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After finding the real target, Arthur began to attack, and soon it was a real trip to determine the time, and then to complete this Normal Level other Quest.

Arthur’s goal is a girl who uses a huge hammer. Although it seems weak, in fact, it is very dense. It is not so simple to get her heart in this state.

Although it is said that girls cannot be shot under normal circumstances, is there such a general situation in this world?

Everyone is on the shoulders of others to climb to a new height. From the very beginning this World, there is no gentleness. Surrounded by only cold air and bloody dew, as long as you continue to move forward, there will always be Killing exists.

Arthur will not crown himself as a prestigious excuse for saving the world. He is for himself, first of all to make himself happy. The so-called saving the world is only a last resort, or in a good mood while saving himself I will do it later.

The tenderness that builds the world order is not the same as pity. If he pity his opponent, who will pity him?


He always finds various excuses for himself before fighting.


This is unavoidable, because he is a gentle person, in order to allow himself to persevere, he makes a psychological hint to himself. If he does not do this, maybe he really has no way to get it?

Call… call…

Taking 2 deep breaths in a row, Arthur’s pupils turned crimson, slowly raised the silver ridge arctic sparrow in the left hand, right hand fast condense 3 arrows, moved towards the girl who shot Hammer in front of him …

“簌 …… 簌 … 簌 ……”

The sound of a broken arrow quickly arrived in front of the hammer girl, just …

“Aah ——!”

The huge iron hammer in the hands of the hammer girl easily smashed the 2 arrows, but there was still one arrow inserted in her left palm, but this not at all made her show cowardice, instead Moved towards Arthur, even with a huge hammer pulled up, moved towards Arthur strikes!


Arthur, who retreated at high speed, used a scythe foot to come behind the girl, and then shot 3 arrows, hitting her right hand elbow, left and right thigh …

Even so, the girl using the hammer can still move normally!

Sure enough?

Arthur has speculated that the soul and the body are different. As long as you have the will, you can act, and the soul will not pay attention to muscles, such as Shinigami World, you ca n’t mention on equal terms, Shinigami World. The soul also has various organ structures.

The soul of this World has been attacked at most, the spiritual damage is increased, Soul Power is weakened …

No, no!

system has been said, can not hurt other parts, that is to say, even the early soul has various organs, then-

The reason why the girl can move is-

Someone is manipulating her!

Where are the manipulators …

Use murderous aura to perceive where the other party is! !

The blood energy of Arthur’s body exploded frantically, and the Blood Qi Fury, which was gradually inspired, rushed into the sky, like hell, with Arthur as the center, the entire street turned into a dark red color, and his face was gradually covered With black and white masks, the eyes become one black and one white, and the devil’s horn extends from the forehead 2-

Bloodthirsty 2 liberation.

The reason why at first fights in such a strong state is because the opponent possesses Gao Ming’s hiding ability. If he does not have a strong murderous aura perception, he may only be consumed by Master’s Soul Power, right?

4 The overflowing scarlet killing aura filled the whole space, and soon the person who manipulated the hammer girl was found …

“Are, Ah was found again …”

The silver-haired boy came out of a corner with a naive smile on his face.

“Nothing is wrong, that ’s my goal. The so-called illusion of thinness, since it can be pretended to be other numbers, then you can cheat me for the second time. Let me think about it. For the first time, you do n’t use at all The illusion of lightness, in order to avoid my pursuit, so you use the illusion of lightness, but the frequency of use is 2 times, the first time throw away the copied number, and the second time use another number to hide your real number .

Then you manipulate this woman and let me take out her heart. The rule of the system is that it can only be taken out once. That is to say, if I really take it out, I will fail.

I have to say, your brain is so useful … “

Arthur’s palm was a little chilly, and the teenager’s mind was terrifying to the point, not using strength but winning by strategy.

“Really, was it discovered? I don’t remember something wrong with me, can you tell me?”

The silver-haired boy tilted his head, his smiling pupils flattened, and seemed a little unhappy.

“What is wrong is that your manipulation of things is too precise. If it were not for me, I might have noticed the problems with the activities of the Hammer Girl. It might be a trick. Even our Astral Projection has the same soul structure as the normal body. This thing is all there, and the other parts are normal, but the part I attacked is her joints, but still able to act, it only shows that she has become a puppet.

You are too perfect, and want to show that the hammer girl is not a weak person. If you perform better, it will make me more certain that she is my opponent. Humans generally regard powerful people as Opponent, you have mastered this skillfully.

However, it is a pity that the place where you make mistakes is because you are too perfect. As a third-class school, you really deserve my admiration. Presumably you have been playing with tricks, but you do n’t know what I experienced. Life and Death Battle. How many times do you fight? This is a comparison between the experience of strategy and the experience of combat. Your strategy is estimated to be fooling in 3% of the cases, but the people who have passed Shinigami many times are above the battle. Calm down to the extreme, even the most subtle things can be considered.

The details determine success or failure. Failure in life is at most a bit frustrating that’s all, but failure in battle is fatal.

What kind of mentality do you think I am struggling in the infinite Dimensional World? “

Arthur looked at the silver-haired boy playfully and was able to force him to use a murderous aura to perceive his opponent. He had to say that he had done a good job.

“Are you trying to say me a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity?”

The silver-haired boy put his smile away, and the fruit knife in his hand flashed quickly. There was no way …

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