking for the real goal.

However, when exposed in a corner, Arthur witnessed a process of digging up the heart. It was a woman with purple hair. The flame teeth like a purple ribbon bound her target and started a very crazy. The movement, while seducing his opponent (male), slowly dissection, making it painless …

The woman with purple hair noticed Arthur, her face not at all looked over, but the corner of her mouth was slightly raised, her blushing tongue slowly licked on the purple lips, revealing excitement …


Arthur walked quickly through this corner and found his goal in a corner, but what about this goal, it is not easy to get started …

A cowardly girl looked around in shock, but the huge hammer in her hand was easily held in her hand, and from time to time she released her fears and pitted the surrounding ground …

Performance and strength are totally unlike ordinary characters, and …

Especially meow, how big is the chest?

Can only consider the back, the key is that this guy’s hammer specifically hits the back, strikes at a frequency of nearly ten times per second, it will be terrible to get caught! ! !

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